【ANIWARE】資料科學家 Data Scientist

Updated 3 Months agoIT » Data Scientist

Job Description

    If doing things nobody's done before is a challenge you want to take on, we would love to hear from you. Powered by AI and IoT, CardioBird is the world’s first one-stop heart diagnostic and monitoring service platform for animal. We need your help in the making of the “Internet of Pets” and also extend our technology solution to different areas other than pet. We are looking for a talented and creative algorithm and data science expert to join our data science team. This is a challenging position offering the opportunity to work with leading edge AI and sensor technologies embedded in IoT and wearables devices.

    Job Description
    - Specialize in the application of signal processing and machine learning techniques to design, develop, and implement preprocessing modules, biometrics algorithms, and AI engines using various forms of sensor data.
    - Be capable of designing experiments to acquire data sets for training and validation of hypotheses and models, as well as support pilot trials at customer facilities to test our algorithms in the field
    - Explore optimal algorithm designs to fit in the limits offered by the resources of the embedded system
    - Working with other team members to assemble and test the algorithm integrates with device firmware, coordinating work with members of the team.
    - Patent the inventions and improvements of the technology. Contribute to our algorithm IP portfolio.
    - Investigating emerging and new areas that fit our AI-powered sensing solution.


- Master /Ph.D. in Engineering, Statistics, quantitative degree and/or relevant experience.
- Strong background in signal processing, pattern matching algorithms, optimization algorithms, machine learning.
- Proven experiences (2+ years) and the ability to solve signal processing and machine learning problems and implement practical solutions.
- Experience working with sensor data from various kinds of IoT and wearable devices.
- Proficiency in Python, Matlab, and C
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and the desire to work in a dynamic and collaborative environment
- Collaborative, self-motivated, fast learner that comfortable working in a dynamic environment tackling challenging problems
- Deep knowledge of end-to-end algorithms development and performance reporting.
- Detail-oriented and take a thorough and analytical approach, producing complete documentation
- Passionate about signal processing, machine learning, and AI.

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ANIWARE Company Limited


About us

ANIWARE 是一間專注於寵物健康數據分析的AI公司,我們的使命是透過數據分析服務,為獸醫師、寵物與飼主帶來更好的生活,革新寵物健康領域。
CardioBird 是提供給獸醫師的「快速心臟檢測平台」,協助獸醫師用最少的時間與成本,替寵物完成專科等級的心臟檢測(詳情請見 www.aniware.ltd) 。我們的客戶遍佈台灣、韓國、中國、香港與日本,目前已有400間合作動物醫院。

◎ Company Milestone:

  • 2016 公司於香港成立
  • 2017 Zeroth Accelerator 第一屆入選團隊
  • 2018 亞洲最大創業加速器 AppWorks 第 17 屆入選團隊
  • 2019 進軍台灣市場,同年獲得緯創醫學領投Pre-A輪150萬美金
  • 2020 進軍韓國、中國市場
  • 2021 成立日本辦公室,獲台北市產業發展獎勵研發補助
