Site Reliability Engineer(SRE)/網站可靠度工程師

Updated 3 Months agoIT » Security Engineer

Descripción del trabajo

KadoKado is a PUGC novel platform based in Taiwan and targets global Chinese readers and creators.

*Job Description:
- You will be responsible for developing and maintaining the KadoKado service and supporting the daily operation
- Designs, develops, documents, tests, and debugs new and existing configuration management (Terraform) infrastructure as code
- Monitoring, trend tracking, and reporting to facilitate smooth operations and minimal downtime
- Introduce workflow automation to keep improving working efficiency
- Administration of cloud infrastructure, e.g., GCP and AWS
- Administration and operation of mission-critical infrastructure (database cluster, network equipment, K8S, load balancer…, etc.)
- Participate in code reviews


- 3+ years experience with GCP/AWS
- 1+ years experience with Terraform
- Bash or similar scripting experience
- Experience in RDBMS (would be better if you have used PostgreSQL)
- Experience in Git and GitHub (would be better if you could provide your GitHub account for reference)
- Have experience in troubleshooting and resolving database integrity issues, performance issues, blocking and deadlocking issues, replication issues, log shipping issues, connectivity issues, security issues, etc.
- Have experience in performance tuning, query optimization
- Have expert experience in implementing operational automation
- Have experience working with Prometheus, Grafana, or similar monitoring tools
- Linux experience and familiarity with Linux networking
- Good communication skills and teamwork spirit
- Passionate about new technologies and development models
- Strong initiative and enthusiasm
- Self-discipline
- Strong technical English

- On-premises data center administration experience
- Expert experience in PostgreSQL
- Strong hands-on knowledge of Unix/Linux operating systems
- Experience with ElasticSearch tuning & scaling
- Familiar with node.js
- Experience in Open Source Projects/Communities
- It is good to show us your previous work, which you are proud of, or piece of code you’ve contributed to any open-source projects
- Experience with agile development
- ACGN lover

50K ~ 100K TWD/mes
Trabajo a Distancia Opcional
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台灣台北市中山區松江路223號3 樓

Sobre nosotros

台灣角川1999年成立以來,以城市情報誌Taipei Walker創刊為起步,繼而引進日本的輕小說、漫畫等翻譯出版引發閱讀熱潮,現在事業版圖更擴大至動畫商品、海外觀光事業,以至於全面數位化發展。

1999年9月發行Taipei Walker,正式將都會情報誌以及全新編輯觀念引進台灣,創刊號即創造22萬冊的驚人發行量,透過密集宣傳造勢活動以及邀請創刊號封面人物深田恭子來台,打響了Taipei Walker在台灣的知名度。

2001年起Taipei Walker從雙週刊改成月刊方式發行,並將Taipei Walker的精致平面內容結合網路科技推出電子書,持續將閱讀概念充分延伸至數位化載體。由於美食介紹是Taipei Walker的報導重點,能充分掌握美食市場的動態,提供兼具主題性與實用性的飲食資訊,豐富讀者對於美食的強烈需求。不僅如此,另針對特定主題,推出多元化的主題旅遊特刊,包括台中Walker、高雄Walker、台南Walker、民宿Walker等,透過主題包裝提供精緻完整的情報資訊。2012年5月WalkerLand數位平台正式上線,定調以美食、旅遊為窩客島主軸,傾注Taipei Walker多年來的品牌力與完整資料庫,打造最專業的吃喝玩樂交流平台!

此外,動漫也是亞洲文化主流之一,台灣角川於2001年即正式進軍台灣漫畫市場。除了出版漫畫單行本,並成功將日本風行已久的Light novel引進台灣,並建立了「輕小說」此一嶄新的閱讀型態。除了引進翻譯書籍,台灣角川基於培植華文創作人才的理念,於2008年開始舉辦國人輕小說的徵選比賽,並於2013年參加「角川漫畫新人大賞」。2014年加入日本的漫畫線上平台Comic Walker,推出多部台灣人創作的漫畫連載。2013年成立「動畫商品部」,開始代理日本人氣動畫並推出多種暢銷的動畫商品,並創下動畫作品與手機遊戲跨界合作的模式。今後也將秉持回饋大眾的精神,不斷推出高品質動漫讀物與商品,拉近台灣動漫與日本或國際間的距離,期待發展出更好的台灣動漫市場。
