ZhiWei Cao

Taiwanese iOS developer, Snowboarder, Scuba Diver, and Traveler.
I am constantly on the lookout for challenges and enjoy working with different people.
Please refer to Linkedin for details.
*Daily LeetCoder & Studying Algorithms.

iOS developer
City, TW

Work Experience

iOS Developer & Freelancer, Mar 2018 ~ Present

Unit Tests for multiple-thread, data structures, and part of viewmodels.
Using CI machines like GitLab CI and Microsoft Azure.
Apps are deployed via Fastlane.
Studying Algorithms and implemented on LeetCode/GitHub.
Using Git on the command line and git flow.

Reactive frameworks such as RxSwift, RxCocoa.
Test frameworks such as Nimble, Quick.
iOS SDK experience include but not limited to UIKit, CoreBluetooth,
CoreLocation, CoreData, multi-threading, networking, etc.
Other frameworks experience includes Alamofire, Firebase, Fabric, lottie-ios,
Lokalise, SwiftMessages, etc.

Starlux Airlines, Senior iOS Developer, Aug 2018 ~ Jun 2019

Code review in each pull request
Managing members
Solved issue and found root cause
Implemented MVVM pattern
Migration to nibs from code/storyboard with auto layout
Collaborated with BE's API and package it into a framework
View model can be tested
Worked in Agile / Scrum-based teams
Using Lottie, Lokalise
App are tested through CI machines and deployed by Fastlane.
Reactive frameworks such as RxSwift, RxCocoa.
Test frameworks such as RxNimble, RxQuick.

Deepblu, iOS & Hareware Engineer, Jan 2017 ~ Mar 2018

C++ library for Android/iOS ;
Implemented Google analytics ;
Implemented third party login (Facebook) ;
Navigation with Breadcrumb ;
Migration from Objective C to Swift
Customized UI components(.xib) with autolayout via Interface Builder.
iOS SDK experience include but not limited to UIKit, CoreBluetooth, networking, etc.
Other frameworks experience includes Alamofire, Firebase, Fabric, lottie-ios, SwiftMessages, etc.

HTC, Wireless Field Trial Engineer, Aug 2014 ~ Nov 2016

Created automated tool for apk installation, test script, and log collection.
Troubleshoot and reproduce issues.
Field trials for clients(Verizon, Sprint) in the US.
Cellular network experience include but not limited to UMTS, CDMA, LTE,
VoLTE, VoWiFi, etc.
Test Plans experience such as DFIT, FIT, GCF field trials.


National Chung Hsing University, Bachelor’s Degree, Electrical Engineering, 2008 ~ 2012