PORTOFOLIO - The experience of a Planter ( Agry )

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PORTOFOLIO - The experience of a Planter ( Agry )

General Manager Area
Pematangsiantar, Pematang Siantar City, North Sumatra, Indonesia

A Piece of My Journey As Planter

My name is Agry Adhyta Putra Sembiring, a man who was born on September 12, 1987. I was born to both parents who are from the Karo tribe. is the third of four children. I am the best graduate from one of the state-owned universities in Yogyakarta, namely LPP Polytechnic with an Achievement Index of 3.75. and during college I was very active in organizations and served as president of student organizations and several other organizations. 
I was married in 2019 to a very nice Javanese woman and have a son.

My career as a planter began in 2009 when I was accepted to work at PT. Adei Plantation & Industry (KLK Berhad) in Bengkalis regency of ​​Riau and assigned as Field Staff Mandau Utara Estate Muara Basung covering an area of ​​750 hectares consisting of Palm Oil area and Rubber area. During my tenure as Field Staff, every year, I achieved the production targets determined through Team collaboration and the innovations that we carried out.

In Oktober 2012 I joined one of the Palm Oil plantation companies, PT. Citra Riau Sarana, Agro Mandiri Semesta Group (Known by Gama Plantation and now Known by KPN) hilly area, located in Giri sako Kuantan Singingi Regency of Riau with a concession permit covering an area of ​​2,000 hectares. Our team Succeeded in freeing land that was claimed by surrounding community, compiling Harvesting System, building new team for new system implementation, refining the entres area .

in Juni 2013 I accepted the challenge as Head Assistant by Company "Pacu Bakat" Selection System and I passed the selection as Head Assistant at PT Citra Riau Sarana, Sungai Jernih Estate Kuantan Singingi Regency, Riau. 
and in my journey as Head Assistant, I was able to convince management with work performance in the form of improving bushland, increasing production, controlling social conflicts, implementing a harvest system, a good administrative system. so that in the second year, in 2014 I was promoted as the person in charge of the estate manager at the plantation, as my manager was promoted to the representative office.
and in my second year as a responsible manager, in 2015 I was able to achieve the best achievement Estate in 2015.
Due to the achievements that I achieved at Sungai Jernih Estate, in January 2016 I was promoted as a full estate manager (called as Youngest Estate Manager at Plantation) at PT TH Indo Plantation - Gama Plantation Kebun Mahang with peat area conditions and an area of ​​3500 ha.
in the first year, I was tested with many challenges, in the form of flooded area reaching 70% of the area, very severe pruning conditions, lack of harvest and maintenance labor, very poor housing conditions
In terms of improving these conditions, I am able to make good plans to improve the water management system, analyze and map the condition of the house than carry out intensive home repairs, look for wholesale workers to improve pruning conditions, recruit employees and individually approach all employees to complete the needs estate operations workforce
And Alhamdulillah, this condition was able to be resolved in the first year, so that in the second year we were able to explore the production potential better than the previous year.

In January 2018 I was transferred to one of the plantations within the PT TH Indo area, namely Kebun Pulai, with a wider area, 4500 ha, with the same conditions, namely flooded areas, poor housing conditions, and poor work systems.
Our Solid Team also made the same improvements as the previous estate conditions, by improving the water management system, repairing and building houses, recruiting workers and making activities that are closer to employees, implementing a harvesting system with a harvest work group system, implementing a team spray unit, apply "until" fertilizer system. and in 2018 we managed to achieve the  the best achievement Estate in 2018.
and Alhamdulillah, me and 2 harvesters got an extraordinary gift from the company, namely a 12-day Umrah religious trip in April 2019 as a reward for the team's achievements in 2018.

in 2019, with team cohesiveness and a much better work system, the plantation received ISPO and ISCC certificates. and in 2019, Pulai Estate were still able to achieve the estate with the best achievements in 2019

While being a manager at PT TH Indo Plantation from 2016 - 2019 I was also active as a Trainer at the THIP Training Center. active in harvest training, pruning, fertilization, Estate and housing management.

February 2020, along with my desire to seek a better experience at borneo island and income, I joined PT Kruing Lestari Jaya, THA Group (now Smart Tbk) at Sungai Pikan Estate and Sungai Basung Estate, West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan with a hilly area and an area of ​​2500 ha.
and in this estate I was again challenged with very unfavorable conditions, in the form of a bushy "TBM" area, "TM" area that was not maintained, inadequate housing, inadequate employee facilities, poor team cohesiveness, undisciplined work system, poor harvesting system,also restan very high, and social conflict with the community. 
So the first thing I addressed was team cohesiveness by holding togetherness activities, repairing and building employee houses, and preparing wholesale workers to rehabilitate the "TM" and "TBM" areas. conduct regular coordination meetings regarding the labor discipline system, harvest system, FFB transportation system, and work monitoring system
with some improvements that we made in the first 4 months, we were able to control the increase in daily production even one division reached 200% compared to the previous year, and we was the estate with the lowest rest (< 10%), the condition of the "TBM" area was clean and in a good condition. conducive to the surrounding community.

In Jan 2021, I received an offer for a better career path as a GM Plantation at Kencana Agri Ltd, in Area 3 Region Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan which consists 10,843 Has (3 Inti Estate, 1 Plasma Estate & 1 Mill) (and so far it is called as Youngest GM at Plantation).
with the condition of the peat area & Hilly area, and in peat area, that often experiences flooding, due to this problem I have made improvements to the water management system by changing the water zone to 9 zones based on the elevation of the contours of the area, and was able to maintain team consistency in overcoming "restan" at 5% with Good Harvesting dan Transportation system.
While working at Kencana Agri Ltd also, I was able to build a strong and solid team, improve harvest management and care for oil palm plants, conduct recruitment and supervision training programs through the BMDP program batch 1 at Kencana Agri Ltd with Area Manager, resolve community plasma problems, curb theft to zero percent, improving the peat proper to green and improving good relations with all stakeholders.

While being a Group manager at PT Agrojaya Tirta Kencana ( Kencana Agri Ltd) from 2021 - present I was also active as a Trainer at the Kencana Agri Learning Center. active in harvest training, Ground Management, fertilization, Estate management and housing management. at the supervisory foreman level, as well as the Assistant level.

In Mei 2023 until now, I received an offer as a General Manager Area at Bakrie Sumatera Plantation Tbk, in West Sumatera Unit Business (PT Bakrie Pasaman Plantation & PT Citalaras Cipta Indonesia), which consists 18,000 Ha (3 Inti Estate, 1 Plasma Estate & 1 Mill) (with greater responsibilities than previous positions).
Apart from that, I am Also trusted as the Director of PT Bakrie Pasaman Plantation.
with the condition of the peat area & Hilly area, and in peat area, that often experiences flooding, due to this problem I have made improvements to the water management system by changing the water zone to 4 zones based on the elevation of the contours of the area, and was able to maintain team consistency in produduction achievements with Good Harvesting dan Transportation system.
While working at Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk also, I was able to build a strong and solid team, improve harvest management and care for oil palm plants, and increasing the operational effectiveness and efficiency of business units both in the work organization and social environment.

is a biography and journey of a man born in Pematangsiantar named Agry to become a experienced planter from Sumumatera to Borneo Island.
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Published: Jun 16th 2022



Planter warior
palm oil
Plantation Industry
