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Mô tả công việc

Networking Hardware Engineering is responsible for delivering industry-leading networking adapters. In this role individual will be involved in all aspects of the Networking adapter including but not limited to sizing the roadmaps of industry-leading networking adapter vendors, creating and executing testing and debugging routines of the adapter's hardware and firmware, OOB driver, and documenting work and results.

Yêu cầu


- Bachelor's Degree in Electronics, Electrical/Computer Engineering or related majors.
- With x86 platform architecture
- Basic understanding of BIOS, Linux*kernel driver, Windows* driver, shell, script

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Về chúng tôi

Lenovo是一家營業額達600億美元,名列《財富》世界500大,業務遍及180個市場的全球化科技企業。 我們專注於“Smarter Technology for All”的願景,每天為數百萬名客戶提供智慧化裝置與基礎架構,並幫助他們打造智慧化解決方案、服務與軟體,期待攜手成就一個更具包容性、更值得信賴且可持續發展的數位化未來。

價值觀是我們行為的準則,Lenovo的價值觀包含: -服務客戶 -誠信共贏 -創業精神 -開拓創新。
