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  • FB/IG粉專經營成效分析
  • Fb/IG/Goolge Ads 數位廣告投放
  • 口碑/KOL議題操作


  • 活動網站流量及GA成效分析
  • O2O活動規劃及執行 
  • 影片拍攝企劃及剪輯對焦 


  • 新聞稿/廣編內容產製
  • 記者發佈會規劃及執行


  • 品牌廣告/直播腳本
  • 品牌訪談/影音腳本 


精英公關集團_精萃亞太公關顧問股份有限公司 /資深專案執行  ,2020 年 8月 - 至今

  • 新聞及輿論監測:即時掌握產業發展、熱門議題有無符合客戶產品資訊,根據市場動態進行資訊整合,提供客戶公關操作建議
  • 媒體內容策劃:
  • 公關活動企劃:品牌年度公關及行銷策略制定,提供產品上市曝光活動、產品每季推廣的創意發想
  • 文案及腳本撰寫:

精英公關集團_精準數位策略行銷顧問股份有限公司 /專案執行  ,2019 年 3 月 - 2020年8月

  • 社群平台經營 :
-FB / IG經營:協助運營粉絲專頁,營運5個月粉專人數淨成長逾3000人,根據節慶時事規劃趣味圖文,並搭配創意式圖文回覆,單篇貼文創造近34%互動率。
-數位廣告投放:協助客戶投放各式數位廣告,如FB NewsFeed、IG、GDN、YT、Line today、Dcard,並根據廣告受眾洞察數據並追蹤成效。
  • 口碑議題操作:
  • 企劃專案執行:
-網站數據分析: 觀測活動網站Google Analytics數據並提出每週優化策略。

Sports Creative Limited (英國)/行銷實習生  ,2018 年 9 月 - 12月

  1. 協助社群網站內文撰寫以及品牌推廣的創意發想
  2. 使用Facebook 廣告受眾洞察報告追蹤廣告成效
  3. 負責與社群網路影響者溝通聯繫,尋找異業合作
  4. 使用 LinkedIn 平台搜集潛在客戶資料,針對目標客群進行內文撰寫調查與競爭對手的優勢策略.

  • 將能根據在英國企業下所學之 LinkedIn B2B行銷策略以應用於精準的內容行銷上,並能在工作互動中,分享外國企業的品牌推廣案例以供學習並將其缺點以作警惕.

Snowl Logistics /特約編輯 ,2018 年 9 月 - 2019 年 3 月

  1. 觀察時事,議題發想
  2. 圖文撰寫製作

  • 將能敏銳地分析大眾愛好與因應時勢潮流以撰寫出符合顧客需求的推廣企劃.

國立嘉義大學 /研究助理,2016 年 11 月 - 2017 年 6 月

  1. 歸納學術論文與整理相關文獻
  2. 洞察英文新聞要點.

  • 將可以以精準的洞察力,分析市場概況,以為公司做出符合時代現況的有效品牌推廣方案

雪芃廣告公司/活動執行助理,2016 年 6 月 - 2016 年 10月

  1. 協助執行大型活動流程與時間規劃
  2. 參與活動企劃的提案
  3. 參與活動代言人的溝通與協調.

  • 我將能更仔細的與人溝通協調,同時將活動提案與流程中習得之教訓做以警惕,以避免在日後工作時發生.


The University of Sheffield,2017年 9 月 - 2019年 1月

Inter Manage & Market FT MSc

  • 當代行銷實務:精品行銷,永續行銷,城市行銷
  • 國際商業策略:分析世界知名連鎖店進軍不同國家的策略模式
  • 消費者行為:Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory,弗洛伊德三人格

國立嘉義大學,,2013 年 9 月 - 2017 年 6 月


  • 行銷管理:4p, SWOT,目標市場
  • 行銷個案:企劃案撰寫,即時性行銷
  • 科技行銷:顧客導向創新,整合行銷傳播






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大型移動式櫥窗車創造吸睛效果,於遊行前9天繞行台北市精華地段,據台北市政府人流量統計資料,推測觸及逾57萬人次。 遊行前後停放於人群聚集地,邀請民眾入車體驗、響應。停放四天共計吸引1,500參與體驗。




活動三日共計吸引3,583人參與,協助品牌透過闖關活動,觸及多位學齡前後孩童的家長對隱適美的認識。並藉由藉由醫師講座,牙醫師諮詢,舞台活動等多元活動 ,促使民眾對於矯正需求的重視,進而對產品引發興趣。

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協助品牌活動網站投遞數位廣告,增加活動曝光。於活動期間規劃多元廣告如GDN、IG Story、Dcard,根據不同媒體平台,與設計一同企劃相符合的趣味廣告素材,於活動期間共計創造約700次的轉換。

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 活動.社團 經歷:


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Sheffield Cathedral Shop 

2017 /10 - 2018/08

  • 將能接待外國客戶以進行溝通與提案,同時具備圓融的待人態度與客戶及同事相處.


公關長 國立嘉義大學學生自治會  2013 /10 - 2015 /06


  • 將能有效規劃品牌的社群內容,並且沈穩的與媒體關係者溝通與協調.同時以其習得之領導與組織力應用於未來團隊合作中.

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活動長 國立嘉義大學農藝志工隊 2014 /10 - 2015 /4 


  • 將能以創意思維替未來企劃添加吸睛的元素,能夠做好預備方案以即時應對緊急狀況.


您好,我是鄭宇彣,畢業於英國The University of Sheffield的國際管理與行銷碩士班,目前於精萃亞太公關顧問股份有限公司擔任資深專案執行;從小深受母親身為教育者的影響,造就了我細膩、穩定的性格。大學及研究所時期,課堂上的行銷課程及社團中的經驗激發了我對行銷、公關的熱忱。於實習期間,讓我對行銷有了更深入的了解,這也是我想深耕在行銷公關這個領域的原因 



 大學時期,由於校外的行銷競賽及課程的薰陶,引發了我對行銷這條路的興趣。 也因此於研究所時繼續專精行銷領域的知識探索,曾經於課堂作業中,學習分析品牌的優劣勢,並鑽研不同國家文化下消費者的行為,擬訂合適的品牌推廣策略。英國實習期間,擔任公司自創品牌的社群行銷助理,成功將過去所學的品牌分析技巧應用到品牌推廣計畫中。不同階段的努力與學習,皆為我在行銷這條道路奠定了扎實的基礎能力。 


感謝公司主管百忙之中撥空翻閱我的履歷,如果我的履歷符合 貴公司的需要,希望貴公司能夠藉由給予我面談的機會以讓 貴公司能夠更加瞭解我。

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 [email protected]     0966352063  

I’m Jenny, I served in public relations and digital marketing agency previously. I have practical experience in digital marketing and precise insights in medical PR as well as the advantages of communication. I’ve served 15 customers and almost 20 projects, I assisted brand to increase voice and event participation rate successfully. Among them, in a single event, more than 60,000 views and 1,500 people participated in the event. In addition, I’ve help brands create nearly 700 conversion rates through operating social media platforms and placing digital advertisements successfully. 

I look forward to the opportunity to apply my past experience and expertise to more digital marketing and PR fields.


Digital marketing

  • FB/IG fan page  traffic and appraisal analytics
  • FB/IG/ Google Ads serving
  • WOM issue operation
  • KOL and UGC cooperation

Project planning execution 

  • Track Campaign site traffic and  operate Google analytics
  • Online to Offline campaign execution
  • Video filming execution

PR media planning

  • Press Release/Advertorial editing
  • Press conference execution

Copywriting and script writing 

  • Brand advertisement and live shooting script planning
  • Brand Interview /video scrip writing

Career History

Elite PR Group_ Medicom APAC PR  / Job Title: Senior Account Executive 2020/8 - Now

  • News and public opinion monitoring:Grasp of industry development and popular topic in real-time, Integrate information according to market dynamics in order to provide customers with PR operation suggestions.
  • Media content planning:
-Journalist relationship management:Media monitoring, assist clients to establish a good relationship with the media, as well as develop the new media list. 
-Advertorial editing:Assist brands to communicate and formulate messages for different age groups. In addition, assist brand advertorial publish on major popular and parent-child media platforms, which create average of more than 10,000 page views. 
  • PR campaign planning:PR and marketing annual strategy formulating, provide the plan of new product launch as well as provide creative idea every season.
-Brand image promoting: Assist brands to build online website and connect to offline advertising car successfully.
-Press conference execution:Format planning, venue list suggestion, lease negotiation and message communication, control process and media reception at the press conference. 
  • Copywriting and script writing:
-Doctor interview video:According to the product to write the interview outline, conduct a telephone interview with the doctor. Write shooting scripts based on interview content. 
-Spokesperson live shooting:Plan live broadcast content according to the spokesperson ’s characteristic and product feature.  

Elite PR Group_Focus Digital Marketing / Job Title: Account Executive 2019/3 - 2020/08

  • Social media operating:
-FB/IG Operation: Assist fans page operating, the number of fans in the five months of operation has increased by more than 3,000. Plan interesting posts according to festivals and current events, and reply with creative graphics and texts, a single post creates an interaction rate of nearly 34%. 
-Digital Advertising:Assist clients in advertising various digital advertisements, such as FB NewsFeed、IG、GDN、YT、Line today、Dcard, and observe data and track KPI based on advertising audiences.
  • WOM issue operation: 
-Social volume monitoring:Assist Whirlpool 、Microsoft surface monitoring social volume, provide response strategy suggestions immediately according to the negative brand reviews, to prevent the situation from getting worse. 
-KOL and UGC cooperation:Assist clients to survey multiple types of KOL and UGC according to brand and product characteristics, cooperate with more than 30 KOLs and f UGC, set diversified life issues, and create more than 600 positive discussions about products. 
  • Project planning execution:
-Campaign site operation:Assist clients to plan campaign site, create campaign mechanism and website inbound process, furthermore create 700 conversions through digital advertisement. 
-Online to Offline campaign execution:Planning and execution of online campaign as well as linking to offline physical activities. Strengthen the brand’s impression in the minds of consumers effectively and maximize the brand’s voice. 
-Video filming execution:Assist brand to plan ad script、 filming team establishment, provide post-production editing discussion and adjustment suggestions. 

Sports Creative Ltd/ Job Title: Marketing Assistant (Internship) 2018/9 - 2018/12

  1. Organized and created the post content of social media website for assisting brand advertising
  2. Tracked advertising performance with Facebook’s advertising audience insights report
  3. Took responsibility for communicating with social network influencers and looking for cross-industry cooperation
  4. Applied the LinkedIn platform to collect potential customer profiles to create post content for the target audience, and investigated the strengths of the competitors.
  • I will be able to apply Linkedlin B2B marketing strategy to the precise content marketing , share the brand promotion case from foreign companies for learning and their shortcomings to be vigilant in the work interaction.

Snowl Logistics/ Editor,2018 / 9 - 2019/08

  1. Observing current issues
  2. Composing the articles
  • I will be able to analyze public prevalence sharply and respond to the trend of the times to write a promotion strategy, which meets customer needs.

National Chiayi University /Research Assistant

2016/11 - 2017/ 6 

  1. Incorporated academic articles and collated relevant literature.
  2. Observed the point of English news
  • I will be able to analyze the market profile with precise insights to help the company can make an effective brand promotion plan in line with the current situation.

Shape Advertising Company / Assistant

2016/6 - 2016/ 10

  1. Assisted in the execution of large-scale event processes and time planning
  2. Participated in the proposal of event plan
  3. Participated in the communication and coordination with the spokesperson of the event.
  • I will  communicate with others more carefully, and be alert to the lessons learned in the activity proposal and process to avoid happening in the future.

Good School Institute / English Teacher

2015/7 - 2017/ 3

  1. Tutored students in English
  2. Assigned courses to students flexibly
  •  I will be able to respond to different customer requirements with my patience and resistance.


The University of Sheffield ,2017/ 9 - 2019/1

Inter Manage & Market FT  MSC

  • Contemporary marketing practice: Fashion marketing, Sustainable marketing, city marketing
  • International business strategy: Analyse the entering different countries model of the renowned chain stores
  • Consumer behaviour:  Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, Freud's theory of Personality Structure

National Chiayi University ,2013 / 9 月 - 2017 / 6

Bio-Business Management FT 

  • Marketing Management: 4p, SWOT, Target Market
  • Marketing Case: Proposal writing 
  • Technology Marketing: Customer-oriented innovation, integrated marketing communication

 Project History:

Cooperate image promotion 

Assist brand to combine the volume of LGBTQ parade, arouse the public's attention to diverse groups, and widely deliver the corporate philosophy of Gilead Pharmaceuticals that is committed to diversity and inclusiveness and a friendly workplace.

Online campaign website  

Assist brand invite 5 KOL who focus on LGQTQ issue, Ask them to share their views on diverse ethnic groups in order to attract more people to pay attention to this issue. Interactive games have been established on the website, and the sharing mechanism had successfully increased the spread of the social media. More than 60,000 people visited the website within 3 months of its launch.

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Offline Outdoor advertising vehicle 

We assisted brand to create eye-catching effects with mobile window vehicle, paraded in the best part of Taipei City. According to the Taipei City Government’s traffic statistics, it is estimated that more than 570,000 people had been touched. It was parked in the crowded area of ​​Taipei, and people were invited to participate in the game in the car. After four days of parking, it attracted a total of 1,500 participants to participate in the experience.

Annual Brand promotion project 

Assist the brand to communicate the knowledge of children and parents about orthodontics. Help brands to enhance the awareness and recognition of invisible aligner of various groups through digital community and offline physical activities.

Offline physical exhibition 

The physical exhibition attracted 3,583 people to participate within three days, helping the brand to reach out to the children's parents to  understand the importance of orthodontics. 

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Online digital opperation 

Assist the brand to plan the event site, in order to motivate consumers to enter the clinic to invest in themselves at the time of the New Year. Through digital advertising GDN、IG Story、Dcard, it had attracted consumers to receive coupons after entering the website successfully, as well as creating about 700 conversions during the event.

About me

My name is YU-WEN, CHENG, I graduated from The University of Sheffield and my Master’s major was International management and marketing. I am currently working as a senior account executive at Medicom APAC PR agency. I was deeply influenced by my mother as an educator since I was a child and created my delicate and stable character. When I was in University and postgraduate, the marketing courses and the experience in the association inspired my enthusiasm for the marketing and PR area. 

During my time in the company, I attempted to develop the new area 「Medical PR」after I worked one year. From basic media monitoring 、PR activities and press conferences to health communication with patients. I’ve succeeded in apply my digital marketing advantage to Medical PR after each new things’ training. Assisted clients deliver difficult medical messages with understanding language, as well as established an effective communication bridge for the brand and patients successfully. 

At the stage of digital marketing, I participated in various projects, such as social platform management, digital advertising, word-of-mouth topic operations. I am mainly responsible for the role of the proposal, planning and internal dialogue, internal and external communication, and coordination. These different experiences helped me transform a new hand AE into an SAE who is able to undertake the task alone. I had a period of self-doubt and bottlenecks, I could handle all kinds of projects and reassure my supervisor gradually. I’m not afraid to face any challenges when I encounter various hard cases anymore, instead, I would like to try any difficulties. 

I attended Marketing competitions and marketing management courses during my university, which promoted my interest in marketing. Therefore, I explored further knowledge of the marketing area during my postgraduate. In my course, I learned how to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of brands, as well as created a promotion strategy by developing the behavior of consumers in different countries. Furthermore, I realized the importance of social media marketing while I applied the course knowledge to practical brand promotion practice at the time of the internship. The hard work and study at different stages had provided me with a solid foundation in marketing. 

I expect that the experience and growth I have gained can give me an opportunity to go to the next stage to successfully apply my past experience and expertise to the new position as well as create more possibilities by applying my experience to a new environment and new people.