
E-Mail: i20panda@gmail.com

Phone: +886 920980706


銘傳大學企業管理系畢業 (2015年9月 - 2019年6月)


就業情報(派駐知名通訊外商) | 人資專員 (2021年12月 - 2023年8月)


- 具備Full function管理能力,負責招募、薪資核定與薪資溝通、合約展延與升遷等。
- 具備優化員工體驗能力,透過新增新人培訓、員工滿意度調查、離職面試等方式,增加員工留任率。
- 具備溝通能力,建立各項表單與制度,提升與直線經理、HR的溝通效率與招募達成率。
- 具備數據分析能力,分析成效並直接報告給HR Head。

泛亞人力(派駐香港商聯寶電腦有限公司台灣分公司) | 人資助理專員 (2019年12月 - 2021年12月)


 - 具備大量招募任用經驗:一年內安排超過1500場線上/實體面試,成功招募近350位工程師,主要負責面試10年以下工作經驗的工程師,將招募流程從1個月縮短為1-2週,獲得<2021 HR優秀團隊獎>。
 - 具備雇主品牌經營能力,透過經營社群媒體(Facebook & LinkedIn)與內部宣傳,並管理與開發招募管道(104, CakeResume, Hunter, 人力仲介),增加雇主品牌曝光,在無廣告預算下,創下超過10000+的瀏覽次數。 
- 具備訓練規劃能力,負責舉辦新人培訓課程與協助專業訓練課程,透過遊戲設計新人問卷與訓練回饋問卷,提升滿意度。
- 具備系統導入能力,負責導入與維護校園招募機器人、新招募平台(iHR)與新培訓平台(i-Learning),優化使用者體驗。 
- 具備合約簽訂能力,能與公司法務、廠商溝通與協調,於半年內簽訂6份獵人頭合約,加速招募達成率。
- 具備文宣製作能力,能使用Photoshop、Canva製作校園招募宣傳品、內部海報、FB貼文,並發包給廠商製作

資策會產業分析情報研究所 | 新事業發展中心實習生 (2018年9月 - 2019年12月)

工作內容:協助資深產業顧問經營個人品牌、蒐集金融科技論文與資通訊產業資料、製作金融科技、AI、數位轉型、大數據的知識圖表,以及協助經營Think Fintech與TIC技術情報中心Facebook粉絲專頁。 具體工作成果如下:

- 具備媒體經營能力:擅長製作金融科技知識圖表與儲備幹部計畫影片,發布於Facebook與LinkedIn,平均瀏覽率比負責前提升5倍。
- 擅長人際關係連結定期參加人資小週末系列講座,創辦人看到我協助發佈的人資數位轉型相關文章,希望我引薦建立與公司的新事業合作機會,透過有效連結,協助雙方建立良好合作關係。

廣州香江集團股份有限公司 | 人事助理實習生 (2018年7月 - 2018年8月)

工作內容:統整與分析36家門店的各項費用、協助行政經理指派事宜用、協助集團總裁指派事宜。 具體工作成果如下:

- 具備邏輯思考能力主動學:在實習期間主管要求每天完成的工作報告中,設計五個面向的工作報告結構(進度、學習、反思、心得、回饋),經主管採用成為內部工作報告標準範本。
- 具備問題解決的能力及細心:於負責簡單的行政事務時,會用心地留意細節,並找出問題,主動提出新的解決方案,因為工作表現優秀,獲得三份工作機會,包含人事助理、監察總監助理與深圳市國際僑商聯合會助理。
- 具備提高工作效率的能力:在4天內必須完成聯絡160人參加深圳市僑商聯合會會長就職典禮,透過電話與WeChat逐一通知,發現約一成會員的主要聯絡人資料有誤,因此直接聯絡會員即時更正,並告知同事需定期更新助理名單。 


第二屆滬港台三地上銀金融科技創新競賽 | 優勝獎 (2019年4月)
第二屆上海銀行滬港台金融科技創新校園競賽 | 第一名 (2018年12月)
- 代表台灣參加台灣、香港、上海的跨國比賽。
- 具備跨團隊合作經驗,曾帶領沒有技術背景的企管系團隊,善加利用學校資源,完成產品原型。
- 作品透過遊戲化的方式訓練孩童理財,拉近親子關係之間的距離。

第二屆華南Fintecher金融科技競賽 | 入圍複賽  (2017年12月)
- 首次提案即在全台灣269件作品中,取得前10名。
- 作品透過統整信用卡的旅遊優惠並結合社群,解決不同旅遊訂購平台的整合問題。

校外經驗                                                                          證照

夢想之家就業發展計畫 (2018年10月 - 2021年10月)

資策會產業分析研習營 (2018年1月 - 2018年1月)

ATC全方位人才培訓營 (2016年4月 - 2018年4月)

電腦技能:Microsoft Word, Ppt, Excel, SPSS



       曾在就業情報(派駐知名通訊外商)擔任人資專員,負責約聘人員的選訓育用留管理,具備良好的溝通能力、問題解決能力、數據分析能力與員工體驗優化能力。曾在聯寶電腦(聯想子公司)擔任人資助理專員,負責招募科技業工程師與舉辦培訓,在過去兩年內安排超過1500場面試,成功招募350位以上正職、100位應屆畢業生與實習生,更將招募流程從1個月縮短為1-2週,在2021年榮獲Lenovo Global Supply Chain (GSC) HR Award,並取得中華人事主管協會<大數據人力資源管理師認證班>前三名。




1. 資策會產業情報研究所實習生 (2018/9-2019/9) 


2. 廣州香江集團實習生 (2018/7-2018/8) 



1. 創立「夢想工作情報站」臉書社團,建立潛在人才庫


2. 第二屆滬港台三地上銀金融科技創新競賽(優勝獎)、校園競賽(第一名):



      為了成為一名全方位的人資,希望透過自己與團隊的力量,幫助他人成就最大,無論是招募、訓練或職涯發展, 透過閱讀人力資源相關理論知識與參加人資課程, 積極地自我進修,學習人資實務經驗。過去累積的大量招募與培訓經驗,包含正職、約聘人員與實習生,讓我具備社群經營能力、敏銳的觀察力、良好的溝通能力、問題解決能力與數據分析能力,希望能有機會到貴公司工作, 謝謝您!

Nina Wu  

E-mail: i20panda@gmail.com
Phone: +886 920980706


Ericsson Taiwan Inc., HR specialist   (Dec. 2021– Aug.2023) 

Managed the end-to-end recruitment process for ARP(Contractor) and direct sourcing source from direct channels.
Provided the best-in-class recruitment experience for all candidates from initial application to final conclusion.
Decided the compensation package by benchmark and deliver comprehensive and attractive compensation and benefit package to candidates.
Established and arrange the new employee orientation, new hire meeting and exit interview.
Analyzed the voice survey to provide and improve best employee experience.

LC Future Center Inc., HR assistant specialist   (Dec. 2019 – Dec. 2021)

 Responsible for end-end recruitment process, arranged over 1500+ interviews, and hired over almost 350 Full-time engineers and 100 campus recruitment. Reduced the hiring process from 1 month to 1-2 weeks.
Managed and developed the recruiting channels by 104 and CakeResume and designed the social media by Facebook and LinkedIn, and internal promotion. The visitor count has increased from 10,000+ hits within budget.
Cooperated and communicated with 30 hiring managers, 6 headhunter companies and 3 temporary agencies to find the talent and optimize the candidate experience. Signed the contract and created the vendor contact. 
Arranged, evaluated and maintained the professional training courses and new employee orientation.
Developed and maintained the iHR, ATS, i-learning,and AI Robot system.
Established the standard operating procedures in recruiting and training.
Managed the self-media by using LinkedIn and Facebook.

Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute, Business development Intern   (Sep. 2018 – Dec. 2019)

Increased click views by 500% through designing AI, Block chain, Big Data, Fintech, 5G charts (News, report and product such as Business Model Navigator and Think Fintech) and editing the Management Associate film.
Gathered the Fintech data and ICT industry data to the director.

Heung Kong Group Inc., Administrative Intern   (Jun. 2018 – Jul. 2018)

Improved the business process by designing the report in five parts and analyzed the general expenses of 36 stores.
Assisted the president to contact 160 members of the Shenzhen Overseas Chinese International Association in 4 days.

Helped the manager to support 2 International Innovation Fairs in Shenzhen and Zhuhai.


Ming Chuang University, bachelor of business administration (Sep. 2015 – Jun. 2019)

Honors & Awards

Lenovo Global Supply Chain (GSC) HR Award (Apr. 2021)
Excellent of Shanghai Commercial Bank Hong Kong Fintech Hackathon (Apr. 2019)
First place of Shanghai Commercial Bank Fintech Taiwan Hackathon Competition (Dec. 2018) 

Placed in the TOP 10 of HNCB Fintech Contest in 269 teams Activities (Dec. 2017)


HR Friday Course (Jan. 2019 - Current)
The TOP 20 in Industry Analysis Workshop and Business and Talent Development Project, Institute for Information Industry (Jan. 2018 - Jan. 2018)

Allround Talent Camp (Apr. 2016 - Apr. 2018) 


TOEIC: 690 / 990
The Top 3 of Big Data in Human Resources Qualified Professional Training Certificate, Chinese Personnel Executive Association (Oct. 2021)

HR Technology Preparatory Course, National Taiwan Normal University & HR Friday
Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point, Basic SPSS

Dear hiring manager,

My name is Nina. I am a bachelor of business administration and as a HR  specialist at Ericsson (via Career) now and as HR assistant specialist at LCFC which is the subsidiary of Lenovo before. Seeking to use my background in recruiting, training and marketing to take on the role of your company. I am good at personal relationship, communication, problem solving and data analysis. And I got the Global Supply Chain (GSC) HR Award and the Top 3 of Big Data in Human Resources Qualified Professional Training Certificate (Chinese Personnel Executive Association) in 2021.

As a HR specialist at Ericsson, I manage the end-to-end recruitment process for ARP(Contractor), direct sourcing source from direct channels and provide the best recruitment experience for all candidates. Decide the compensation package by benchmark and deliver comprehensive and attractive compensation and benefit package to candidates. To provide good employment experience, I build the new employee orientation and exit interview. Communicate with in-house HR, hiring managers and temporary agency. Report to HR head directly every month to enhance the ARP management.

As a HR assistant specialist at LCFC, To begin with, I am responsible for the end-end recruitment processes from application, salary recommendations to offer. I have arranged over 1500+ interviews and hired over 350 Full-time engineers and 100 campus recruitment. I also develop different recruitment channels, add the online introduction to attract more prospective job applicant and design nine-square division to introduce the brand, feature, culture, training and salary, and so on. The visitor count has increased from 10,000+ hits within budget. 

Then, I cooperate and communicate with 30 hiring managers, 6 headhunter companies and 3 temporary agencies to find the talent and optimize the candidate experience. To arrange the interview more efficiency and manage the relationship, I record each function’s available time, the tips for finding the talent, check the recruitment status with them every week. Increase the satisfaction from hiring managers and keep in close touch with vendors and candidates.

Furthermore, I have good and creative problem-solving skills and effective. By analyzing the time of each hiring process, why we can’t immediately get the feedback from the hiring managers, listen to their advice and solve the problem of the HR system, I divide into 3 parts in the policy, process and HR portion. Reduce the hiring process from 1 month to 1-2 weeks. 

With my background, I hope to develop myself to keep pace with the changes in my profession and want to join in your company that I can grow with and achieve your goals.


Nina Wu