Diperbarui 3 bulan yang laluPemasaran / Iklan » Performance Marketing Manager

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

You will be a key driving force in the evolution of Blockchain technology.

Blockchain technology is one of the most prominent technologies in recent years, combining cryptography, decentralized systems, VMs, etc. to provide a decentralized trust system.

There are many projects around the world applying blockchain technology in different fields (finance, gaming, education, healthcare, etc.) to provide more efficient solutions. However, blockchain applications are still struggling to enter the mainstream market, and one of the biggest obstacles is the complicated/cumbersome user experience.

Blocto is the world's most user-friendly blockchain application portal and developer tool, which significantly simplifies the user experience and reduces barriers to entry, enabling the public to easily use blockchain applications and enjoy the value of blockchain.


  • Design high-quality data-driven marketing campaign deliverables
  • In collaboration with Marketing, conduct data analysis to make marketing campaign optimizations
  • Develop, implement and MKT databases, data collection systems to optimise statistical efficiency
  • Monitor business metrics and provide key business solutions


  • 10 official days off per year
  • Additional 3-6 days of flexible leaves per year
  • Flexible working hours and work-from-home when needed
  • Beverage & snacks included
  • Company gatherings: Bi-weekly TGIFs etc.
  • Stock/Token option
  • Learning allowance



  • 1+ years of experience of business analyst/ data analyst
  • BS in Business / Economics is a plus
  • Strong analytical skills to collect and interpret data accurately
  • Ability to provide logical / data-driven insights to solve business problems
  • Experience utilizing analytical / visualization tools such as Excel / Amplitude is a plus
  • Crypto or blockchain experience is preferred

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portto 門戶科技 | Blocto

台北市中山區民權東路三段 35 號 12 樓

Tentang Kami

portto 致力於改進區塊鏈應用的使用體驗,成為使用者進入去中心化世界的入口。

近幾年區塊鏈技術及衍生應用蓬勃發展,但尚未能被社會大眾廣泛使用、進入主流市場,其中最關鍵的問題是:區塊鏈應用的操作介面及使用者體驗非常原始、粗糙。使用者如果要使用區塊鏈應用,必須先了解非對稱加密、密鑰助記詞、智能合約、鏈上交易、Gas 價格與 Gas 上限⋯⋯等技術原理,是極高的進入障礙。

portto 團隊擁有豐富的區塊鏈產業知識和經驗,結合對產品品質的堅持,重新設計區塊鏈應用該有的樣貌,追求極致使用者體驗,目標讓所有人都能簡單輕鬆地使用區塊鏈應用。如此,區塊鏈技術才能真正走入你我的生活,而不再只是投機或炒作的噱頭。

目前 portto 正在開發面向主流市場的區塊鏈應用瀏覽器,目標市場除了台灣之外,預計推向歐美與日本。結合最新技術和精巧的 UX 設計,將帶給使用者耳目一新的感受。歡迎你加入 portto,和我們一起構築五年、十年後的網路世界!



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