Yung-Lih TIEN

Front-end Engineer


Emal: [email protected]

Work Experience

Hahow Corporation March 2017- Present

Senior Front-end Engineer January 2022 - Present

  • Configure Jira projects. 
    • Examine the life cycle of each issue in the production process and design corresponding workflows.
    • Systematically organize Jiras issue types.
    • I created three different boards that all share the same issue pool. Each board matched the perspective of each role. 
  • Optimized the hiring process by creating recruitment criteria with rubrics.

Front-end Engineer February 2021 - December 2021

  • Enhanced project quality and readability by progressively migrating JavaScript to typeScript.
  • Introduced React.js functional components and React hooks. Replaced class components progressively for better readability and testability.
  • Programmed unit test and integration test by using React Testing Library. 
  • Built a code convention council.
  • Practiced scrum operations as a scrum master.
    • Introduced the value of every step of scrum frameworks to teammates.  Arrange scrum meetings including stand-ups meetings, refinement meetings, and presentations. With the scrum framework, the project manager and programmer could have a better understanding of goals and productivity.
  • Handled front-end engineer recruitment.

Efficiency Engineer January 2020- January 2021

  • Created a project prioritization standard.
  • Created and ran the #efficiency-support Slack channel with a workflow integrated with Asana.
  • Hosted a basic software mindset session for non-programmer staff that provided the knowledge and know-how to examine their work process for redundant and inefficient components.
  • Built courses management system for content producers with React.js and Ant Design. Serveed on GCP bucket. Implement continuous integration and continuous deployment with Github actions simply on merging the pull request into the master branch.
  • Optimized instructor payment system by using Google script. Saved at least 8 hours a month from copying and pasting one by one. 
  • Built the customer success report system.

Front-end Engineer March 2017 - December 2019

  • Initiated and migrated the original product from AngularJs to React.js. Started with create-react-app. Built with redux, redux-observable. Styling in Styled components. Built code with Webpack. Tested with jest and enzyme.
  • Developed product features include authentication module, course incubating module, course video streaming module, course note module, user referral module, affiliate sales tracking module, and course building module. 
  • Solved the bundled js file size by using Webpack code-splitting functionality and loadable module. Reduced the main JavaScript bundle size to one-third of the original size.
  • Implemented data caching module in redux-observable. Caches request-response with a different get method and re-cache it when the same endpoint hits method post.
  • Developed course category module API by using Expres.js and MongoDB.
  • I practiced Docker and Kubernetes by creating my development environment.
  • Implement a product design system in the Storybook. 
  • Handled internationalization (i18n) by using react-i18next.

MUZIK ONLINE May 2015 - January 2017


  • Built and maintained three classic products. 
    • Build project by React.js with flux concept. Switch to Redux and Redux Thunk next year due to easier understanding and maintainability.
    • Implement authentication by using Google and Facebook authentication. 
    • Implemented audio streaming by using SoundManager 2. 
  • Optimized Search Engine Optimization.
    • Use semantic HTML tags on keywords and titles.
    • Increased first window loading speed by implementing lazy-loaded images and resources.
    • Reduce build size by using an integrated compressor in continuous integration.
    • Succeed display our product with classical music-related keywords on Google search results the first page.
  • Built advertisement performance management interface. use Chart.js for regular types of charts, and D3 for customized charts. 
  • Introduced JavasSript ES6, CommonJS, and ES Modules

DRAMAnita. interactive October 2014 - May 2015

Front-end Engineer

  • Planned and built projects on a tight schedule. Depended on different conditions, designed suitable architecture solutions for frontend projects. 
    • Accumulated programming skills and speed by developing lots of projects.
    • Programmed projects by HTML, jade(pug), CSS, sass, javaScript/coffeeScript, jQuery, bootstrap and React.js. Used gulp, shell script and npm script as continuous integration tools.

Deansoft July 2014 - October 2014

Front-end Engineer Intern

  • Created and programmed a new company product, Sing-N-Share, with other 4 interns in three months.
    • We construct AngularJs v1.0 as a front-end framework.
    • We used Git as versioning control. Reposed on Github, We boosted our coding sense and skills by code reviews. Our goal is to produce readability and maintainable codes.
    • I introduced and installed slim as a template engine to reduce view syntax, and Sass’s functionalities to enhance CSS in this project. 
    • I communicated with UI/UX designer about how to produce readable instructions. Based on my experience in the previous job, I found out it was easier than other programmers when the designer and I had same knowledge about how designing tools work.
    • I constructed the project's continuous integration by using Grunt. It has the ability to lint code, compile code from slim to HTML, compile sass to CSS, and build codes.
  • I joined the Study React library Club, created by 2 frontend interns and me. 
    • We studied React.js official documents, source codes about how React.js implements virtual dom and participated in meet-ups and conferences. 

Infine Art & Culture Exchange March 2009 - March 2011

Visual and Web Design March 2010 - March 2011

  • Use Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, and InDesign to develop projects' visuals and websites.

Project manager March 2009 - March 2010

  • Handled promotion in Taiwan European Film Festival once a year from 2009 to 2011. 
    • I motivate that promote events on online social media instead of sending Brochures. Targeting college students like PTT(Bulletin Board System), college Facebook fan pages, and plunk. Increase the number of attendance at least by 20%.
  • Executed and directed coworkers on marketing, show operations and contacted sponsors for Blues Bash 4th to 6th between 2009 and 2011. 
    • Integrated Google Document to replace and significantly improved the offline document system for managing schedule, musicians, sponsors, and production scope changes. 
  • Coordinated and contacted show operations with artists for Taipei International Flora Exposition closing ceremony in 2010.
    • Since there are more than 8 departments all have their own budget plans. I formulated them to separate google spreadsheets, control authentication with each sheet, and combined them into a final result sheet. Numbers changed automatically by sheets formulas and functions. Saved massive time synchronizes them.


Hackathon 2014

  • Participated as a frontend engineer and UI designer
  • Using Meteor, created the Url-commenter that uses website's URLs as keys that allow users to share comments websites once they install the browser extension. Users could also keep a clear list of all their comments and categorize them into notebooks or to-read lists.


National Central University

Bachelor of Management Information System 2005 - 2009