加密貨幣分析實習生 Crypto fundamental analyst (不需 crypto 經驗與知識)

Updated 3 Months agoFinance » Analyst

Job Description

Job Description

For interns, you are supposed to work for more than 3-5 days a week. (expected to be onboard ASAP)

0. You DON'T NEED TO BE FAMILIAR IN CRYPTO SPACE (But you are expected to learn very fast, a.k.a.  you need to be smart)

1. You work with the team to track daily activities around the crypto space. You are expected to identify trading opportunities among defi protocols, Long/Short ideas, tracking protocol updates as catalyst.

2. You are supposed to lead this effort in structuring a research process to scale up the market monitoring method and identify trading opportunity. 

3. You might be required to write an analysis and may participate in podcasting.

Work Environment

All the work will be communicated in English with frequent use of technical terms. Through this job, you will develop great understanding in technology, finance, accounting and other areas.



- intellectual curiosity and capacity to execute job description described above
- a good command in English and an ease with high level concepts as well as technical terms
- an ability to process extraordinary amount of information
- like reading
- communication skills

Big plus

- passion toward crypto assets

- like reading books on science, accounting or law
- programming skills
- detail-oriented

We do not care about

- degree/major
- previous work experience
- experience in crypto trading or any crypto relating experience
- Bitcoin

****欲申請者,請將您的英文履歷寄送至 info@gamma.to,若僅從 Cake Resume 寄送履歷將一蓋忽略,謝謝您。*****

Interview process

0. 申請前請先閱讀 Gamma 的分析文章 (https://gamma.to/),特別是以下 5 篇文章


1. 請將您的英文履歷、cover letter(若有)與作品集(若有)寄至 info@gamma.to

    2. Gamma 將審核履歷後,寄出下一輪面試邀請(將為全英文面試,線上、實體待定)

    3. 面試可能將有二至三輪,再公佈最終聘僱結果

    ****欲申請者,請將您的英文履歷寄至 info@gamma.to,若僅從 Cake Resume 寄送履歷將一蓋忽略,謝謝您。*****

    48K ~ 50K TWD/month
    Partial Remote Work
    View all jobs

    Gamma 美股科技投資


    About us


    我們的使命:普及過去僅限在頂尖投資機構的投資與科技知識,Gamma 運用長期在投資與科技的經驗與知識,剖析商業模式、成長動能、風險因子和市場動態,並以深入淺出的方式提供給更多獨立的投資人。

    Gamma 提供給訂閱戶獨家且觀點獨特的分析文章,並在每週固定更新 Podcast,傳遞獨到且獨特的投資觀察與科技趨勢分析。


    我們有長達 12 年的投資專業經驗,成員之一曾在最知名的避險基金管理股票多空對沖基金,更在買方調查問券中被提名為亞洲成效最佳的投資人。

