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生活及職場的斜槓。 我是外表高挑亮眼、不柔弱,個性活潑外向,對新事物總有積極求知的渴望及狼性的Claudia。對生活及工作總是充滿熱忱活力,自詡為時下最流行的斜槓青年-攝影、行銷、設計、流行,都是我擅長且熱情所在之處。 同時,對於網路無國界的龐大市場充滿著探索的心、高度的興趣和熱忱,因此鼓起勇氣應徵貴司的職缺,希望能夠跟貴司優秀的夥伴一起創造豐厚的業績! I am a e-commercial sales manager and marketing executive with two years' experience, I am confident that I am an excellent fit for this role and I would be a great addition to not only your team but the whole company. My past experience includes work as a project manager for Taiwan government and market/sales manager at MOMO,Inc. , where I created strategic business plans improve profitability of existing product offerings, and negotiated with cross-functional colleagues for obtaining as much free publicity as possible, managed and forecasted key account metrics to help all accounts consistently grow their business, and I sincerely enjoy it. These experience taught me how to be very organized and how to be a good problem solver. In addition to having a e-commercial and analytical mindset, I have strong data analysis solution knowhow, and am a super user in Excel, Powerpoint, GA analysis as well as statistical analysis systems like SPSS,SAS. I like digging into data to uncover results, or finding solutions to difficult challenges to improve the work. In closing, I am thrilled at the possibility of being the one of your team. I would like to the opportunity to meet you in person and discuss the value that I can bring to ShopBack, and I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing back.
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