Yi-Xun, Tseng 曾奕勳 

Taipei, TW / scps960740@gmail.com / +886-983535829 / Age 23 



Software Engineer - Tiktok, Singapore 2021/02 ~ present

- Frontend development in Trust & Safety Team.

Frontend engineer - Binance, Taipei, Taiwan 2020/08 ~2021/02

- Developed Binance fintech products, such as Binance Liquid Swap, etc.
Skills Used:​ #​ JavaScript, #React.js, #Node.js, #HTML, #CSS
1.Binance Liquid Swap

Frontend engineer - 17 Media, Taipei, Taiwan 2020/03 ~ 2020/08 
- Developed 17Media internal system.
- Developed the infrastructure, ex: Firebase event tracking framework. 
- Builded the calculating live streamer's score API with Node.js. 
- UI performance enhancements, such as using React Profiler to measure the rendering duration of components and prevent unnecessary re-rendering.
Skills Used: #TypeScript, #JavaScript, #React.js, #Node.js, #HTML, #CSS, 
1. 17Media Browser-spy (Firebase event tracking framework) link
2. 17Media event pages link 
3. 17Media internal event system

Frontend engineer - Yahoo, Taipei, Taiwan 2018/09 ~ 2020/03
Developed Yahoo E-commerce Server-Side-Rendering web apps.
- Refactored and developed common React.js components to enhance project quality. 
- Performance enhancement, ex: Image lazy loading, avoiding reflow or repaint on HTML DOM tree.
- Cookie troubleshooting and collaborating with Back-End engineers to integrate game related api. 
- Solved technical problems by implementing JavaScript closure and developing the CSV-data-crawling feature. 
- Developed unit tests to protect React.js components or JavaScript utils code. 
- Solved pipeline problems when deployed to AWS instance. 
- CI/CD pipeline rebuilding, migrating from AWS to internal platform. 
- Integrated PWA and Google AMP to improve SEO ranking. 
Skills Used: #JavaScript, #Node.js, #SSR, #React.js, #Redux, #CI/CD, #PWA, #AMP, #AWS, #Jest, #HTML, #CSS
1. Yahoo Shopdaily 刷報 link 
2. Yahoo E-commerce campaign game link 
3. Yahoo Shopping 
4. Apex, internal E-commerce api documents website

Web developer (full-time & internship) - Arkkers亞科國際, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2017/07 ~ 2018/09 
Developed customized websites and apps (Android & IOS) for clients. 
Skills Used: #JavaScript, #Vue.js, #Angular, #Ionic, #PHP, #MYSQL, #HTML, #CSS 
1. Hcpower website link 
2. Hualien County long term care center website link 
3. MONSIN website link 
4. SWAN website link 
5. Hot springs booking app link

- Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology  (2014 ~ 2018)
  Department of information management 
- Oracle Certified Professional, JAVA SE6 Programmer link

- Familiar: JavaScript 
- Used: Typescript, JAVA, PHP