一、 基本資料


Tunghia University (東海大學\經濟系)2015-2019 Economic Bachelor of Art 



*編輯,負責幫線上教學平台編輯教材 Agu -Sep2020(1 month)

-熟悉Power point 

*Tasty 西堤, 服務生,                          Jul  ~ Oct 2018(4 month)

-在這份工作中我了解到Consumer Recovery 的重要性,因為西堤擁有很好的消費者回饋機制,讓客人感到被尊重,再次來品嘗這份服務。


Hand-together 計畫負責人, Dec 2018 ~ Dec 2018 (Project )


-行政: 報名以及流程解說



國際接待志工(東海大學)  , Sep 2017 ~ Jun 2019  (2years)

(volunteering )


Global Touch Camp 國際營隊小隊長, Jan 2016 ~ Jan2016 (1week) (volunteering)


A good team player 


International Perspective 



ILETS 6 分(英文)



Skill 攝影



我叫劉映馳,東海經濟學專業的學士畢業。我的主修之外,我還參加了很多與國際理交流和領導力相關的課程,如”跨文化溝通”,問題與決策等課程,我讓我漸漸地獲得國際的視野。其中最令我印象深刻的是 “問題解決與決策” 課程中被教指派為負責人,我負責其中最重要的兩點招募與行銷,由於是國際交流的活動,我們需要找到學校裡的交換學生,於是我運用在另一個社團(國際接待志工)的人脈, 一個一個人地宣傳與招募;於是很快地便招募到了十多個交換學生,最後,我看著報名人數從個位數逐漸超過三十;,出發的前一刻,被通知要自己帶他們去另一個學校,我也立刻跟各國的外國人溝通接下來的流程及注意事項及跟司機溝同時間等,並在活動開始之後加入其中一組,並藉由遊戲的方式讓不敢與外國人溝通的高中生放下心中的尷尬地跟外國學生自在的交流,經歷這些之後,我瞭解一個成功的活動需要的不只是活動當下的順利,大量的前置作業才是活動順利的前提。這次經歷增強了我的溝通應對以及人脈的運用。 另外,我在大學的生活也裡很活躍,而且還參加了國際接待志工。 這段經歷使我掌握有效的英語溝通技巧,同時也提高了我的社交網絡。近期,我也利用幫線上平台製作教材的工作中,想盡辦法提升自己工作的效率及熟悉PPT的製作流程。伴隨著這些經驗,我認為已準備好要踏入職場的挑戰。 My name is Jimmy. I hold a bachelor’s degree with a major in Economics which was awarded to me by Tunghia University in Taichung in 2019. Besides my major, I have also taken plenty courses related to international understanding and leadership like Intercultural Communication, Problem solving and Decision Making, which have honed myself for international perspectives in the field of economics and business. I was enlisted as a leader by the professor in the class ''Problem solving and Decision Making ''.Then, I organized an international culture activity called Hands Together. It was an activity whereby Tunghai University cooperated with a local high school. It included over 30international students and 90Taiwanese students. I grew a lot from this experience because I chiefly handled everything in person. My job was primarily recruiting international students to take part in this activity including marketing, administrative affairs, team leading, and activity designing. From marketing and recruiting to administration and register, I experienced how a sufficient preparation demanded for a successful activity, and engaging in most part of activity. I was impressed by how much abilities and tasks required to a superb leader. The experience had shaped and enhanced my resilience to face the challenge.