Yafet Hamouda JavaScript/Typescript FullStack Developer | Web & Cross-platform mobile development

I'm a progress driven person who likes learning new things, especially the technologies that make your company special. Confident in my ability to learn something new and thrive in fast-paced and competitive environments. I enjoy spending my free time increasing my knowledge in Web Development technologies and getting involved in new and challenging projects. I've built multiple platforms that are now in production or soon will be using React-native for cross-platform mobile applications and ReactJs for web in addition to backend development using NodeJs with both relational and no-relational databases. My knowledge and skills are not limited to development but also with operations (ops in devops) as I have deployed web applications to production using containerization technologies such as docker along with CI/CD tools as in Jenkins.

Software engineer | Tunisia, TN |  +216 94 300 287 | yafet.hamouda1@gmail.com

Professional Projects Most of the projects mentioned below are in production and can be demoed if asked.


Typescript| GraphQL | Reactive variables | Apollo react client | React-native|React Navigation V6 | App Center | blockchain | SignalR

Market-leading fine wine investment, trading and collection management. Heavily using GraphQL architecture, SignalR for real time communication and reactive variables as a global state management solution, multi environment with CI-CD pipelines managed by Appcenter for cloud builds, distribution,

analytics and crashlytics.

CXG App (customer experience group) 

Typescript| GraphQL | Apollo react client | React-native|React Navigation V5

An application built upon the concept of mystery shopping in order to give luxury brands insights about how well their advisors doing, their customers satisfaction and also providing training & coaching to those advisors.

FUZE mobile application (in production)

Javascript|React-native|Redux| Redux-Thunk | socket.io| React Navigation V5 | google maps APIs | Firebase FCM

A cross-platfrom and fully responsive (IOS and Android) application developed from scratch in React-native for a private bus booking company.

The application is available on both AppStore and PlayStore and being used.

FUZE Backend

NodeJs|expressJs|Postgresql|sequelize|socket.io | Firebase | Redis | docker 

Fuze application backend with socket.io integration for real-time communication with the client and Redis for caching data and fast retrieval


React-native|context API |React Navigation V5

An audit cross-platform system built for tablets in order to track, inspect, manage and streamline the repair history of machines. This particular project was done as a freelance for Marabout technologies company and is now in production.

ShipaFleet (front & back)

ReactJs | Redux | Socket.io | nodeJs | expressJs | mongoDB | mongoose | Graphhooper

Helped managing and the development of the shipafleet front platform and the server side. It is a delivery system built on top of Graphhooper API and is now in production in Dubai.



A free mobile APP to raise awareness about sexual and reproductive health among youth and adolescents.

Fuze admin panel

React|Redux|Redux thunk| javascript| google maps APIs | docker

The admin panel for FUZE application in which the administration can manage the application data (defining routes, trips, users, etc...)


DIGIT-U | February 2020 - NOW

FREELANCER | 2018 - 2020


ESIP GAFSA | Computer science engineering | 2016 - 2019

ISET RADES | Applied degree in automation and industrial computing | 2013 - 2016

Houcine Bouzayene Gafsa High school | Bachelor of Technical Sciences | 2009 - 2013


Hands-on experience in :

 JavaScript / Typescript / React Native / ReactJs / GraphQL / Apollo GQL-client / Redux / Firebase / Node.js / Express.js / MongoDB / Mongoose / SQL / PostgreSQL / Socket.io / SignalR /Docker/ APPCenter / HTML/CSS/ SASS/ Bootstrap/

 Knowledgeable in :

UI/UX / Wordrpess / SEO / Jquery / C / C++/  C# /  JAVA / UML Diagrams / XML / Jest / Enzyme

Tools :

NPM/ VSCode/ webpack/ BABEL/ GIT/ GITHUB/ Axios/ Heroku/ Postman/ Photoshop


  • Arabic: Native proficiency
  • English: Advanced
  • French: Intermediate