ZhenFu Chen

我是陳侲富,畢業於成大工業與資訊管理系,有後端經驗約一年,熟悉資料庫CRUD操作與維護,專精於Python,也使用Ruby on Rails、Java、C++、C# 等。

在工作中,我熟悉 Scrum 敏捷開發流程,並有良好的團隊溝通與協作能力,也使用Git作為版本控制。




Software Engineer  •  FAZZ Financial Group

九月 2022 - Present

This job is required to maintain the financial transaction system of company to ensure that every transaction is executed with steady and normally. The language we utilized is Ruby on Rails. The goal is to promise that an excellent structure of model and business payment system could be created and implemented by the integrated programming languages on the forward-looking technology, such as Information Flow & Money Flow & Logistic Flow & Business Flow.

Software Engineer  •  Ying Pao Technology INC

五月 2022 - 八月 2022

I am in charge of using C# and .NET to maintain the Alarming system and SMS messaging platform of TSMC, including the connection with back-end MSSQL for data accessing.

Research Assistant  •  Internet Technology Laboratory, National Cheng Kung University

十二月 2021 - 四月 2022

I used Python to perform Google Hacking web crawler, saved the crawling content to the MySQL database, and notified the Ministry of Education and schools to help them improve the security of educational network.

Project Engineer  •  Medical Device Innovation Center

六月 2018 - 八月 2019

My job contains data cleaning of data pre-processing, accessing various databases, building the prediction model of machine learning, and creating a compact real-time web system for monitoring physiological information.


2014 - 2018

National Cheng Kung University

Bachelor of Department of Industrial and Information Management


  • Python
  • C#
  • Java
  • C++
  • Ruby on Rails
  • MySQL / Mariadb


  • English — 進階