Lee Yoon Sin (YS)

[email protected]


  Selangor, Malaysia


Work Experience

CTO — EasyStore

Jul 2022 - Present

Technical Expertise:

Programming framework:  Ruby on Rails, Laravel, VueJS

Tools and platforms: AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Docker, NGINX, MySQL


  • Successfully lower company infrastructure costs down to 30%.
  • Optimized MySQL performance using partitioning, composite primary keys, and indexing. Developed a partitioning strategy, implemented a composite primary key, and fine-tuned indexing, resulting in a 40% reduction in query response time and improved system performance.

Product Lead — EasyStore

Sep 2019 - Jul 2022


  • Transformed development team to adopt containerization and enable scaling. Introduced Docker as standard container technology and implemented ECS Fargate as container orchestration platform. This resulted in improved efficiency, faster deployment times, increased scalability.
  • Implemented pod cluster solution for multi-tenant SaaS product, utilizing Kubernetes to improve service stability. Separated tenants into groups, reducing the impact of downtime and improving system resilience. Resulted in reduced downtime, increased customer satisfaction, and lower operational costs.
  • Implemented AWS SQS queue system to handle high volume of requests and guided team adoption. Resulted in improved system performance, increased scalability, and enhanced team productivity.

Product Research & Development Lead — EasyStore

Oct 2016 - Sep 2019


  • Led and managed a team of 12 members, ensuring timely and successful completion of various projects.
  • Led the expansion of the company into a new country (Taiwan), setting up operations and building key partnerships.
  • Oversaw the successful integration of third-party systems, improving system efficiency and delivering new capabilities to customers.
  • Spearheaded the adoption of Agile development methodologies, resulting in increased team productivity and faster delivery of products to market.

Web developer (Level 2) — EasyStore

Aug 2015 - Oct 2016


  • Revamped the company's product to adopt a SaaS model.
  • Designed and developed a scalable and robust monolith RESTful API using Rails, resulting in a highly performant system that improved customer satisfaction.
  • Led the cross-functional team to ensure successful delivery of the new platform, coordinating efforts across multiple departments and resolving any issues to ensure project completion within the set timeframe.
  • Successfully migrated from on-premise to AWS, resulting in reduced infrastructure costs, increased flexibility, and improved overall system reliability.
  • The new monolith API improved system performance and contributed to increased revenue growth.

Web developer — EasyStore

Oct 2013 - Aug 2015

  • Joined as a junior web developer and learned everything from HTML to PHP.
  • Played a key role in rebuilding systems from asp.net to PHP version.
  • Collaborated with two senior developers to build an e-commerce marketplace.
  • Worked in a team of four developers to successfully deliver the project.