Yin Zhi Jun (Reacher)

(Taiwan) +886 909210218  (Thailand) +66 822189949   faerie0218@gmail.com

Reacher is a front end engineer who has more than 6 years experience of javascript, css, HTML and UI design, especially is proficient at React, Node.js, and the relative technicals. 

Not only enjoy learning new techs to solve people's problems and create awesome products, but also love to explore new life experiences and learn new things such like speaking Thai. 

Friendly, easy-going and enthusiastic. Recently was fascinated with Flutter, Prisma2 and Machine Learning.


Front End Development

- HTML, CSS, Javascript

- React, Redux, Redux-saga and relative libs

- Mocha, Jest,

- Styled-component

- Storybook

- Next.js

- Websocket

- Webpack

- Apollo Client

- Typescript

- Angular

Back End Development

- Nodejs

- Expressjs

- MongoDB

- Apollo Server

- GraphQL

- Golang basic
- Python basic

Mobile Development

- React Native
- Flutter, Dart


- Git 

- Docker

- Scrum



UX / UI Design

- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- Zeplin


- Chinese mother tongue

- English fluent

- Thai medium


Senior Software Engineer Nov 2018 - Present

Anymind Group

I'm working on a transnational company management system. Due to we are aiming for different countries includes some locations with low internet quality. I'm not just only creating features but also having to make the great performance on front-end.


- Total bundle size of front-end codebase is around 320kb, it's not code splitting yet

- The score of Google Speed Insights is around 93 - 97

- Introducing GraphQL stack, we save at least 50% request amount

- Selected candidate of Best Engineer award of All-Hands Meeting on July 2019

My work mainly includes but not limited to followings:

-  Set up front-end structures, choose the suitable techs for the project and handle the code with better ways with typescript

Interview candidates that apply for the front-end position.

- Build highly re-useable React components and use storybook to create the documentation of components

Offer technical advices and solutions for other team members

- Help maintaining some part of backend code with Python

Tech stacks: 

React, React-Router, Styled-component, Apollo-client, typescript, Python

Front End Architect  May 2018 - Aug 2018 (Leaved the company due to visa issues)

Hopes Group

The project's goal is to build a high performance and smooth game app which is easier to update client side and maintain it. Due to we use the web view to implement the game, we try hard to improve the user experience which makes using the hybrid app has the same experience with using an native app.

My work mainly includes but not limited to followings: 

- Set up front-end structures and choose the suitable techs for the project. 

- Interview candidates that apply for the front-end position. 

- Offer technical advices and solutions for other teams such as Design and BA. 

- Using React Native to create an Android game app. 

- Using React, Websocket and relative techs to build the web view part in the app. 

- Improve user experience through technical way such like reducing code base, reducing http requests, and compatibility with each platform. 

- Build reusable and maintainable components base on React Native and React.

Tech stacks:

React Native, React, Styled-component, Websocket, web view, ajax, git

Front End Engineer Jun 2017 - May 2018

Johnsons Gaming Technology LTD

I work with members of Front-end engineer team to build a high-performanced, web-based, lottery ticket game which achieves the blue print of the product team and the design team. We also help offering some technical and UX solutions to make up shortages of technical knowleges of designers. https://www.cailifun.com/

My work mainly includes but not limited to followings: 

- Offer technical advices and solutions for other teams such as Design and BA. 

- Implement the game with React, Redux, Redux-saga and React-router

- Implement the reusable and maintainable components. 

- Deliver code with testings, auto build process and version control (gitlab)

Tech stacks: 

React, Redux, Redux-saga, ImmutableJS, React-Router, Styled-component, Webpack, Babel, git, Es-lint, RWD

Front End Engineer Sep 2015 - Jun 2017


An popular social network platform in Southeast Asia which is from Singapore. I work as a fronted-engineer on a new e-commerce project. I introduced the "Isomorphic" structure into this project. The structure helped the project keeping the fast user experience of single page applications, and the abilities of SEO for a e-commerce platform. It also help us separating the front-end and back-end code successfully.

My work mainly includes but not limited to followings: 

- Introduce the "isomorphic" structure to the tech team. 

- Offer the technical advices and solutions for team members. 

- Implement the server side rendering with Node.js and Express.js

 - Implement the client side with React, Redux, React-Router, and Redux-thunk 

- Implement multi-language with i18n for the e-commerce site 

- Implement responsive design for the e-commerce site 

- Use correct HTML tags and microdata for SEO

Tech stacks: 

Isomorphic, React, Redux, React-router, Webpack, Nodejs, Express.js, i18n, radium, RWD, Docker, git, SEO

Front End Engineer Dec 2014 - Sep 2015


An online travel agency. I worked as a front-end engineer in domestic hotel team. I helped the company build a new version of website which included responsive design. I worked with backend engineers to solve issues of booking hotels. I share my knowledges of OOP and javascript to the junior engineer, helped training them to improve their code, and made it more simple and easier to maintain. 

My work mainly includes but not limited to followings: 

- Implement the brand new domestic hotel website. 

- Training junior front end developers 

- Implement front-end with jQuery and some other tecks 

- Implement responsive web design

Tech stacks: 

HTML, SASS, jQuery, Webpack, Gulp, Nodejs, Express.js, Bootstrap, RWD, git, SEO

Senior UI Designer Mar 2013 - Aug 2014


An online food delivery agency which is an start-up from Taiwan. When I joined the company, I notice that the visual system is not fit the company's vision and spirit, so I rebuild the whole visual language. I handled not only design but also front-end code. I implemented some UI components by "bootstrap", "jQuery", and manually javascript. 

 My work mainly includes but not limited to followings: 

- Design the brand new CI for the company 

- Deisgn the new UI for the current service 

- Design the prints for commercial usage 

- Design the UI for the apps 

- Implement front-end code with HTML, CSS, jQuery and, Bootstrap

Tech stacks: 

HTML, SCSS, Compass, jQuery, Bootstrap, RWD, git, Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch


Consultant Sep 2012 - Sep 2013

It's a voluntary job for free in Feng Chia University which is located in Taichung city.

My work mainly includes but not limited to followings: 

- Share the experience and advices to the university students 

- Offer solutions of technical issues for students and teachers


Institute for Information Industry 2011 - 2011

It's the place where I learn how to use design software, and build a website.

Feng Chia University 2005 - 2010

I finish my Photonics bachelor degree in Feng Chia university. During this time, I joined string club and rock music club.