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貴公司人事主管您好: 我的姓名是麗真,畢業於實踐大學應用外語科,從小因父母親從商,即在服務人群中的環境成長,父母慈祥,對於小孩子們的管教方式採取開放,獨立自由的發展,有更多機會去接觸自己有興趣的事,常灌輸我正確的人生觀念,如何面對問題及處理問題. 目前從事翻譯編輯及聘任補習班兼職英文教師及家教老師,從事於美語教學活動多年經驗, (長頸鹿美語教師合格證書)對於教學的熱忱與學生的互動,教學相長,為學生設計各種不同的教學風格與課程,使學生有個良好的英文學習環境。 教學著重在學生的英文口語表達,幫助學生能有足夠的英語會話能力表達。 學科部份學校考試輔導,並補充課外閱讀及檢定參加,引導式有邏輯性文法教學,學生也可以感覺自己的英文能力在一定的時間和努力之下有快速的提升,並且找到對英文的自信,最重要的是幫助學生們找到對英文的熱情與興趣! 閒暇之餘,靜態喜歡閱讀旅遊、理財方面的書籍,看電影及樂器演奏,動態則熱愛投身於大自然休閒活動,個性是獨立自主,時常抱持著正面樂觀的態度,面對挑戰,並增進專業知識,有效率的能力處理,希望能運用一己之力,謝謝! Dear sir: My name is Jenny Chen. I was born in 1975 and lived in Taipei Country. I majored in Applied English at Shih Chien University and teaching a junior high student at the cram school. I was born in a middle-class family. During my childhood, my parents paid a lot of attention to our education and moral characters, and also the importance of developing an independent and responsible character. My health condition is good. I have patience and persistence, and I,m good at communication. The part-time work I did when I was a student gave me a lot of social experience. I have been worked Bureau of Consular Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs for four years in visa division. I have the ability to communicate effectively with a foreigner and offer about visa information. During my school years, I had learned the professional knowledge of accounting, and I had also brought up a caring attitude. I'm my free time, I learned my second language and the use of computer all by myself. By doing that, I strength than my ability to learn. I always participate actively in the activities I'm interested in and I always paid full effort in doing it. I'm looking forward to my work in the future. I also believe that I can provide perfect and efficient work quality to your company. I also believe that passion for doing a job and the responsibilities are the most important elements for every work. If I can be lucky enough to into your company, I will do a good job. Sincerely, Jenny Chen
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