Yale Popowich

Portland-Based Cosmetic Surgeon

Drawing on close to two decades of experience in the medical field, Dr. Yale Popowich is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon who served as partner at the Portland Plastic Surgery Group, an Oregon company he co-founded in 2014. Dr. Yale Popowich has received honors such as the John Henry Smith III Award for outstanding performance as a general surgeon, among others.

The work of Dr. Popowich has been featured in a variety of professional journals during his career, including Operative Techniques in General Surgery, where he published “Intussusception” (an intestinal disorder) alongside Dr. Baird Mallory. He has also given several presentations, including “PMN Exposure to a Quantified Bacterial Load Leads to a Rapid, Non-Apoptotic Cell Death,” at the Surgical Forum of the American College of Surgeons in 2001.

Alongside his M.D., which he obtained in 1998, Dr. Yale Popowich holds a B.A in political science and a healthcare M.B.A., which he acquired in 1986 and 2012, respectively.

Portland, OR, US

Work Experience

Aug 2006 - Present

Portland Plastic Surgery Group

Jan 1989 - Jun 1991

Senior VP, Marketing and Distribution
Avenue Entertainment


Jan 2011 - Jan 2012

University of Tennessee
Business Administration

Jul 1994 - Jun 1998

Medical College of Pennsylvania

Aug 1982 - Jun 1986

Columbia University
Political Science