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1976年生。英國連續設計與繪圖文學碩士畢業。擁有約三年藝術行政經驗及六年採訪經歷,善於傾聽協助客戶達成目標,樂於團隊工作與獨立作業。為了解台灣這片土地而踏入農村,挖掘生活周邊平凡故事,愛喝茶。現為文字採訪與編輯,文章發表於旅行好農雜誌、taiwanutea網站等媒體。 Born in 1976. MA in Sequential Design/ Illustration, University of Brighton, UK. With three years in Arts Administration and six years as a freelance journalist, I am a good listener who genuinely loves helping clients to achieve their goals. Versatility to work in a team or independently. With particular interests in farmers, food and tea. My writings have appeared in Good Farmer's Magazine and taiwanutea website.
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