
黃嘉安 Joanne Huang



Responsible for partnerships marketing, campaign planning, and flight advertising as a Marketing Specialist at EVA Airways. A flight seat sales / business developer with B2B experience working with travel and tourism agencies. Knowledgeable in aviation market analysis and airport strategic planning. Possess Amadeus booking, SQL, Tableau, and Korean language skills.

[email protected]


長榮航空 EVA Airways, 行銷專員 Marketing Specialist, Jan 2020 ~ Jul 2020


- 策劃第三屆「2020長榮航空城市觀光半程馬拉松」(每年2萬名跑者)
- 執行馬拉松活動招商,以廣告曝光協商跑者賽後禮品贊助。成功與DHC、聯合利華、米森有機等9家業者合作
- 陌生開發30+國際馬拉松主辦單位(如芝加哥馬拉松),推動廣告交換。成功與「西雅圖馬拉松」談成未來合作
- 推動與6+美加歐澳旅行同業之行銷活動交換。曾與米蘭及巴黎購物村協商購買機票附加之購物村頂級服務
- 以提供機票優惠等方式陌生開發異業合作。曾與Trip.com及叫車吧協商行銷活動交換
- 與世界旅遊局(如AIT等)合作,於國際舞台曝光公司品牌

- Organized the 3rd "2020 EVA Air Half Marathon" campaign (with 20,000 participants) held in Taiwan
- Stimulated sponsorship collaboration with companies including DHC, Unilever, etc. for the Marathon event
- Reached out to worldwide marathons including the Chicago Marathon for marketing cooperation. Made an agreement of future marathon advertisement exchange with the Seattle Marathon
- Negotiated beneficial services including free hotel pick-up, hand-free shopping, VIP resting room with Milan Fidenza Village Outlet and Paris La Vallée Village for our VIP passengers
- Conducted partnerships marketing with different industries such as Trip.com
- Performed brand marketing by sponsoring flight tickets to foreign tourism administrations in exchange for our exposure to global events


長榮航空 EVA Airways, 機位業務控管開發專員 Passenger Business Specialist/Sales, Aug 2018 ~ Dec 2019


- 控管與銷售日本航線(小松、名古屋、札幌、仙台)團體機位,與旅遊業者接洽
- 負責台北-札幌每日160席機位(每月約5,000席),月平均機位使用率達85%
- 發現銷售異狀,及早調整機位發放,將台北-小松淡季機位使用率由月平均40%提高至87%
- 銷售及協助旅遊業者辦理「6,000名團體客」之專案,客製化台北至小松及名古屋之航班行程,將四個月之機位使用率提高至每月平均90%
- 追蹤機位銷售數據,主動提供旅遊業者優化航班行程之建議
- 開發淺在旅遊業者合作夥伴,客製化最適產品供銷售
- 與旅遊業者維持長期良好關係,以獲取競業及市場資訊

- Managed 160 group seats each day of the TPE-CTS flight (around 5,000 seats every month), and enhanced the TPE-KMQ flight group seat usage rate to 87% on average in off-peak months
- Successfully arranged an ad-hoc group case with more than 6,000 people for TPE-NGO-KMQ-TPE cross flights, and boosted the seat usage rate from July to October 2019 to 90% on average
- Identified partner travel agency’s weak performance, creatively customized different flight patterns using Amadeus booking and accelerated 10% of their seat usage rate as well as our load factor
- Reduced the unsold rate by allocating seats to potential travel agencies two months earlier
- Detected the slow sales growth in days before the election day in January 2019, and stimulated the TPE-CTS seat usage rate of the month from 40% to 60% by suggesting pricing strategy to managers
- Acquired competitors’ news regularly by maintaining strong relationships with the partner travel agencies



英國克蘭菲爾德大學 Cranfield University, 科學碩士(MS), 機場規劃管理碩士 MSc Airport Planning and Management, 2017 ~ 2018

1. 團體報告:「英國布里斯托5年機場主計畫」,設計機場新航廈、跑道等,報告聽眾包含卡達航空、英國曼徹斯特機場等主管。
2. 個人論文:「韓國仁川國際機場是否需要一低成本航廈?」,當面訪談韓國Expedia航空部門主管、濟州航空主管、德威航空主管

1. Group Project- 5-year Master Plan for Bristol Airport
2. Individual Thesis- Will Incheon International Airport Benefit from Building a Low-cost Terminal?


淡江大學 Tamkang University, 非學位課程(例如 Coursera 證書), 航空太空工程學系民航學程 Civil Aviation Programme, 2015 ~ 2017


Group project- completed research on "The impacts of the light strike on composite aircrafts", and obtained 93% for the project as the group leader.


淡江大學 Tamkang University, 文學士(BA), 英文學系 BA English Literature, 2013 ~ 2017

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