SEO/SEM Specialist


As a SEO/SEM Specialist, you will be responsible for the growth of paid and organic traffic by proposing and executing the tactics which include SEO and paid ads strategies. You will also analyze webpage performance, and provide the insights to the Marketing Team for webpage optimization.

To be successful as a SEO/SEM Specialist, you must be willing to keep absorbing knowledge of digital marketing trends and the algorithm updates on SEO and paid ads. You shall have strong management ability to work cross-functionality to encourage change and adoption of best practices for SEO and paid ads.

Key Responsibilities
• Work with the Development Team to ensure SEO best practices are properly implemented
• Collaborate with the Marketing Team to drive SEO in content creation across many languages including English, Japanese, Germany, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese
• Recommend and implement changes to website architecture, content, linking and other factors to improve SEO positions for target keywords
• Recommend changes to website architecture, content, linking and other factors to improve webpage quality and trial/sales conversion rate
• Conduct and present competitive analyses and market research
• Track, analyze, recommend and lead the implementation of improvement initiatives
• Provide basic SEO/SEM training internally



  • 英文(聽:中等、說:中等、讀:精通、寫:精通)

1. In-depth experience with website analytics tools and A/B testing tools
2. In-depth knowledge of SEO/Google Ads factors and key algorithm updates
3. Strong briefing & communication skills
4. Outstanding analytical and problem-solving skills
5. Knowledge and interest in the 2D/3D animation industry is a plus

Google Analytics, Search Console, Google Ads, SEO Tools (e.g. Ahrefs, Moz), Web Analytics Tools (e.g. Crazyegg, Hotjar)


基本資料填寫 => 主管面談 





甲尚公司 - Reallusion 是台灣唯一以動畫軟體行銷全球的國際品牌公司,於 1993 年成立、2000 年於美國矽谷設立公司。結合創新科技與數位內容兩大優勢,自行研發 iClone, Character Creator, Cartoon Animator 等即時動畫工具,以數位行銷無國界方式,經營全球百萬忠誠用戶,更於 2020 年推出 ActorCore 動畫雲端服務,成為業界唯一橫跨 2D, 3D 角色動畫的領先品牌。 甲尚不僅是一家自有品牌軟體研發商, 也同時營運由全球設計師所建構的數位創作銷售平台 - Reallusion Content Store & Market Place, 這是甲尚核心事業最獨特的亮點。 不僅提供了數位藝術創作者最好的發行管道, 也透過 Content 加值,奠定了 Reallusion 快速動畫的產品競爭力。2022年 4 月已完成台灣掛牌興櫃。


【互相尊重】 我們非常重視同理心及人與人的互相尊重,這是個人人皆平等的工作環境,沒有官階與階級,我們重視每個分享與回饋,也重視每個不同的聲音與建議,這裡沒有勾心鬥角,我們用心地傳達每份對人的溫度與尊重。 

【勇於嘗試】 我們不畏懼失敗,在適度地評估風險後快速決策和行動,透過不斷嘗試、驗證、失敗,加速找到更好的solution。我們不咎責,就問題本質討論和尋求優化的方法。 

【持續成長】 在甲尚,沒有墨守成規,只有鼓勵向前,我們重視團隊合作和自我管理,提供挑戰又兼具創意的工作環境,即使面對不同挑戰依然能在過程中快速成長歡迎勇於嘗試的人接受挑戰,想要持續學習並渴望成長就是我們的精神。




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