


教育經營與管理學系 學士         2013年9月-2017年6月




媒體庫傳播股份有限公司 2019/10~仍在職 
1. 主要負責快消品產業的客戶
2. 管理以及參與超過25個專案項目
3. 向客戶做策略上的提案簡報、提供專案執行時的優化策略、第三方數據的運用、市場上的競品分析、專案執行管理等
4. 維護客戶關係、和多方媒體、公司內部跨部門以及國外團隊溝通和合作
5. 負責的專案中獲選動腦年度媒體創意,以及在今年推動台北捷運首次與品牌的進站音樂合作

1. Mainly in charge of clients in the FMCG industry.
2. Managed and participated in more than 25 campaigns.
3. Play the main role to deliver a presentation for clients on media strategy, optimization strategy, use of third-party data, and analysis of competitor in the market.
4. In addition to maintaining customer relationships, it is also necessary to participate in coordination and negotiation with multiple media platforms, inter-departmental and regional teams.
5. Within the projects I have in charged, the campaign which cooperate with the professional baseball team combined online and offline was selected as the Brain Magazine’s Agency and Advertiser of the Year. In 2022, held a market first cooperation with Taipei MRT that changed the arrival music to the brand's iconic song brings great benefits.
艾普特媒體有限公司 2018/11~2019/9 共11個月
1. 曾負責遠雄房地產、Line購物、萊雅集團、蔡司眼鏡、玉山銀行等數位媒體企劃案以及電影MIB、蜘蛛人等企劃提案
2. 主寫11篇公司對外的消息稿,且多次曝光於動腦雜誌、廣告雜誌等
3. 擔任5次行銷趨勢報與10次案例電子報的主要企劃負責人
4. 協助公司榮獲2019 ECI Awards《AI專項獎 優秀獎》的主要企劃撰寫人

1. In charge of online campaigns planning for companies such as Line, Farglory Group, L’OREAL and E.SUN Bank.
2. Played the main role in delivering the company’s monthly operations insight reports for five times.
3. Mainly wrote 11 press releases for the company, and it was exposed in brain magazines and Adm.
4. I was the major project planner of a data platform, the project represents the company and won the prize of AI Innovation of ECI Awards 2019.
自然食有限公司 2017/7~2018/11 共1年5個月
1. 活動公關事宜,多次於公司內部舉辦20~30人講座
2. 網路行銷企劃,利用社群行銷觸及更多消費者與提升曝光率,每次發文觸及人數約1500人
3. 網路商店管理負責人,包辦線上客服、行銷活動、產品銷售、物流
4. 協助政府專案計畫執行以及與廠商洽談商品通路相關事宜

1. Cooperate projects with international brands like Lululemon and FoodNext. Also, held several seminars of 20-30 people in company.
2. Taking lead in marketing, utilize social media like Facebook and Instagram for promoting the products and our business concept of vegan life and animal/ environmental friendly to the Taiwanese society.
3. In charge of online store, including online customer service, marketing activities, product sales, and express delivery.
4. Assist in the execution of government projects.






全民英檢  中級

多益800分  藍色證書



Google Ads 多媒體廣告認證

Google Ads 搜尋廣告認證

Google Ads 影音廣告認證



聽: 讀:
說: 寫:


擁有以下三項特質讓我能夠勝任在變化快速的媒體產業工作,第一:勇於接受挑戰並且抗壓性高,第二: 具備學習熱忱且學習力強,第三:喜愛與人互動、接觸,擅於團隊合作。 


      進入數位媒體產業的契機是在艾普特媒體有限公司擔任行銷公關,負責行銷宣傳與公司品牌形象維護,約一年內主寫11篇公司對外的新聞消息稿並且多次曝光於動腦雜誌、廣告雜誌、DMA協會,因此爭取到CIO經理人、廣告雜誌等專題採訪報導的機會。同時,也規劃了遠雄房地產、Line購物、萊雅集團、蔡司眼鏡、玉山銀行等數位媒體企劃案皆成功贏得品牌青睞,更勝任5次行銷趨勢報與10次案例電子報的主要企劃負責人,從整體企劃、資料撈取、數據分析、文案撰寫到最後的排版設計及出刊皆參與其中,過程中長時間與數據分析部門溝通協作,將程式語言轉換為行銷語言。在公司品牌形象維護的部分,除了將成效良好之案例多次曝光於雜誌與官網之外,更是公司榮獲2019 ECI Awards《AI專項獎 優秀獎》的主要企劃撰寫人,協助公司站上國際舞台,提升知名度。 

     目前在Wavemaker擔任媒體企劃副理一職,並負責快消品產業的客戶,任職以來,管理以及參與大大小小超過25個專案項目,過程中經常需要向客戶做策略上的提案簡報、提供專案執行時的優化策略、第三方數據的運用、市場上的競品分析等。因為在專案中較常接觸程序化購買,為了精進自己,獲得了google藍帶證書、Google Ads 多媒體廣告認證、Google Ads 搜尋廣告認證、Google Ads 影音廣告認證,也曾管理像CPAS以社群上追求轉換為主的專案類型。同時因為專案需求,除了時常與商周、ETtoday、GQ、美麗佳人、LINE等媒體有廣編稿或是產品派樣的合作,也需要與電視台洽談在節目中做產品置入,從前期的溝通協調、產品拍攝、過稿到活動上線都參與其中,日常工作中除了維護客戶關係之外,也常常需要和多方媒體、公司內部跨部門以及國外團隊溝通和合作。負責的專案中曾與職棒球隊有結合線上加線下的合作獲選動腦年度媒體創意,以及在今年推動台北捷運首次與品牌的進站音樂合作,協助品牌在短短一天之內獲得極大化的曝光量,除民眾的討論聲量大之外,也在同業間有很高的關注度和詢問度。 


     I am Amber Chao from Taipei, Taiwan. I am often described as an out-going and responsible person who is not afraid of facing challenges. Media Agency, as a combination of working in a team, interact with people from different backgrounds and clients of diverse industry, is where I always have a passion at, and with the personal traits of mine, I believe that I am a suitable candidate for this role.

     Worked as a CEO Special Assistant for over a year after I graduated from college, I was lucky to have the chance of taking lead in marketing. Via social media such as Facebook and Instagram, the two most widely used apps in Taiwan, I successfully promoted the products and our business concept of vegan life and animal/ environmental friendly to the Taiwanese society. Nonetheless, my works have brought the attention of brands like Lululemon and FoodNext, gained my company several cooperate projects with these international brands.

     I worked as a PR & Marketing Planner at Adbert Techmedia in charge of marketing and company branding for around a year. I was the major project planner of a data platform, the project represents the company and won the prize of AI Innovation of ECI Awards 2019. As for marketing, I have won several compliments from my supervisors and clients on online campaigns for companies such as Line, Farglory Group, L’OREAL and E.SUN Bank. Also, I played the main role in delivering the company’s monthly operations insight reports for five times. From which not only my ability to programming and copyrighting have increased significantly, my skill of data analyzing and inter-personal communication with the IT department also helped to make the best of the results.

     Currently, I am the associate manager of media planning at Wavemaker and is in charge of clients in the FMCG industry. During the tenure, I managed and participated in more than 25 campaigns, also earned several certificates from Google. It is necessary to deliver a presentation for clients on media strategy, optimization strategy, use of third-party data, and analysis of competitor in the market in my role. During execution stage, programmatic, conversion campaign like Facebook CPAS, advertorial and sampling cooperation with vertical site, and product placement on TV program are all the main media type that I need to cooperate with. In addition to maintaining customer relationships, I play the main role to participate in coordination and negotiation with multiple media platforms, inter-departmental and regional teams as well. Within the projects I have in charged, the campaign which cooperate with the professional baseball team combined online and offline was selected as the Brain Magazine’s Agency and Advertiser of the Year. In 2022, the market first cooperation with Taipei MRT that changed the arrival music to the brand's iconic song brings great benefits. In addition to earning high volume from public discussions, it also has a high degree of attention among the industry.

     Starcom is no doubt one of the most potential company in the industry. With the proven ability to work in a fast-paced environment with a high sense of adjustment, I believe that my personality, experiences, professional know-how have prepared me well for this job, Thank you for your time and I am looking forward to becoming a part of Starcom.