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Công việc được cập nhật khoảng 4 năm

Mô tả công việc

FinTech - Specialist
- Develop and maintain client and prospective client relationships.
- Continuously train staff of business partners on company offerings.
- Design, develop and implement sales plans and distribution programs.
- Conduct market feasibility and deep-depth market analysis this position requires.
- Execute assign projects.

Yêu cầu

擅長工具: Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word
工作技能: 專案溝通╱整合管理, 提案與簡報技巧, 實體活動規劃與執行, 市場調查資料分析與報告撰寫
證照: 證券商高級業務員,投信投顧業務員,金融市場常識與職業道德,投信投顧相關法規(含自律規範)

This position requires candidates with
- 2+ years’ fund channel sales or fund PM experience along with strong communication skills.
- Good analytical skills and can demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of financial markets and investment products (especially fund)
- Excellent interpersonal and presentation skill.
- Good team player whilst able to work independently.
- Onboarding time: within 2 months
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700,000 ~ 1,300,000 TWD / năm
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Về chúng tôi

TAROBO是台灣本土 FinTech 新創平台,由多位出身於台大、專精金融投資與量化模型的校友共同創辦,目標打造國際級的智能基金投資服務,成為台灣的基金投資人最好的選擇。

TAROBO 結合專業的投研人才與技術人才,真正做到 Fin + Tech,加上創意滿點的網站製作小組,將複雜的金融數據資訊,轉化為清晰易懂的介面。我們正在走沒有人走過的路,如果你對自己的專業執著,願意投入、不怕嘗試、不怕犯錯,更超熱愛在過程中學習、成長,那歡迎你加入與我們並肩作戰~


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