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Trend Micro, a global leader in network antivirus and Internet content security software and services, is looking for experienced & talented Visual Designer to join our Design team and be responsible for the look-and-feel and visual design of our web-based services as well as windows application products.

Working at Trend Micro gives you the opportunity to enhance your professional capabilities while being able to protect people from the threats brought by ubiquitous malicious software and web sites. Employees at Trend Micro have long term opportunities and are encouraged to utilize their Supervisors and Human Resources for cross-functional movement to further their careers.

This position requires a self-starter who can effectively work on multiple projects simultaneously, meet aggressive deadlines, and who thrives to bring a passion for elegant design in a dynamic environment, and be skilled at incorporating new and innovative design technologies.

- Work closely with UX designer, product development team to translate requirements and wireframes into a compelling visual design concept.
- Create and maintain visual design spec such as style guide and library.
- Create innovative visual design and interactive prototype to convince product team and stakeholders.
- Work efficiently in an Agile development environment.


- 3+ years visual design experience with BA/BS or higher degree in visual design related field.
- A portfolio with example of comprehensive visual design in mobile, web or software products.
- Familiar with Photoshop, Illustrator or other design tools.
- Strong visual design sense and good presentation skill to communicate design ideas.
- Keen on understanding for user-centered design principle and process.
- Experience in working with a cross-functional creative team.


- 3+ years visual design experience with BA/BS or higher degree in visual design related field.
- A portfolio with example of comprehensive visual design in mobile, web or software products.
- Familiar with Photoshop, Illustrator or other design tools.
- Strong visual design sense and good presentation skill to communicate design ideas.
- Keen on understanding for user-centered design principle and process.
- Experience in working with a cross-functional creative team.


趨勢科技 TrendMicro



你認識趨勢科技嗎?你認識的趨勢科技是什麼樣貌?趨勢科技有什麼過人之處,讓 FBI 自動找上門?讓世界最大跨國警察組織-國際刑警組織 (Interpol) 搶著跟它合作?讓全球 50 大企業中的 45 家企業都成為它的忠實客戶?還讓國內外知名大學拿它當課堂研究案例?現在就來探索你所不知道的趨勢科技!

【 全球安全連結世界的資安領航者 】


【 企業版圖橫跨全球五大洲 】

趨勢科技 1988 年成立於美國加州,總部位於日本東京,於 1998 年正式在日本東京證交所掛牌上市(股票代碼:4704)。自成立以來,趨勢科技以領導性的先進技術迅速在世界五大洲拓展版圖,目前全球營運據點遍及 55 個國家,共有 7,000 位員工。

【 亞洲與台灣最大的純軟體公司 】

趨勢科技在亞洲共計有近 4,000 位同仁,台灣有 1,700 位同仁,擁有超過 1,000 位以上的工程師在台灣,負責研發全球超過 3 千萬名企業、家庭與個人用戶使用的最新及最完整的資訊安全核心技術及產品,是全球的研發中心,更是亞洲與台灣最大的純軟體公司。

【 致力於實現更安全的數位世界 】

  • 與世界最大跨國警察組織 (INTERPOL) 合作,歐洲刑警組織 (Europol) 以及英國國家犯罪局 (NCA) 合作,協助打擊全球網路犯罪
  • 協助 FBI 破獲史上最大的網路犯罪,與FBI共同舉辦網路威脅研討會
  • 協助日本東京都警視廳破獲網路銀行詐騙
  • Cybersecurity Tech Accord(網路資安技術協議)創始會員,聯盟致力保護所有客戶,防止不肖組織和國家發動惡意攻擊。會員包括:Cisco, Facebook, HP, Intel, Microsoft, Nokia, Oracle, Siemens等

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tmfreshman


Digital Marketing Designer

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CakeResume 职缺搜寻



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趨勢科技 TrendMicro的其他热门职缺

R0005967: Full Stack Software Engineer (CTOne)

全职初阶40K+ TWD/大约 1 个月前更新

R0005329: Sr. Data Scientist (AI Lab)

全职中高阶40K+ TWD/大约 1 个月前更新

R0005892: MLOps Engineer (VicOne_Automotive Security)

全职中高阶40K+ TWD/大约 1 个月前更新

R0005665: Embedded Developer - Automotive OTA

全职初阶40K+ TWD/大约 1 个月前更新

R0006065: (Sr.) DevSecOps Tools Engineer

全职中高阶40K+ TWD/大约 1 个月前更新

R0006088: (Sr.) Data Analyst

全职中高阶40K+ TWD/大约 1 个月前更新

R0005958: Customer Service Manager (TW BU)

全职中高阶40K+ TWD/大约 1 个月前更新

R0005648: Technical Consultant(Pre-sales)_TW BU

全职中高阶40K+ TWD/大约 1 个月前更新

Sr. Cloud Service Engineer (VicOne)

全职中高阶1M ~ 1.5M TWD/3 个月前更新