Business Development Director

Updated 3 Months agoSales » Sales Team Lead

Job Description

The candidate we are looking for will accelerate the growth of the ThunderCore BD team, which oversees the company’s partnership projects and activities.

- Prospecting and engaging with potential companies in the fintech or entertainment industries to build their partnership on ThunderCore, including not limited to DApps, crypto infrastructures or NFT
- Driving commercial negotiations and providing technical assistance to prospective partners/clients until the partnership is launched, also including assisting partners throughout the technical integration process
- Motivating and directing team members to optimize workplace productivity and promote professional growth
- Provide feedback from clients and partners to the company’s product and engineering teams to improve ThunderCore service
- Work closely with top managers and other teams and on a regular basis
- Maintain the company’s CRM up to date with current/new deals


- Fluent Chinese and English in both writing and speaking
- Strong communication and presentation skills.
- At least 5 years of relevant working experience in BD or sales, preferably with an international career background in software company, blockchain, banking, finance or gaming industry
- Management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, leadership technique, and coordination of people and resources
- Knowledge about the cryptocurrency industry: main players, market segments, etc

- Passionate about Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and DeFi.
- Technical understanding of crypto platforms and protocols; the ability to explain technical concepts to third parties are preferred
- CRM experience is preferred

Interview process

HR- pitch - interview with department heads

100K ~ 150K TWD/month
Managing 1-5 staff
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About us


Thunder 2018年正式成立,致力於區塊鏈技術研發及應用,並提供國內外企業互聯網及區塊鏈相關系統的設計、規劃等技術服務,以大規模共識機制打造快速、安全,高擴展性的區塊鏈,志在研發和推動Web 3.0,Thunder的科學家不僅創立了加密貨幣合同倡議 (IC3) ,並合作發表了學術界上第一篇關於比特幣和智能合約的學術論文,Thunder為區塊鏈創新的前行者,結合最強的學術研究及區塊鏈技術專家,建構一個可擴展、快速、安全的區塊鏈平台。

Thunder的共同創辦人Chris博士生在台灣,13歲赴美,22 歲獲卡内基梅隆大學 (CMU) 資訊科學博士,是CMU有史以來最快取得電腦科學博士學位的人。Chris曾和遊戲同好創辦著名的社交遊戲公司Playdom,2010年被Disney以5億6千多萬美元收購,創下社交遊戲的新紀錄。之後長達7年,做為阿里巴巴,Glasssdoor, Flipkart, Etsy的早期投資人。

Thunder是一群對區塊鏈熱忱、專業的團隊,我們以人才為中心,重視每位同仁, 提供扁平、有效率的工作環境,讓團隊快速的凝聚及成長,如果你也是區塊鏈的狂熱份子,想與世界頂尖的區塊鏈學者以及經驗豐富的工程師團隊一起合作,共同開發創新的區塊鏈技術,歡迎加入我們!




