陳怡婷 Yi-Ting CHEN  


國立台北大學 企業管理研究所, 2011/9-2014/6

法國雷恩高等商學院 PGTC學程, 2013/9-2014/6

東吳大學 經濟學系, 2007/9-2011/6

生日:1989.2.24  E-mail: claire0224ting@gmail.com  Mobile:0975-127-267


全家便利商店 整合行銷暨企劃部 品牌行銷, 2018/6 - Present
Let’s Café品牌策略制定與行銷管理

  • 【整合行銷傳播】從市調分析與產品定位,到傳播策略制定與執行,執行後產品銷售追蹤與行銷投資效益檢視。
    1. 產品升級溝通-新拿鐵(2018/12):翻轉產品負面口味認知,聚焦產品升級,咖啡銷售杯數成長31%(YOY),產品滿意度由74.3%提升至85%,品牌喜好度由55%提升至68.7%,廣告影片獲選為YouTube 2018年第4季最成功廣告影片排行榜第3名(連結:https://lihi1.com/8PR6O) 
    2. 新品上市推廣-時光茶旅(2019/5):仙女紅茶/醇奶茶上市3個月銷售破百萬杯,被評為2019年上半年度前15大話題商品第2名(連結:https://lihi1.com/7dkNP)
    3. 異業聯名合作-金馬56(2019/11):首度拿下與7-11 City Café合作多年的金馬獎,成為第56屆金馬獎暨2019金馬影展唯一指定咖啡品牌,同期咖啡銷售杯數成長16%(YOY)。
  • 【品牌識別重塑工程】調整品牌市場定位,制定新品牌理念識別MI與新行為識別BI,發展新視覺識別VI;制定CI手冊,梳理品牌溝通系統與店舖形象重整工程推動。
  • 【全家APP隨買跨店取咖啡銷售推進與會員行銷】 包含機制設計與行銷活動規畫,分析會員消費行為並根據購買品項/頻率/金額等構面貼標進行精準行銷,如派樣、客製化折價卷、媒體平台會員名單整合與廣告投放優化等。

  1. 贈品促購活動-買100杯贈40杯加贈保溫瓶(2019/12):活動上線當週,100杯交易筆數成長近5倍,咖啡銷售破40萬杯;買30杯贈琺瑯杯(2019/1):活動上線當週,30杯交易筆數成長近10倍,咖啡銷售破20萬杯。
  2. 遊戲化行銷-冰拿鐵FB抽獎遊戲(2019/9):透過客製化獎品吸引19萬人次參與並喚醒約3.3萬名沉睡會員。
  3. 新客招募及社群擴散規劃-Cheer up鼓勵杯(2018/8):首次使用隨買跨店取功能贈中冰美1杯,使用轉贈功能再送中冰美1杯,共吸引4.8萬人參與活動,轉贈功能使用率成長20%。

全家便利商店 整合行銷暨企劃部 會員經營, 2016/6- 2018/5(2年)

  • 【點數轉型與會員新制推動】由實體貼紙轉為APP集點,從點數重新定位開始,建構新商業模式與控管財務風險,包含會員招募、調整集點機制、點數兌換商品組合精進與協同廠商資源重整。
    1. 集點門檻調降(2016/12):由69元1點調降為1元1點,新會員招募數成長1.5倍,累點交易筆數成長近1倍。
    2. 點數效期延長(2018/2):由6-8週延長為1年,規劃短期促購贈品/中長期會員紅利回饋機制,帶動來客數與客單價雙成長,擴大店內民生用品兌換近4成。 
  • 【贈品開發與生產專案管理】一條龍集點活動規畫與執行:前端贈品開發概念與肖像授權合作洽談,中端產品量產與風險控管(製程/成本/品質/庫存),上市後點數機制設計與廣宣活動執行。
    1. 迪士尼萌時尚(2017/5):加價購贈品總銷額超過3,000萬,新增36萬名全家會員,來客數/客單價雙成長。
    2. 嚕嚕咪漫遊森活趣(2018/2):加價購贈品總銷額約2,700萬且0庫存;設計多重兌點機制,其中高點數低加價購金額兌換占比高達40%。

全家便利商店 整合行銷暨企劃部 數據分析, 2014/6 - 2016/5 (2年)

  • 【運營績效檢視】業績目標達成、商品庫存預警、品項效益與商品毛利結構檢視、數據資料庫與分析模組建置、會員標籤建置與管理。
  • 【零售動態追蹤】市場趨勢與消費者行為研究。

技能:SQL, Python, Google Analysis, Google Adwords, Google Tag Manager, SPSS, 尼爾森資料庫, E-ICP資料庫, APT
證照:英語TOEIC 805、法語DELF B1、A.P.S.採購檢定認證、使用者經驗設計課程結業(資策會)

Yi-Ting Chen

◎Brand Marketing ◎Membership Management ◎Data Analysis ◎Project Management 

Master of Business Administration, National Taipei University, Sep. 2011- June 2014

Postgraduate exchange program, ESC Rennes School of Business, FR, Sep. 2013- June 2014

Bachelor of Economics, Soochow University, Sep. 2007- June 2011 

Birthday: Feb. 24th 1989, E-mail: claire0224ting@gmail.com, Mobile: +886-975-127-267

Work Experience

Brand Manager, Taiwan FamilyMart Co., Ltd., June 2018-Present

  • Let's Café Brand Strategy Development and Marketing Management

  1. Integrated marketing communication strategy development and campaign execution.
  2. Data analysis: consumer behavior research, brand market survey, product sales review and marketing investment evaluation.
  3. Let’s Café re-brand project: according to new brand position, CI update of all branded assets and new brand guideline development.
  4. Pro-order e-commerce sales promotion: mechanism design and marketing campaign execution.
  5. CRM strategy development: customer tagging analysis, precision marketing program development and execution; social media user behavior analysis and digital media journey mapping.
  6. Achievement:

  • Product upgrade launch- new latte(12/2018): the amount of coffee sales grew 31%(YOY), product satisfaction enhanced from 74.3% to 85% and brand preference increased from 55% to 68.7%. The commercial film was selected as 3rd most successful advertisement on YouTube in 4th quarter of 2018. 
  • New product launch- Formosa Black Tea(05/19): black tea and milk tea has been sold over 1 million cups for 3 months, besides they were selected as second place in the top of 15 hot products in the first half year of 2019. 
  • Cross-over marketing campaign- 56th Golden Horse Awards(11/2019): Let’s Café replaced 7-11 City Café as the only one coffee brand sponsor and the amount of coffee sales grew 16%(YOY). 
  • Membership promotion event(FamilyMart APP)-buy 100 cups of coffee got 40 cups of coffee and one thermos bottle for free(12/2019): the amount of transaction grew 5 times for one week(equal to 400 thousand cups of coffee sales); buy 30 cups of coffee got one enamel cup for free(01/2019): the amount of transaction grew 10 times for one week(equal to 200 thousand cups sales). 
  • Facebook gamification- Iced Latte(09/2019): The lucky draw event attracted over 190 thousand visitors and activated 10 thousand asleep members who didn't buy over half year and aroused 23 thousands members who didn't buy around 3 months. 
  • New member recruitment(FamilyMart APP)(08/2018): new user could get one cup of coffee and transferred to others that could get another cup. This event attracted 48 thousand users and the transferred rate increased 20%.

Marketing Executive, Taiwan FamilyMart Co., Ltd., June 2016-May 2018(2 years)

  • Customer Loyalty Program Development and Management 
  1. Data analysis: consumer behavior research, market trend survey, new product concept test and development, reward points mechanism design and evaluation, promotion campaign performance review
  2. CRM(Taiwan FamilyMart APP) build-up: reward points model rebuild (from paper sticker to digital point), loyalty program mechanism design(reward points collection and redemption), membership recruitment and retention, precision marketing by different member group.
  3. Redemption product matrix development and production project management, marketing campaign development and execution.
  4. Achievement: 

  • Reward points mechanism modification- 1 reward point for every dollar spend instead of NTD69(12/2016): The amount of new member grew 1.5 times(YOY) and the participate rate of transaction increased 1 times (YOY). 
  • Validity period of reward points extension- the validity period of reward points was extended from 8 weeks to 1 year(02/2018): transactions increased and the livelihood supplies items of redemption product matrix expanded at the rate 40%.
  • Redemption marketing campaign- Disney(May 2017): Sales of redemption products exceeded 30 million during 6 weeks. Redemption rate exceeded 40%. New members increased over 36 thousand. Moomin(Feb 2018): Sales of redemption products exceeded 27 million during 6 weeks without any inventory. Due to reward points discrimination mechanism design (get one free figure for every NT$299 spend), transaction over NT$299 grew 10%(YoY). 

Data Analyst, Taiwan FamilyMart Co., Ltd., June 2014-May 2016(2 years)

  • Retail data analysis and application
  1. Operation performance review: sales targets, product inventory and product gross profit.
  2. Data analysis: consumer behavior research, market trend survey, competition analysis.

Analytical tools: SQL, Python, Google Analysis, Google Adwords, Google Tag Manager, SPSS, Nielsen Database, E-ICP Database, APT, Opview Semantic Analysis

Certificate: English-TOEIC 805, French-DELF B1, Accredited Purchasing Specialist, A.P.S., User Experience Design Training(Certification of Completion, Institute for Information Industry)










         工作第5年輪調至品牌行銷單位,任職期間2大具代表性的專案為Let's Café品牌識別重整與隨買跨店取銷售模式推進,在發展CI的過程中經歷完整傳統品牌行銷訓練,在隨買跨店取導購推廣活動中則是數位行銷的實戰。對我來說品牌行銷是上下內外溝通的橋樑是領導者推動團隊前進同時也是執行者控管每個落地的細節,每一次與各品牌關係人共事完成的行銷專案更讓我體悟到分工合作尊重專業的重要性。


     Hi everyone, my name is Yi-Ting Chen. I got a bachelor degree of economics from Soochow University and completed master degree on MBA program at National Taipei University. At the third year of graduate school, I was exchange student in ECS business school of Rennes in France. Now I work in the integrated marketing department on Taiwan FamilyMart over 6 years. Because of job rotation culture, I have experienced 3 different type job position-data analyst, CRM marketing executive, brand manager.

Education background: critical thinking mode and multiple-culture experience 

     During university time, the economical logical training fostered my critical thinking mode that made me become a rational and rigorous person. I got Soochow University presidential award in my senior year. In addition to studies, I was passionate about being a coffee club leader and a volunteer at career center. 

     As a business postgraduate student, I chose marketing management as my major because consumer behavior research, strategy management and business case study were interesting for me. The topic of my master thesis tried to figure out the relationship between new product performance and product innovativeness. Finding the possible explanation to real complicated world from different market factors fostered my analytical skill of marketing insight and decision making. At the third year of graduate school, I was exchange student in ECS business school of Rennes in France. I have learned the importance of teamwork, communication with empathy and inclusion of diversity from multiple-cultural experience.

Foundation of retail industry: business solution from data analysis

     My career path started as a data analyst in retail industry. I was responsible for sales performance review to analyze influence factors of growth and decline. Competition strategy analysis and business model comparison helped me to understand industrial trend. I was curious about the connection between operational data and real business world. When the forecast model showed sales gap or inventory risk alert, I would help relevant department to respond to difficult situation. I tend to define business problem precisely and provide solutions rather than expose current condition. The process of data collection and model modification made me become a patient and detail-oriented person. 

Digital transformation: cross-functional coordination and resource integration

    I was rotated to member marketing department at the third year on Taiwan FamilyMart. Because of the fundamental change from paper sticker to digital point, the sales of redemption products and participation rate dropped sharply. To overcome this impact, we conducted many marketing experiments to find consumer behavior journey. We modified reward point mechanism and redemption product matrix step by step to build up new business model and supply chain. I have realized that optimizing every tedious detail could move new business forward among heavy organization. Although internal and external coordination were complicated, resource integration was key factor of success. Furthermore, I got a deep sense of accomplishment through the process from data analysis, experimental design and execution.

Bridge of communication: leadership of project management

   I was rotated to brand marketing department at the fifth year on Taiwan FamilyMart. In this job position, I experienced traditional brand marketing training through Let’s Café re-brand project and executed digital marketing campaign through pre-order e-commerce sales promotion. I played a role of the bridge of communication from up to down and from internal to external. I had to lead relevant colleagues as a team to move forward and control every detail of the project at the same time. Every time I finished complicated works with different type of person, I realized the importance of cooperation and respect for profession.

    I like to conduct marketing experiment based on data analysis. Finding the approach of optimization through the process of hypothesis test makes me feel a sense of accomplishment. I like to challenge myself. Job rotation can not only expand my work capability but also foster my adaptability for different type of supervisors and team members. If this job position needs a responsible, patient and positive person, please give me an opportunity to interview, thank you very much.


分析流量來源 - 挖掘數據 insight,可視化巨量數據,輔助行銷決策判斷。 - 進行用戶分群,提高行銷精準度。 - 參與 APP 既有功能優化或新功能提案已提高 AARRR 指標。 - 與行銷數據分析師一起進行實驗設計與數據解讀。 - 分析各項流量渠道,降低用戶獲取成本與提高用戶留存率。 文案內容的產出、數位廣告的投放、異業合作的洽談到追蹤數據的分析,我學習到如何從數據的角度分析用戶的行為及習慣,以進行適當的調整達到使用者體驗的優化。為了讓自己可以更精確地掌握使用者數據的追蹤與分析,我透過線上學在入職後三個月的時間內成功考取 Google Analytics、Google Ads Display 以及 Google Ads Search 等 3 張數位行銷證照。 ,從消費者行為研究與市場調查到調整品牌定位與精神概念等 從廣告素材/文案產出、媒體廣告投放、自媒平台經營、社群口碑監控到CRM貼標等 推展隨買跨店取新銷售模式與更新Let's Cafe 察便利商店現煮咖啡消費行為,具有口味忠誠的與預期未來購買心理,操作第2杯半價時發現消費者出現大量紙本寄杯的行為,為解決消費者痛點,在既有的全家APP會員基礎下,開發隨買跨店取平台,讓消費者不僅可以寄杯、跨店取, 訴求平價與便利的便利商店現煮咖啡,咖啡具口味偏好產品, 逐漸從拿鐵、美式,轉向純粹風味的單品咖啡,消費者越喝越精的趨勢讓現煮咖啡戰線延燒至高端咖啡市場,每個種類愛好者的消費行為與背後在意的訴求不同,根據會員資料分析,針對不同族群客製化素材, 分析每檔廣告投資效益,媒體版位表現,試圖在數據中發現消費者蹤跡 咖啡消費型態轉變,2018年底我們決定重新調整品牌定位,從感性的「喝一口美好」轉變為理性的「咖啡鑑定室」,並捨棄用了10年的Let's Café品牌Logo,發展全新的品牌識別。在發展CI的過程中,我們聚焦在品牌3大核心理念-職人精神、咖啡鑑定與風味比例,企圖讓消費者感受到Let’s Café品牌的質變是來自於堅持咖啡豆的核心本質,透過各個咖啡夥伴的層層把關與專業加乘,將每一個微不足道的細節做到最極致。 品牌Logo更新工程所涵蓋的範圍深且廣,從店端的品牌識別點(招牌/價格牌/櫃體/門面等),消費者端的產品體驗(杯身/杯套/杯蓋),再到備品端的統整(糖包/攪拌棒/咖啡豆袋),逐一盤點改裝項目並確認施工細節與作業進度;透過Logo轉型業務的推展,深入溝通各單位對於VI的使用需求,制定出適宜的VI規範。 透過數據變化了解真實世界 透過不同視角切入世界 觀察同異業商業模式與拆解競品操作策略, 觀察同異業商業模式與 觀察數據變化與真實世界的差異進而了解市場消費趨勢, - 挖掘數據 insight,可視化巨量數據,輔助行銷決策判斷。 - 進行用戶分群,提高行銷精準度。 - 參與 APP 既有功能優化或新功能提案已提高 AARRR 指標。 - 與行銷數據分析師一起進行實驗設計與數據解讀。 - 分析各項流量渠道,降低用戶獲取成本與提高用戶留存率。 從整理業績速報分析銷售變化進而了解市場消費趨勢,市調同異業商業模式,拆解競品操作策略,隨著時間累積漸漸奠下零售業的基礎,讓我能夠用宏觀的角度檢視產業結構,進而深入解析商業課題,中紅利點數經營效益分析(HappyGo/UUPON)與活動贈品庫存預警檢視讓我有機會輪調到下一個職位-會員經營。 目前任職於全家便利商店整合行銷暨企劃部,在職6年多的時間輪調過3個職位-數據分析、會員經營與品牌行銷。在輪調的過程中,不僅培養我用數據分析解決商業課題的能力,更在跨部門轉型專案的歷練中,學會如何整合內外部資源推展新型態業務。以上工作經驗的累積,讓理性又務實的我,在快速變動的零售業中,能夠積極面對環境的變化與挑戰。
 行銷是一門深且廣的領域,職涯更是一場馬拉松,在剛出社會6年的時間裡,我用數據分析打下零售業的基礎,歷練過會員經營、專案管理與品牌行銷,培養跨部門溝通與內外資源整合的能力,未來期望能夠深入著墨在數據分析應用與會員經營上並發揮所長。 多年的工作經驗 發現自己對於挖掘數據的熱情並貫徹假設實作驗證的精神,自學SQL、Python,並努力考取google系列相關證照 轉換跑道

陳怡婷 Yi-Ting CHEN  


國立台北大學 企業管理研究所, 2011/9-2014/6

法國雷恩高等商學院 PGTC學程, 2013/9-2014/6

東吳大學 經濟學系, 2007/9-2011/6

生日:1989.2.24  E-mail: claire0224ting@gmail.com  Mobile:0975-127-267


全家便利商店 整合行銷暨企劃部 品牌行銷, 2018/6 - Present
Let’s Café品牌策略制定與行銷管理

  • 【整合行銷傳播】從市調分析與產品定位,到傳播策略制定與執行,執行後產品銷售追蹤與行銷投資效益檢視。
    1. 產品升級溝通-新拿鐵(2018/12):翻轉產品負面口味認知,聚焦產品升級,咖啡銷售杯數成長31%(YOY),產品滿意度由74.3%提升至85%,品牌喜好度由55%提升至68.7%,廣告影片獲選為YouTube 2018年第4季最成功廣告影片排行榜第3名(連結:https://lihi1.com/8PR6O) 
    2. 新品上市推廣-時光茶旅(2019/5):仙女紅茶/醇奶茶上市3個月銷售破百萬杯,被評為2019年上半年度前15大話題商品第2名(連結:https://lihi1.com/7dkNP)
    3. 異業聯名合作-金馬56(2019/11):首度拿下與7-11 City Café合作多年的金馬獎,成為第56屆金馬獎暨2019金馬影展唯一指定咖啡品牌,同期咖啡銷售杯數成長16%(YOY)。
  • 【全家APP隨買跨店取咖啡會員活動規畫與執行】 分析會員消費行為,根據購買品項/頻率/金額等構面貼標,進行精準行銷,包含派樣、客製化折價卷、媒體平台會員名單整合與廣告投放優化等。

  1. 贈品促購活動-買100杯贈40杯加贈保溫瓶(2019/12):活動上線當週,100杯交易筆數成長近5倍,咖啡銷售破40萬杯;買30杯贈琺瑯杯(2019/1):活動上線當週,30杯交易筆數成長近10倍,咖啡銷售破20萬杯。
  2. 遊戲化行銷-冰拿鐵FB抽獎遊戲(2019/9):透過客製化獎品吸引19萬人次參與並喚醒約3.3萬名沉睡會員。
  3. 新客招募及社群擴散規劃-Cheer up鼓勵杯(2018/8):首次使用隨買跨店取功能贈中冰美1杯,使用轉贈功能再送中冰美1杯,共吸引4.8萬人參與活動,轉贈功能使用率成長20%。

全家便利商店 整合行銷暨企劃部 會員行銷, 2016/6- 2018/5(2年)

  • 【點數轉型與會員新制推動】由實體貼紙轉為APP集點,從點數重新定位開始,建構新商業模式與控管財務風險,包含會員招募、調整集點機制、點數兌換商品組合精進與協同廠商資源重整。
    1. 集點門檻調降(2016/12):由69元1點調降為1元1點,新會員招募數成長1.5倍,累點交易筆數成長近1倍。
    2. 點數效期延長(2018/2):由6-8週延長為1年,規劃短期促購贈品/中長期會員紅利回饋機制,帶動來客數與客單價雙成長,擴大店內民生用品兌換近4成。 ˋ
  • 【贈品開發與專案管理】一條龍集點活動規畫與執行:前端贈品開發概念與肖像授權合作洽談,中端產品量產與風險控管(製程/成本/品質/庫存),上市後點數機制設計與廣宣活動執行。
    1. 迪士尼萌時尚(2017/5):加價購贈品總銷額超過3,000萬,新增36萬名全家會員,來客數/客單價雙成長。
    2. 嚕嚕咪漫遊森活趣(2018/2):加價購贈品總銷額約2,700萬且0庫存;設計多重兌點機制,其中高點數低加價購金額兌換占比高達40%。

全家便利商店 整合行銷暨企劃部 數據分析, 2014/6 - 2016/5 (2年)

  • 【運營績效檢視】業績目標達成、商品庫存預警、品項效益與商品毛利結構檢視、數據資料庫與分析模組建置、會員標籤建置與管理。
  • 【零售動態追蹤】市場趨勢與消費者行為研究。

技能:MySQL, Google Analysis, SPSS, 尼爾森資料庫, E-ICP資料庫  
證照:英語TOEIC 805、法語DELF B1、A.P.S.採購檢定認證、使用者經驗設計課程結業(資策會)

Yi-Ting Chen

◎Brand Marketing ◎CRM ◎Data Analysis ◎Project Management ◎Product Development

Master of Business Administration, National Taipei University, Sep. 2011- June 2014

Postgraduate exchange program, ESC Rennes School of Business, FR, Sep. 2013- June 2014

Bachelor of Economics, Soochow University, Sep. 2007- June 2011 

Birthday: Feb. 24th 1989, E-mail: claire0224ting@gmail.com, Mobile: +886-975-127-267

Work Experience

Brand Manager, Taiwan FamilyMart Co., Ltd., June 2018-Present

  • Let's Café Brand Strategy Development and Marketing Management

  1. Integrated marketing communication plan development and campaign execution.
  2. Data analysis: brand market survey, product sales review, marketing investment evaluation and social media user behavior analysis.
  3. Consumer behavior research and CRM strategy development. Precision marketing program plan and execution including customized e-coupon design, digital media journey mapping and AD optimization.
  4. Achievement:

  • Product upgrade launch- new latte(12/2018): the amount of coffee sales grew 31%(YOY), product satisfaction enhanced from 74.3% to 85% and brand preference increased from 55% to 68.7%. The commercial film was selected as 3rd most successful advertisement on YouTube in 4th quarter of 2018.
  • New product launch- Formosa Black Tea(05/19): black tea and milk tea has been sold over 1 million cups for 3 months, besides they were selected as second place in the top of 15 hot products in the first half year of 2019.
  • Cross-over marketing campaign- 56th Golden Horse Awards(11/2019): Let’s Café replaced 7-11 City Café as the only one coffee brand sponsor and the amount of coffee sales grew 16%(YOY). 
  • Promotional event-buy 100 cups of coffee got 40 cups of coffee and one thermos bottle for free(12/2019): the amount of transaction grew 5 times(400 thousand cups sales) for one week; buy 30 cups of coffee got one  enamel cup for free(01/2019):  the amount of transaction grew 10 times(200 thousand cups sales) for one week.
  • Gamification- iced latte Facebook lucky draw game(09/2019): it attracted over 190 thousand visitors and  activated 33 thousand asleep members.
  • New user recruitment(08/2018): new user could get one cup of coffee by using FamilyMart APP and transferred to others that could get another cup. This event attracted 48 thousand users and the transferred rate increased 20%.

Marketing Executive, Taiwan FamilyMart Co., Ltd., June 2016-May 2018(2 years)

  • Customer Loyalty Program Development and Management 
  1. Data analysis: consumer behavior research, market trend survey, new product concept test, reward points mechanism evaluation and promotional campaign performance review, 
  2. CRM(Taiwan FamilyMart APP): reward points model rebuild (from paper sticker to digital point), loyalty program mechanism redesign(reward points collection and redemption), membership recruitment and retention and precision marketing by different member group.
  3. Reward redemption matrix development, production project management and marketing promotional campaign execution.
  4. Achievement: 

  • Reward points mechanism modification- 1 reward point for every dollar spend instead of NTD69(12/2016): The amount of new member grew 1.5 times(YOY) and the participate rate of transaction increased 1 times (YOY).  
  • Reward redemption campaign-Disney(05/2017): Sales of redemption products exceeded 30 million during 6 weeks. Redemption rate exceeded 40%. New members increased over 36 thousand.

Data Analyst, Taiwan FamilyMart Co., Ltd., June 2014-May 2016(2 years)

  • Retail data analysis and application
  1. Operation performance review: sales targets, product inventory and product gross profit.
  2. Data analysis: consumer behavior research, market trend survey, competition analysis

Skill: SQL, Google Analysis, SPSS, Nielsen Database, E-ICP Database, English-TOEIC 805, French-DELF B1 
Certificate: User Experience Design Training(Certification of Completion, Institute for Information Industry)