【資深C++軟體工程師】Senior C++ Software Engineer

Updated 3 Months agoIT » Back-end Engineer

Job Description

【在POSITIVE GRID 你會做些什麼?】

- 部門採行 SCRUM(敏捷軟體開發) 方式 作為軟體開發專案管理方式

- 開發 BIAS 系列 Windows/Mac 版 軟體產品, e.g. BIAS Amp, BIAS FX, BIAS Pedal

- 與 Front-end RD 合作共同開發新功能, Front-end RD 負責UI(Webview), C++ SW RD 負責實作底層聲音處理,聲音效果切換及參數保存讀取

- 與 FW(韌體) RD 合作共同開發新功能, FW RD 負責 BIAS 硬體控制功能, C++ SW RD 負責實作軟體 與 韌體的溝通及同步傳送資料…etc

- 與QA合作參與發展自動測試框架並獲得成果

- follow git flow 並對開發版本有效管理



- 熟練 OOP in C++
- 熟悉 C++ 標準庫與各種 STL 容器
- 對最新的 C++11/14/17 標準有興趣,並想將其應用在工作上
- 可獨立透過閱讀官方文件實作出在支援平台(macOS, Windows)上所需的功能
- 有使用 STL 撰寫多執行緒程式的經驗
- 有持續集成和部署的概念
- 熟悉Design pattern
- 對於Git 操作十分熟練
- 重視自己的commitment, 並願意做出令人驚艷的產品


- 熟悉 WinDBG 或 LLDB
- 熟悉重構 C++ 程式碼
- 熟悉使用 C++ 的撰寫單元測試案例
- 有使用過 C++ 單元測試框架的經驗,如 google test, catch
- 熟悉開源/框架項目,如JUCE(開發 VST/AU/RTAS/AAX audio plug-in), CEF(Chromium embedded framework)
- HTML/Javascript 經驗尤佳
- Agile mindset. 有 Scrum 經驗尤佳
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POSITIVE GRID 佳格數位科技有限公司

台北市中山區長春路 176 號 11 樓

About us

Positive Grid: Dancing with the Future of Music Technology

Music knows no boundaries, and when it meets cutting-edge technology, its charm and influence magnify. Positive Grid isn’t just a messenger of music; we're pioneers of music technology. If you're brimming with enthusiasm for both music and technology, then Positive Grid is undeniably your dream stage.

Here, we have a top-tier team of global music technology engineers dedicated to developing world-class intelligent music devices. We are constantly innovating, developing leading smart instrument applications, and breaking new grounds in the realm of music technology. Our pursuit is not just about technological innovation; we aim to lead the tide of music tech products.

At Positive Grid, you'll work with the crème de la crème of the industry, experience the perfect fusion of music and technology, and have the opportunity to participate in constructing a music platform designed by engineers for engineers. This is a place where you can challenge yourself and realize your dreams in the music tech domain.

We are more than just engineers; we are musical heroes. Here, every member is a rock star in this field. Positive Grid has assembled Taiwan's premier music tech engineering team, and now, we're actively seeking more exceptional talents to co-write the new chapter of music technology.

The spirit of Positive Grid is encapsulated in our slogan: "Empowering engineers to redefine the music experience." Whether you're a musician or an engineer, if you have the passion, you will find your stage at Positive Grid.

So, what are you waiting for? Join Positive Grid, collaborate with us to shape the future of music technology, and experience the epitome of engineering innovation intertwined with musical creativity. Here, every idea and inspiration has the potential to change the world.


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