Existential Crisis

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Existential Crisis

Technical software engineer
You have moments when you start questioning your life, search for meaning in life, reflect a more on yourself and explore the abstract concepts related to your self and your environment. You experience extensive emotions that are disturbing and not self-regulatory, your life seems meaningless and you constantly search for the purpose of your existence. It is when you are experiencing an existential crisis, an existential crisis includes the inner conflicts and anxieties that accompany human responsibility, independence, freedom, issues of purpose and commitment. <a href="https://vcaretherapy.com/what-is-existential-crisis-and-why-do-we-need-help/">existential-crisis</a>|
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Published: Apr 3rd 2020

existential psychotherapy
how to stop comparing yourself to others
person-centered therapy
survivor's guilt
mid-life crisis
heroin addiction
I hate myself
I hate my life
major depressive disorder
life is meaningless
meaning of life
existential crises
existential despair
existential anxiety
existential synonym
existential depression
what is existentialism
existential threat
existential crisis
