綜合行銷專員 - Integrated Marketing Specialist

Updated 3 Months agoMarketing / Advertising » Marketer

Job Description


• 擁有區塊鏈或虛擬貨幣公司的工作經驗,滲透理解區塊鏈科技發展運用和熟網路生態
• 協助B2B區塊鏈業務開發
• 企劃行銷活動與帶社群風向
• 規劃和編輯產出的相關遊戲文案和區塊鏈行銷文,並且透過了解幣圈應用者的期待規劃有趣的應對以及相關產品內容
• 有遊戲類客服經驗
• 與設計師溝通圖文的設計與呈現
• 撰寫新聞稿並即時向媒體發佈
• 與行銷部門同事一同執行異業結盟專案,包含線上推播、網站管理、圖文內容更新、論壇推廣、社群媒體推廣

• Working experiences in Blockchain or Crypto companies, familiar with the internet ecosystem, a deep understanding of the Blockchain technology
• Support business development of B2B blockchain solutions.
• Develop marketing campaigns and lead community growth
• Be an editor in creating relevant content in gaming and blockchain topics, develop a deep understanding of the community's expectations and creatively interact with the community.
• Be the to-go-person in the community to assist in resolving issues and technical support.
• Work with our in-house designer and create compelling graphics
• Write press releases and disseminate to the media at stipulated timings.
• Manages tasks or projects with colleagues in marketing or other departments such online push, website management, graphic content updates, forum seeding and social media sharing.


- 中、英文能力佳,具有TOEIC 850分以上實力(不一定要持有證書)或有英語系國家交換、求學經驗。
- 文筆通順,擅長將困難的概念化繁為簡。
- Fluent in both English and Chinese. TOEIC 850 and above/same level proficiency or have studied/exchanged overseas.
- Good writing skills, able to transcript complexity to simplicity

- 有渴望學習的態度以及創業家思維
- 市場情報蒐集及市場調查監控反饋

Plus points:
- Deposition with hunger to learn and have a entrepreneur mindset
- Data mining and research experience
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JOYSO (共識科技)


About us

JOYSO Enterprise 成立於2016年12月,由多個區塊鏈愛好者組成,旨在推廣與區塊鏈相關的應用和開發。除了與台灣的大型企業合作外,還參與全球技術研發,以促進既有系統對區塊鏈的整合和採用。2018年5月,JOYSO Enterprise 推出了旗下產品——混合式去中心化交易所 JOYSO,支援100多種加密貨幣交易對。除了交易所,JOYSO Enterprise 還與 TRON(波場)、Muzeum、Nebulas(星雲鏈)、Ethereum(以太坊)等組織合作開發了數個項目。

自2022年起,Bachelier Protocol 是JOYSO團隊全新打造,建立在區塊鏈上的去中心化「選擇權」協定,使用自動化做市的機制(AMM)降低交易過程所產生的滑價。考量到選擇權產品的特性,讓流動性提供者有更多的選擇性,並加入清算機制以保障交易過程的安全。

Founded in December 2016, Consensus Innovation is formed by several blockchain enthusiasts to promote blockchain-related applications and development. In addition to cooperating with large enterprises in Taiwan, it also participates in worldwide technology research and development, promotes the integration and adoption of blockchain in existing systems. In May 2018, JOYSO, a hybrid decentralized exchange, product of Consensus Innovation launched and provide more than 100 trading pairs of crypto currency. Aside from the exchange, Consensus Innovation has several projects in developments with organizations such as TRON, Nebulas, Ethereum etc.

Bachelier Protocol is a JOYSO affiliated blockchain based Defi options protocol that uses Autonomous Market Making (AMM) to minimize slippage during trading since 2022. We aim to offer more to the liquidity providers and to include liquidation mechanism for better trading experience.
