彭威 Willy

Blockchain Researcher / Cryptocurrency Market Analyst / Taipei Ethereum  / Cryptocurrency Trader / Community Operations / MOD / Project Management / WEB3 Worker

 Taoyuan City, Taiwan

After discovering Bitcoin in 2016, I became deeply passionate about researching blockchain technology. In addition to self-learning cryptocurrency investment, I studied cryptography, information security, and international finance during my later years in university.

Starting in 2017, I participated in blockchain-related meetups in Taiwan, actively engaging in various blockchain community events. This involvement helped me establish a network within the industry, including traders, media, and community managers. I have also worked on numerous cross-border projects, and my accumulated investment experience has allowed me to witness the rise and fall of many projects, as well as significant market developments, giving me a holistic view of blockchain development in Taiwan.

As a knowledge seeker, the widespread availability of technology and the internet has made self-learning much more accessible. In my spare time, I taught myself Solidity to write smart contracts. Even without a background in engineering, I can understand the logic and applicability of blockchain and smart contracts.

From 2019 to 2021, I served as a project manager at the Taiwanese startup TokenBacon, where I worked on DeFi, GameFi, Telegram community management, and blockchain payment system projects.

Following the explosion of the NFT trend in 2022, I saw the limitless potential of Web3 and DAO development and became fully committed to contributing my passion and energy to the industry.






四月 2023 - 九月 2023
Taipei, Taiwan

Promoted the project using Web3 tools and online activities, including social media development, online seminars (AMA), online competitions, and more. Provided guidance on project operations planning and business development, among other tasks.

Project Manager


七月 2022 - 二月 2023
Taipei, Taiwan

Participated in establishing a Binance Smart Chain (BSC) project from ground zero, responsible for project community management, organizing online and offline events, and successfully growing the community to over ten thousand members within two months.

Project Manager


一月 2019 - 二月 2021
Taipei, Taiwan

Researching blockchain market /
Analyzing various DeFi project structures /
Designing project items /
Managing communities (Twitter, FB, Line, newsletters, Discord, Telegram) /
Organizing physical events/roadshows/press conferences /
Tokenizing artworks /

Experience :

2016 參與台灣區塊鏈社群活動與加密貨幣交易
2017 參與 Iota tangle network 2018 Aisa Blockchain Summit 亞洲區塊鏈高峰會VIP接待
2018 協創幣灣科技
2019 參與Binance LABS Meet up
2019 協創區塊鏈社群ALYSIDA 2019 舉辦 ALSIDA 『這一夜,我們談DeFi產品面面觀』活動
2019 第二屆《Hit AI & Blockchain》人工智慧暨區塊鏈產業高峰會
2019 參與IOTA 愛好者中文社群/可信物聯網裝置實作計畫
2019 參賽國際天使與創業投資峰會 焦點新創TokeBacon團隊
2019 UC Berkeley Blockchain X-Lab score 16/20 2019 Radical Market Meetup 基進改變台北社群成員
2019 Taipei Ethereum Crosslink 區塊鏈技術研討會/ Marketing
2019 台北區塊鏈生活節/TokenBacon 支付系統規劃
2019 FTX Battle Royale 交易競賽 8名 2020 管理專案『藝術品區塊鏈交易/張大千畫作憑證化』
2020 管理Defi專案『Artem』TVL 100萬美金
2020 出席 STO區塊鏈應用法律高峰論壇
2020 台北市政府口罩販賣機專案/口罩憑證化NFT系統
2021 FTX 交易淨值 400萬美金
2022 經營Discord MOD團隊
2022 NFT Board 經營 『魏德聖NaviVerse』NFT項目 MOD
2022 漫威教父 StanLee IP 『JEWEL NFT』 DC MOD

 Competitive Advantages:

1️⃣ Expertise in trading and finance with a profound understanding of the macro Crypto market. Deep involvement in research and trading across various segments.

2️⃣ Proactively exploring and participating in innovative DeFi protocols, NFTs, primary market Degen Play, arbitrage, and trading opportunities.

3️⃣ Blockchain project management and operation, participated in initiating projects from scratch and incubated multiple projects. Familiar with the project development process and able to plan and design overall operation strategies.

4️⃣ International execution team with considerable project/KOL resources. The team I lead spans China, Taiwan, the Philippines, and the USA, bringing together top online promotion talents and project partners.

5️⃣ Leadership in the blockchain community, having organized and hosted numerous notable events such as the DeFi product discussion for ALYSIDA. Experience in organizing non-profit offline events and managing communities with a strong learning ability and proactive work attitude.

6️⃣ Practical project management: Successfully led and implemented several blockchain projects, such as art blockchain trading, tokenization of Zhang Daqian's paintings, and the Defi project Artem with a TVL of up to a million USD.


Crosslink 2019

2019 Taipei Ethereum Crosslink 區塊鏈技術研討會/ Marketing





2018 Aisa Blockchain Summit 亞洲區塊鏈高峰會VIP接待
