Sasha Chiu

Product Manager | Cryptocurrency | UX Design | Digital Transformation


University of Leeds, 科學碩士(MS), Digital Information Management and Systems Innovation, 2022 ~ 2023

輔仁大學 Fu Jen Catholic University, 學士學位, 大眾傳播, 2011 ~ 2015


Maxity.ioSenior Product Manager , Oct 2021 - Oct 2022

- Successfully launched, an award-winning Web 3.0 application focused on a charitable-based NFT marketplace, within half a year. 

- Optimised decentralised wallet, defi swap and farm. 

- Defined a prioritised product roadmap by conducting competitor analysis, user-driven research, and aligning with the engineering team's objectives. 

- Developed compelling business cases, demonstrating the benefits of the roadmap and measuring success through predetermined platform indicators. 

- Gained a deep functional understanding of essential systems and platforms, improving the end-to-end customer experience by promoting agile development and third-party integrations. 

- Facilitated cross-team communication among teams in Taiwan, the UK, and outsourcing partners, focusing on smart contract structure and implementation. 

- Iteratively developed critical application features and optimised user experience to integrate versions one and two seamlessly. 

- Established collaborative relationships e.g. Chainlink Lab, fostering valuable partnerships for mutual growth and advancement.

BlockTown Technology Co., Product Owner , Jul 2020 ~ Jul 2021

- Successfully managed two products simultaneously, effectively heading timelines, progress, and meeting product requirements. 

- Led and trained two UI designers and a Junior PM, guiding two teams of 6-10 members using Scrum development.

Centralised Exchange 

- Responsible for the Product Owner, conducting a comprehensive analysis of product requirements and development cycles, and breaking down goals into sprints. 

- Improved order execution and speed by implementing trading robots and dark pools. 

- Optimised the candlestick interface and trading speed to ensure a secure trading environment. 

- Developed and introduced Staking and Fixed Savings features, which resulted in a 10% increase in usage times and user retention. 

- Strategised and planned the integration of new chains and token listings, such as Polkadot/Dot.

Software Product Development 

- Led the development of an online voucher platform from the ground up. 

- Successfully launched the MVP version of the platform within a three-month timeframe. 

- Acted as a Scrum Master, facilitating the team's transition to an agile development model, enhancing cohesion and efficiency.

Neweb Technologies Co., Product Manager, Jul 2018 ~ Feb 2020

1. 第三方支付平台介面之設計與使用者的消費數據報告,分析客群參數,進一步分類使用者類別
2. 協同工程師設計數據分析程式軟體,優化分類客群之過程,整體分析過程效率提高20%
3. 針對客群潛在使用商品/服務進行邀約合作,擴大公司支付平台之營業項目
4. 客服系統/語音 IVR規劃,SA 資源整合

國泰世華銀行 (總行), 產品企畫科專員, Aug 2015 ~ May 2018

1. 聯名信用卡專案規劃:負責co-branded credit card的產品規劃、行銷方案,成功分析正確客群,推廣後刷卡營業額增加過去同期20%
1.1. 百萬預算提高 150% 辦卡率,突破以往新高達
1.2. 成平均每卡消費年成長一千元以上

2. 大眾廣宣:部門廣宣媒體窗口,協助部門內信用卡產品、促刷活動的廣宣評估及建議
2.1 協助部門內行內數位廣告及戶外廣告有效導流成長0.5倍。

3. LINE官方帳號:帳號維運、廣告議題、成效分析
3.1. 整合銀行部門與人壽保險部門,主導跨領域金融產品之行銷活動,確實增加公司營業利潤與品牌知名度
3.2. 規畫 Line 活動,快速累績會員 3 週成長達近千位粉絲

4. 參與專案:Apple/Google/Samsung pay、信用卡線上申請、銀行官網改版。



1. 語音流程重編  2. 客服系統軟體規劃 ( 架構/資料存放/資料庫串接 )  3. Chat bot 導入評估

4. 系統廠商評估  5. 時程安排。

你好,我是 Sasha,謝謝您閱讀這份履歷,

若我有符合該職位角色期待,希望有跟您聊聊的機會,謝謝 :)

Sasha Chiu

Product Manager | Cefi | Defi | NFT | UX Design | Digital Transformation

Product Manager
Taipei, Taiwan