Content Writer

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About Gogolook FinTech Team

We love creating high conversion tools which can help people to find financial products designed for their needs. Combining open data and the new generation of digital ID development, people will foresee what financial products for them may look like and increase the possibilities to get better choices from our products.

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Create compelling and high-converted content that helps people find the best financial products based on their real needs.
  2. Create a writer program to recruit financial enthusiasts generating varieties of topics.
  3. Develop and oversee implementation of content strategy.
  4. Promote content on external social channels and forums.
  5. Establish style guides that specify the writing style and tone needed to create engaging content with financial enthusiasts.
  6. Develop a measurable report for conversion and traffics.


Minimum Requirements

  1. Previous digital content strategy or editorial role with a focus on strategy, development, and execution.
  2. Proven work experience creating and editing data literacy content for a targeted audience.
  3. Able to work with financial enthusiasts and engage with relevant social channels and forums.
  4. Preferably familiar with the financial product analysis and economic insight.
  5. Excellent Project management with experience in an agile working model is a must.
  6. Great analytical skills and creative experience are necessary to address targeted messages to a variety of audiences.
  7. Organized, detail-oriented, and deadline-driven.

Preferred Requirements

  1. Experience in Financial content. (loan, credit card, bank service, payments)
  2. Experience in forum and group management, like Dcard, ptt, and others.
  3. Enthusiastic and self-motivated, with the ability to lead and manage projects proactively
  4. Fluent in English and Chinese mandarin with presentation skill

Proses interview

Apply via our Jobsite for better response time.

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Tentang Kami

【 關於Gogolook 】

信任科技服務商 Gogolook(走著瞧股份有限公司)成立於2012年,以「Build for Trust」為核心,建立由AI與數據驅動的全球化數位防詐與風險管理服務(Risk Management as a Service),從多元通訊、金融科技到企業 SaaS 服務,打造不同應用場景的信任賦能科技。Gogolook 為全球防詐聯盟 GASA 創始會員,並與台灣警政署刑事局、韓國金融監督院、泰國警政、日本福岡市政府、馬來西亞皇家警察與州政府共同防範詐騙問題,以東亞與東南亞最大的電話號碼資料庫為基礎,致力於創造一個「零詐騙環境」。

Gogolook is a leading TrustTech company established in 2012. With "Build for Trust" as its core value, it aims to create an AI- and data-driven global anti-fraud network as well as Risk Management as a Service. From multi-communication to fintech, SaaS and Web3, Gogolook creates trustworthy empowerment with the use of technology in various fields.

Gogolook has also teamed up with a number of institutes such as the Taiwan National Police Agency Criminal Investigation Bureau, the Financial Supervisory Service of South Korea, Thai Police Cyber Taskforce, the Fukuoka city government, and the Malaysia Selangor state government to fight fraud and ultimately, to build a trustworthy communication network with the largest database in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

【 創辦故事 】

2010.07 Whoscall 首次上架Google Play 平台
2013.12 LINE 母公司 NAVER以新台幣5.29億元投資 Gogolook
2014.12 Whoscall iOS 版上架
2015.02 收購香港小熊來電 App
2016.07 與台灣刑事局165簽訂合作備忘錄,協同165反詐騙專線打擊詐騙
2017.07 與韓國金融監督院、警察廳簽訂合作備忘錄
2018.02 Whoscall 全球用戶破 6,000 萬,獲得國泰私募基金超過3億投資
2019.12 推出「Whoscall 市話版象卡來」服務,讓家用電話遠離詐騙和騷擾
2020.07 與日本福岡市政府開啟合作,共同防範詐騙問題
2020.09 推出金融科技服務「袋鼠金融 Roo.Cash」
2020.09 創辦人郭建甫榮獲第四屆總統創新獎
2020.10 獲全球最大砷化鎵晶圓代工廠穩懋半導體投資
2020.11 可疑訊息查證機器人美玉姨加入 Gogolook
2021.10 與泰國警方簽署合作備忘錄,正式開啟防詐合作
2021.11 Whoscall 全球下載突破 1 億次
2022.06 首次跨足區塊鏈,投資新創 Chainsight
2022.10 併購 AI 新創 Crowdinsight,強化風險管理服務
2023.01 與馬來西亞皇家警察攜手合作,共同針對網路詐騙問題展開防範措施
2023.07 獲選臺灣國家發展委員會 NEXT BIG 新創計畫
2023.07 以「走著瞧-創(6902)」名稱於臺灣證交所創新板掛牌上市


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