Yao-Ching, Lancelot, Tsou

Marketing/Business Development Manager (BD/Marketing/Brand) 

To GM/HR who wishes to increase 4th quarter sales and achieve goals of 2020, 

Both of us have the same goal - “to increase sales”. In order to do so, our team must continuously engage with short/mid/long-term markets. By inviting Yao-Ching to join the team, we can increase sales and the company can earn more by means which clients understand.

I'm an expert in marketing for increasing sales, better promoting the products, and impress the clients with good company reputation and brand. 

As a marketing manager and a B2B business development sales, I fully understand clients’ needs. I’m good at leading marketing/sales team, penetrate clients’ purchasing process, gain continuous sales by providing PPT proposal for clients’ internal use. Depending on TA, I would use different marketing strategies (Google keywords, Facebook, eDM, cold calls) to generate more sales enquiries and increase sales funnel. 


”10 times expanded sales funnel” I’m good at leading the team to continuously study and approach TA by means which clients understand (sales kit, eDM, Google keywords), and eventually cause enquiries that increase sales. In 2017-2019, I successfully led the marketing/sales team of DOMI Energy achieved$ 53 million revenue in 2 years, and penetrate into governmental subsidy business by carefully studying government’s energy-related policies.

”Marketing manager & BD sales” I’ve been a sophisticated key account sales for big corporates and specializing in collaboration with clients who have multiple needs. In 2018-2019, I received$ 8 million dollars worth of sales contract from United Daily News(UDN) headquarter for installing energy monitoring system and assisted the client received$ 4 million dollars subsidy from the government. This is a proof of my marketing strategy increased sales, and the sales strengthened the persuasion.

”Development of TA - Online to Offline” Based on my 10 year-experience in offline integrated marketing and 8 year-experience in online marketing, I’m sensitive about market timing for proceeding marketing plans. Since 2017, my energy-saving CSR project has successfully helped a blind massage center(按一個讚視障按摩中心) to receive 900 phone calls and 1,200 actual customers by marketing via Google My Business, Facebook, and Line@. 

Normally when a company cannot achieve higher sales is because its marketing/sales/business development don’t work well together. However, more sales can be achieved via digital marketing (be “found” by Google) and touching services by sales. By inviting Yao-Ching to the team, let’s brainstorm more ways to increase the sales together. 

”Cultivating clients with extend sales CRM” My most valuable marketing strategy is having current consumers to buy more, introduce to others, and repurchase. Since 2007, I have worked as a chief director for projects of Volkswagen China at SMS group in Beijing, Shanghai and Taipei. The client has repurchased the services since then, and I have contributed¥ 50 million RMB during my time in the company. 

“B2B Business Cooperation” My professional advantage is I have performed in various industries, such as electronic goods, 5-star hotel, dry box tech, aesthetic medicine, integrated marketing for luxury goods, art-related industry and so on, therefore I have full knowledge of all kinds of TA and connect them for business cooperation. When I worked for Li-Bao Group, I traded 100 sets of mooncake with Taipei Metro for 7 days of advertisement in 1000 platform TV screens at total of 109 stations, helped exceeding the sales goal. 

For GM/HR who wishes to increase sales of 4th quarter and achieve sales target of 2020, please contact Yao-Ching for appointment to discuss all potential possibilities. I will offer 3 breakthrough suggestions for increasing company’s sales. If both of us share a common ground and targets, we can combine our market strategies and work together for better profits of the company and maintain VIP clients for repurchases.

Marketing/Business Development Manager (BD/Marketing/Brand)
Taipei City, Daan District 0928-726-385


DOMI EARTH, Marketing Manager x BD sales, Dec 2016 ~ Apr 2019

Policies research of Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs → Bid Solicitation of municipality governments  → Sales of Taiwan energy-saving equipment


. Successfully market breakthrough Taiwan B2B2G energy-saving subsidy area, led the marketing/sales team achieved 53 million revenue in 2 years, developed more clients , 2018 300% sales as year-on-year rise.

Major clients:Taishin Bank,  Infineon Technologies, United Daily News(UDN) 

headquarter, MasterLink Securities Corp-Shin Kong Group, etc 

. Developed B2G market of government bid solicitation, achieved 34 million revenue in 2 years, 200% sales as year-on-year rise.

Major clients:Economic Development Bureau-New Taipei City Government, 

Department of Environmental Protection-Taipei City Government,

Environmental Protection Bureau of Hsinchu City,...etc

. Produced Sales kit: sales proposal brochure, sales newsletter, official website with Google keywords. As marketing to different target audience, achieved sales goals.

. The only 1 full-aspect sales manager in energy-saving market, extensively developed clients' needs, including: LED lights, air-conditioning, and large energy management system, etc. Trained 

. Actively participated eco policies(B2NGO), I am energy-saving instructor in The Society of Wilderness volunteering for 2 years, and being energy-saving volunteer in Homemakers United Foundation. Offered my professionals to make the change happen.


TAIWAN DRY TECH Corp., Marketing Manager B2B2C, Oct 2015 ~ Jun 2016

Large e-commerce PM relationship management→Google keywords marketing-sales→Retail dealer marketing management


 . Energized dealers and commerce platforms, achieved$ 24 million annual goal, and stabled the market growth.

Major clients:PChome 24h Online、momo.com Inc、Yahoo Shpping Online...ect

. Teamed up with sales department, maintained dealer's annual goal for$ 6 million, by produced sales lit, sales letters, and planned promotions. 

Major clients: Big Camera, Agency of Canon camera, camera-street shops,....etc

. Optimized Google keywords of official online-shop, Facebook sales-marketing. Reached$ 1 million sales revenue monthly, maintained old customers re-purchasing and recommendation.

. Weekly reviewed performance, meeting with CEO, Sales department, and Marketing department.


SCULPTURE MARKETING SERVICES Group(SMS), Senior Integrated Marketing Project Director, Feb 2014 ~ May 2015 (Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei)

The biggest car company in the world→Voice of China→Asia top Beijing International Automotive Exhibition show director


. Sophisticated exhibition director took charge of the biggest car company in the world. Brought RMB¥ 50 million sales revenue for SMS group.

Major clients:Volkswagen Group China, Chery Automobile, Porsche Taiwan,...etc

. Successfully collaborated with Voice of China, produced brand night campaign of Volkswagen Group China. Delivered the brand advantages to 6oo Volkswagen top managers, 400 press from media, and 2,000 target audience people. (Guangzhou, China, 2014)

. Produced “Volkswagen Taiwan Launch Brand Night”, with a remarkably huge scale and budget, which successfully amazed the industry. (Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, Taipei, 2015)

. Entirely managed RMB ¥30,000,000 budget execution, conducted 6+ departments & 20+ people in production duration, won positive affirmation by the clients and top managers. (2015-2014)


LIH PAO CONSTRUCTION Group - Marina Bay Plaza/Fullon Hotel Taipei, PR Manager & Administration, Oct 2012 ~ Dec 2013


. Acquainted with high-end consumers, increased top purchase clients, gained $500,000 sales revenue in Taipei International Travel Fair period.

Major clients:Buddhist Tzu Chi sisters and brothers, Moms in Daan District,...etc

‧ Managed public relations for Chef A-Ki(阿基師), the most famous chef in the Chinese world.

. Successfully exchanged a hundred of hotel moon-cake-gift sets to 1,000 Taipei Metro platform TV commercial 7-days exposure in 109 MRT stations, earned extra revenue for group.(Moon Festival,2013) 

. $0 cost media interview coverage due to friendly media relations, with Formosa TV, ETTV, Liberty Times, udn……

Verico International Co. Ltd., MarCom Manager B2B, Dec 2010 ~ Jan 2012


. Collaborated with high-credit charity, Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, donated customer-made USB flash drives to graduation children with remarkable grades.

. $0 cost media interview coverage due to friendly media relations, with Commercial Times.

. Re-planned and built VERICO and GRIP 2 company official websites, launching new brand image, increased B2B and B2C clients’ confidence of the brand.

. Participated the design process of iPhone accessories for strengthening marketing plans.

SCULPTURE MARKETING SERVICES Group(SMS), Senior Integrated Marketing Project Director, Aug 2001 ~ Dec 2008 (Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei)


. Senior director of International Conference, International Exhibition, and Fashion Show.Brought$ 50 million sales revenue for SMS group.

Major clients in Technology:Intel、HTC、Sony、Lenovo

in Fashion:Cartier、Shiseido、RMK、Fendi、Christian Dior

  in Media:Business Weekly

. As the project director of Cartier jewelry show, collaborated with Australian show director, sales revenue was over NTD $200,000,000 for 1 night. (Breeze Center, Taipei, 2006)

. Long time partnership with Sony and Lenovo in the IT exhibition, assisted the sales departments achieving 120% goal; expanded the brands’ reputation.

. Core member of Intel IDF (Intel Developer Forum) Taiwan Team, coordinated technology of details between US headquarter and Taiwan branch, 2 conferences every year.

. Produced Business Weekly Big Forum – “Jack Welch vs. Morris Chang”, first live satellite conference for 3,000 members in Taiwan; won the praise in the industry. (TICC, Taipei,2007)

. Senior coordinator of Fashion Show, delivered the glamour aspects of international luxury brands; my clients were: RMK, Fendi, Christian Dior, Georg Jensen,…etc.


Rick Yu DOMI EARTH - Co-Founder/Sales Head 02-2700-9558#101

Johnny Huang SCULPTURE MARKETING SERVICES Group - Senior Partner/Regional Director 0933-027-136


Google keyword

"Adwords Search Certification "

Google website traffic analyze

"Analytics Certification" 

Energy-Saving Instructor

The Society of Wilderness-NGO

Commercial Photographer

Luxury Merchandise

Audio Recording Engineer

Fashion Show Director/Producer


Diploma in Entertainment Business Management

Vancouver Film School, Vancouver B.C.  2009 ~ 2010

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Tamkang University, Taiwan  1995 ~ 2004

鄒耀慶 Lancelot, Tsou

市場行銷/商業開發主管 (BD/Marketing/Brand)

第4季想衝業績/訂2020年目標的老闆與人事主管  你們好:

你我共同的目標就是業績成長!想要業績成長,我們的團隊要能持續攻略短、中、長期的市場銷售。聘請耀慶 加入團隊,用客戶能懂的行銷,擴大業績,一起讓公司更賺錢!



【10倍擴大 銷售漏斗】 擅長帶領團隊,持續研究目標客群,以客戶能懂的 業務手冊、電子報、含Google關鍵字的官網,引起有效洽詢,增加準訂單。2017-2019年,成功帶領 綠然能源團隊,達成2年共$ 5,300萬營業額;細心研究台灣政府前瞻計畫,切入直轄市節電補助業務。

【行銷主管 也是商業開發BD業務】 長期熟練承接大型業務,專門締結多面向採購的客戶。2018-2019年,成功獲得 聯合報總部大樓4,000坪案場,新建置能源管理系統與節能專案,總業績$ 800萬元,可獲得政府$ 400萬元補助款。運用行銷的專業,擴大業務的成績!運用業務的戰績,加深行銷的說服力道!

【TA開發 實體x網路】 歷鍊10年實體展會的整合行銷,佐以8年的網路行銷,針對市場時機點進行O2O(Online to Offline)行銷。自2017年起,啟動節電慈善CSR“開源節流店面行銷“,讓 按一個讚視障按摩中心,每季Google My BusinessFacebook、Line@獲得900通電話洽詢、以及1,200位客戶親自來店洽詢。

我們公司業績無法突破,常常因為 市場行銷、業務、商業開發 無法三位一體,其實,「被Google找到」的數位行銷,搭配業務「讓客戶感動」的實體服務,就能創造出更多商機與營收...。聘請 耀慶加入團隊,跟大家一起研究出更多招,達成2019年的短期目標、讓2020年更賺錢、連續3年增加營收

【深耕客戶CRM延伸銷售】 我C/P值最高的實體品牌行銷,是來自於客戶加碼採購、轉介紹訂單、再回購等。從2007年起,在SMS鐫實整合行銷集團,擔任全球最大汽車集團Volkswagen Group China(福斯中國)會展專案總監,客戶一直回購至2015年,持續由我負責 北京、上海、台北大型實體展會專案,期間為SMS集團帶來人民幣$ 5,000萬元業績

【B2B異業結盟】 我職涯的優勢為:科技3C、五星級飯店、防潮科技、醫美、精品整合行銷、人文等多領域主管,因此熟稔各消費族群特性,發展異業合作。2013年任職麗寶集團,中秋節檔期用低成本100盒月餅禮組,總共大量換得 台北捷運公司共109站,1,000部月台電視,7天廣告聯播,為集團帶來超過目標的業務營收。


市場行銷/商業開發主管 (BD/Marketing/Brand)
Taipei 台北市大安區 0928-726-385


DOMI綠然能源, 市場行銷主管xBD業務, Dec 2016 ~ Apr 2019


- 成功將公司切入全省節電補助市場(B2B2G),帶領行銷/業務團隊達成兩年$ 5,300萬營業額,開拓公司營業規模與客戶市場,2018年業績為同期的300%


-  拓展政府標案(B2G)市場,達成兩年$ 3,400萬營業額,業績為同期的200%


- 製作業務手冊Sales Kit、業務DM、政府提案手冊、email電子報、含Google關鍵字的企業官網,行銷各種不同客戶目標,而達成以上業績目標

- 全台灣唯一1位,節能補助市場 全業務經理人,延伸開發客戶需求包含:節能燈具、分離式冷氣、大型能源管理系統...等。長期培訓 行銷人員、B2B業務、B2G業務

- 積極參與環保政策(B2NGO),已擔任荒野保護協會 節能講師2年、以及主婦聯盟基金會 節電小組,在節電低碳政府議題有實際參與成果


收藏家(台灣防潮科技), 市場行銷經理 B2B2C, Oct 2015 ~ Jun 2016




- 活化經銷商與電商平台,達成年營業額$ 2,400萬業績,穩定市場盤勢

主要客戶:PChome 24h購物、momo購物網、Yahoo奇摩購物中心等...大型網路經銷商 

- 偕同業務部門,維持經銷商年業績$ 600萬:製作業務Sales Kit、業務開發函、企劃執行專案活動...


- 優化公司官網商城Google關鍵字經營、Facebook導購,每月營業額月均$ 100萬業績,維持老客戶回購與推薦購買

- 深究傳統x數位行銷,達成通路經銷商年營業額$ 700萬業績,每周均與董事長、總經理、行銷部門 分別會議,檢討績效進步


SMS鐫實整合行銷集團, 整合行銷 資深專案總監, Feb 2014 ~ May 2015 (台北/上海/北京)


負責全球最大汽車集團客戶 會展專案總監,為SMS集團帶來人民幣RMB$ 5,000萬元業績 

主要客戶:Volkswagen Group China(大眾/福斯中國)、Chery奇瑞汽車、Porsche保時捷

-  成功與 中國好聲音(Voice of China)合作,企製全球最大的汽車公司Volkswagen Group China品牌之夜,傳達品牌優勢給600名福斯高階主管、400名媒體、2,000名目標群眾。領導業界標竿 (廣州體育館,2014)

- 成功企製Volkswagen Taiwan原廠品牌上市發表會,規模及預算是10年來台灣僅見,讓業界讚嘆 (中正紀念堂廣場, 2015)

- 總管理人民幣RMB ¥3千萬元預算執行,指揮協調6個部門及30位人員,獲得客戶 高端層峰的肯定 (2015-2014)


麗寶建設集團 麗寶漁人碼頭廣場/福容大飯店, 公關PR/營運主管, Oct 2012 ~ Dec 2013


- 熟識高端客層,增加頂級購買力,行銷脈絡廣至高端社區,旅展期間3天內$ 50萬元業績


- 媒體關係友好,與民視、東森、自由時報、udn 互動,常獲得$ 0費用專訪報導

- 以百盒五星級月餅禮組,換得台北捷運共 109 站 ,內 1,000 部月台電視,7 天月餅廣告聯播,帶來額外營收 (2013 中秋檔期)

- 結合商場(麗寶漁人碼頭廣場)與五星級飯店(福容漁人碼頭),於飯店餐飲消費,能獲得商場贈品,帶動營業額增長 20%

- 定期與麗寶集團層峰會議,分析營運檢討與行銷發展


華譽國際電子, 行銷 MarCom 主管 B2B, Dec 2010 ~ Jan 2012


- 與知名慈善機構-家扶基金會合作,提供雕有名字的隨身碟,給畢業成績優秀的家扶兒童,輔以媒體報導,增進品牌名聲

- 與工商時報良好關係,獲得 0 費用報導露出、廣告折扣

- 建置 VERICO 與 GRIP,共 2 個品牌官方網站,打造品牌新形象,提高 B2B 和 B2C 客戶對品牌的認同

- 參與 iPhone 周邊產品的設計和市場評估,獲得對業績預判的行銷驗證經驗

SMS 鐫實 整合行銷集團, 整合行銷 資深專案總監, Aug 2001 ~ Dec 2008 (台北/上海/北京)


- 擔任國際品牌 大型發表會、世貿展會、Fashion Show 資深專案總監統籌,期間為SMS集團帶來台幣$ 5,000萬元業績


時尚:Cartier、Shiseido、RMK、Fendi、Christian Dior


- 擔任Cartier珠寶秀的總監,成功為客戶營造當晚銷售業績$ 2億元 (微風廣場, 2006)

- 為Sony、Lenovo資訊展業務合作夥伴,長期協助客戶達成展會120%業績目標,同時拓展品牌知名度

- Intel Taiwan Team的核心成員,負責每年2次的IDF(Intel Developer Forum),統籌美國與台灣的發表技術溝通

- 企製 商業週刊大能力論壇 傑克.威爾許(Jack Welch)v.s張忠謀,為台灣首見即時衛星視訊3,000席演講會,獲得業界讚揚 (國際會議中心,2007)

- 資深Fashion Show統籌,呈現RMK、Fendi、Christian Dior、Georg Jensen….等國際品牌的精緻華麗


DOMI 綠然能源 余志賢 創辦人/業務主管 02-2700-9558#101

 SMS 鐫實行銷集團 黃忠琳 合夥人/區域總監 0933-027-136


Google 關鍵字

Adwords 認證

Google 網站分析

Analytics 認證





Fashion Show總監


Vancouver Film School, 學士學位, Entertainment Business Management, 2009 ~ 2010

淡江大學, 工學學士(BEng), 電機工程, 1995 ~ 2004