Vicky Kuo

編輯    Taichung,Taiwan


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Language              學測國文十五級分、TOEIC 845 分、大學修習外文系口筆譯學程

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Work Experience

香港商標準線上廣告有限公司台灣分公司, Jan 2020 ~ NOW


Articles I

秋日和煦陽光下伴隨的微風如同帶著我駛入永恆無垠的列車。 如果曾經說好去聽音樂會、海島東京澳門巴黎沒兌現前的我們不會分開的話,我想約定去死海,手牽手到了也就沒有遺憾,在那之前倘若死海乾涸我們便有了未了的心願。

Article II




Translation I

Taiwan’s victorious President Tsai Ing-wen meets US and Japanese envoys to repeat calls for closer ties 


On the heels of her election victory, Tsai met Brent Christensen, director of the American Institute in Taiwan on Sunday morning, reaffirming Taipei’s commitment to deepening security and economic cooperations with the US. 


She also stressed that Taiwan would “continue to cooperate to strengthen our national defence capabilities” and “looks forward to bolstering the integration of the Taiwan-US industry chain and continuing to deepen the trade relations”. While the US does not formally recognise Taiwan, it is legally bound to help the island defend itself. Christensen said the US and Taiwan were not just partners, “we are members of the same community of democracies, bonded by our shared values”. 


Translation II

Cold Air Mass Driving Down Mercury Islandwide 冷氣團來襲,台成冷凍番薯 

Temperature in most areas of Taiwan will drop sharply today due to the southward movement of the continental cold air mass, and it is likely to drizzle around the island, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) forecast yesterday. 


CWB forecasters said that although temperature lingered at a high of 28 to 30 degrees Celsius during the daytime around the island, it started to rain in some areas last night, including Taipei. 


As the cold front and the continental air mass are approaching the island one after the other, temperatures will drop significantly starting today through Wednesday. 


Such areas as northern Taiwan, eastern and northeastern Taiwan, and offshore islands of Kinmen and Penghu will see rainy days in the next three days, while southern Taiwan and southeastern Taiwan will see brief showers. 
