




[email protected]  



研華科技, Quality control, Dec. 2009 ~ May 2013









仁寶電腦智慧型裝置事業群, Field quality control, Dec. 2013 ~ Sep. 2015






  Microsoft Power BI (為了資料整合與數據模式產出而使用) 
  統計概念 (為了描繪出資料可能的狀態) 
  語言:英文(中等,約TOEIC 650~700)


台北市立內湖高工, 電子科, 1999 ~ 2002


高雄第一科技大學, 工學學士, 電腦與通訊工程系, 2003 ~ 2008



【 近期經歷 】 在仁寶電腦智慧型裝置事業群服務期間,我負責的是市場退貨資料的合理性拆解。為了從資料中找出品質的癥結,我們需依據合約內容審視我方與客戶都該注意的明確問題以提供資訊給相關部門參考;亦在合理的邏輯與維持雙方利益的基礎上篩選出潛在的問題,以期在產品品質與雙方關係上達成平衡。 除此之外,部分的統計概念或是可能的合約變化亦應用於資料描述,以在資料輪廓的描繪上作為附加參考。 在請IT部門建立資料集的過程中,因為自己需要有彈性的操作,所以我另外建立了自己的資料集。藉由此資料集,我可以拆解市場不良資料並描繪現狀以建立與客戶的交涉基礎,以期能為當前市場品質提供合理的參考。 
I. 資料合理性拆解:資料驗證、不合理資料項排除、品質指標監控等。
II. 初步分析:依據各種考量來評估當前品質指標及相關數據(金額、不良率等),以建立與客戶溝通的基礎。
III. 品質指標預估。
IV. 合約要項比較。(支援角色) 

【 早期經歷 】 在產業電腦工廠的日常成品抽樣以外,協調相關部門的資訊以建立執行層面的ISO文件以及公司的改善活動,讓自己能在有限的資源下以不同角度挖掘可能的改進契機。 


【 Latest experience 】 While being a Field Quality Engineer in Smart Device Business Group of Compal, I was in charge of deciphering field failure data from the definition of contract and generally understanding. Due to the content insufficiency of the original BI system, we had the discussion with IT department in order to strengthen the system. In the meanwhile, I managed to introduce BI tool in order to construct failure data sets for internal usage. By utilizing these data sets, I could depict current situation and remove unreasonable items more flexibly. Then a reasonable reference could be provided. For a further step of data decipherment, proper methods were applied in order to describe the data more systematically. E.g. statistics concepts, possible contracts’ variations Though the field data still has its limits for the purpose of product quality strengthening, the picture of field failures and the strategies we can take have much more clearly than they used to be.

【 Earlier experience 】 In order to establish ISO documentation work instructions for both departments of quality control and production line, I managed to coordinate related personnel in order to make the process smoother. After I was familiar with production affairs of IPC factory, I attended cross-functional improvement activities. With coordination from different departments, the force from individual intelligence strengths could achieve a common goal relatively thoughtful. These experiences helped me to identify issues in a chaos situation more easily.

【 Career summary 】 Serving in quality fields familiarized me with interdepartmental coordination. The experiences also broadened my horizon; clarified my logical thinking; conducted routine tasks systematically and efficiently. With precious experiences acquired from process improvement and failure data decipherment, plus comprehension ability of related knowledge, an appropriate position could be an opportunity to expand my previous experiences.