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- The work of the blockchain researcher will involve the dissemination, internally and externally, of the results of such activities through publications, patents, seminars, and representing us at professional meetings, in professional organizations and universities.  
- Provide technical planning and support for initial blockchain product development. 


[Essential Requirements]

- Passionate about cryptocurrency and blockchain
- Computer Science-related background (prefer PhD)with research record and commitment in one or more of the following areas:
a) distributed systems and large-scale web applications
b) performance modeling and analysis with focus on scalability
c) cryptography, including asymmetric (pub/private key), symmetric, hash functions, encryption/signatures
- Familiar with Blockchain technology or other distributed system
- Understanding of P2P networking
- Understanding of cryptographic principles
- Understanding of various distributed consensus methodologies (Raft, Mining, PoS, Paxos, etc)

[Desirable Qualifications]
- Familiar with Bitcoin, Ethereum, IPFS, Cosmos, Polkadot, or other blockchain related technologies
- Active demonstrable interest in blockchain, P2P distributed systems, DHTs, or cryptography
- Practical experience in developing on Blockchain platforms such as Bitcoin or Ethereum
a)Proven experience using Ethereum, bonus points for commercial experience
b)Ability to develop well-written Ethereum smart contracts with good test coverage
c)Ability to interpret and reason through an EVM stack trace output
d)A good understanding of the workings of the Ethereum Virtual Machine
e)Can write Ethereum smart contracts in Solidity, Serpent, HLL, or LLL
f)Ability to write reusable/modular smart contracts and smart contract APIs
- Preferably have knowledge in MPC, homomorphic encryption, zero knowledge proof, and differential privacy


兩位共同創辦人——直播平台 17 直播共同創辦人陳泰元以及前 Google Taiwan 資深工程師黃偉寧於 2017 年 8 月正式啟動 柯賓漢數位金融科技。
區塊鏈的技術可以改變世界,其發展潛力無窮無盡,我們持續開發區塊鏈技術,於 2018 年 5 月正式發表創新開源底層鏈技術 DEXON,以解決目前主流鏈速度慢、擴充性低等問題,並打造擴充性高、效能佳的 Interchain 底層鏈,將吸引全球開源人投入包括底層鏈及相對應的 DApp,例如虛擬貨幣錢包等,建構能夠支持真實生活需求的完整區塊鏈生態系,讓區塊鏈技術帶來的價值能夠儘早落實到每一個人的生活當中。
我們將目光著眼於全世界,面對來自世界各地的挑戰,延攬獵豹移動副總裁施子薇 Jill Shih 加入擔任執行長,目前團隊規模已達100人,團隊陣容堅強,成員來自Google, Microsoft, IBM, Apple, Tesla, Cheetah Mobile, Mozilla, 17 Media, Gogoro, EY, Deloitte, Trend Micro, Synology, Jones Day, Lee & Li, APT等知名企業。接下來,我們將攜手實踐公司創立時的理念,透過區塊鏈技術,打造未來網路生態。
