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Cyrille Hong

畢業於輔仁大學法文系與大傳系,工作領域包含內容行銷、品牌形象塑造、商業文案、數位廣告操作、高端旅遊企劃、時尚編輯、個人形象諮詢等。 職業生涯橫跨電子媒體、時尚產業、高端旅遊、電商平台等,並借鏡彼此產業之優點,運用其跨界發展與領域融合等合作事項。策劃過多檔廠商合作線下活動,如 Louis Vuitton、Gucci 以及 GQ、Vogue、Tatler Taiwan、The News Lens 和 Traveler Luxe 等媒體曝光。 我喜歡不斷挑戰並時時補充新知識,感到充實滿足的生活。喜歡旅遊、時尚、美食以及許多能為生活帶來快樂的事物,遇到有著相同目標,一起在職場上互相鼓勵合作的夥伴; 希望有這個榮幸與您們聊聊分享我自己。 Graduated from Fu-Jen University, I’ve majored in french language and mass communication. With my experience on digital media, fashion industry, high-end tourism and e-commerce platform, I specialize at the fields of content marketing, branding strategy, copywriting, digital operation on promotion, public relation, planning on high-end tourism and fashion consulting. My business development is mainly around Greater China and areas nearby and to inspire the interindustrial collaboration by merging the advantages, competitiveness and selling point from each side.
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