Holiday-Related Increases in Auto Insurance Claims

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Holiday-Related Increases in Auto Insurance Claims

Delaware, USA

Holiday-Related Increases in Auto Insurance Claims

Celebrations with loved ones, beautiful décor, and tasty treats are hallmarks of the holiday season. It's also one of the busiest times of year for drivers, which means more accidents. Even the most careful drivers are at risk of accidents during the holidays. That's why it's so important to learn how auto insurers handle claims like this and what you can do to avoid them in the first place. In this article, we'll discuss all the details of making a holiday-related auto insurance claim and provide helpful advice for doing so. Hold on to your seats, because here we go!


In what ways do the holidays typically lead to an increase in car accidents?


An increase in traffic during the holidays equals an increase in accidents. Many different kinds of holiday-related auto accidents are possible.

Accidents involving vehicles colliding in backwards while waiting to turn into a store or parking lot are all too prevalent. There are so many people out buying holiday presents that it's easy to lose track of time and run into the back of a stopped car.


Drunk driving is a major source of accidents, too. The holidays are renowned for raucous gatherings where alcohol is served, which can lead to hazardous driving conditions.


Another common cause of holiday-season car accidents is reckless driving on slick roadways. In the winter, drivers frequently lose control of their vehicles because they fail to account for the increased slippery conditions.


Accidents caused by drivers who are distracted by their phones spike over the holidays. Drivers need to keep their whole attention on the road at all times, even if they're in a hurry or attempting to do something else at the same time, like texting.


Drivers should be aware of numerous different sorts of holiday-related car accidents before hitting the road.


How can you lessen the likelihood of a car crash over the holidays?


Although the holidays are times of merriment and celebration, they also pose dangers on the roads. There are a number of things you can take to lessen your risk of being in a car accident over the holidays.


First and foremost, always make sure your car is in good working order before setting off on a long trip. This includes inspecting the tires, brakes, and oil to ensure they are in good working order. A vehicle that has been properly maintained has a reduced risk of breaking down and causing an accident.


The second piece of advice is to plan ahead and allow plenty of time for travel. People's stress levels rise when they're in a hurry, and that can lead to unsafe driving behaviors like speeding or following too closely.


Thirdly, never get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. Even though it is common knowledge that drinking while driving is illegal and harmful, many people nonetheless make the choice to do so on holidays. If you plan on drinking, make sure you have a sober driver or use a rideshare service.


Wearing a seatbelt is a must while behind the wheel, regardless of how close or far your destination is. In the event of an accident, you and your passengers will be safer with this.


If we all take these precautions over the holidays, we can help reduce the number of car accidents that occur each year.


When the holidays roll around, how do insurance companies handle auto claims?


Insurance companies have procedures in place for resolving claims connected to automobile accidents that occur on holidays. It's similar to filing a claim for any other kind of accident, with a few caveats.


First and foremost, you must immediately report the occurrence to your insurance company. The majority of insurance companies provide emergency phone lines open around the clock where customers can report accidents and initiate claims. Be sure to include specifics such as when and where the accident occurred as well as the names and numbers of any witnesses.


After that, a claims adjuster from your insurance company will look into the situation further. Police records and medical histories may be among the documents they want.


Keep in mind that there may be additional insurance coverage problems if you have an accident while traveling out of the country or out of state over the holidays. It's wise to contact your insurance company ahead of time to find out if they cover incidents that occur in other states or abroad.


Your insurer will decide whether or not to pay out on your claim after they have collected and reviewed all relevant evidence. They will deal with you directly to arrange repairs or reimbursement if your claim is accepted.


In the end, though, each insurer has its own set of restrictions when it comes to auto insurance, so it's important to read the policy terms thoroughly before making a purchase.


Suggestions for Reporting a Holiday-Related Automobile Accident


A automobile accident at this time of year can be very stressful. You can make the process go more smoothly if you know what to expect and how to file your claim properly. Here are some suggestions for filing a claim after a car accident that occurred on a holiday:


First, contact your insurance company as quickly as possible: Let them know there was an accident and provide them all the details they need.


Second, give your insurance company precise information about the incident, including when it occurred, where it occurred, who was involved, and if there were any witnesses.


Third, photograph the wreckage if you can, including the two cars involved.


Maintain records: Save any medical invoices and receipts for any replacement or repair work done on your car.


Avoid making any statements to the insurance company or your lawyer that could be interpreted as an admission of fault for the accident.


Consider retaining legal counsel if you find yourself embroiled in a dispute over who was at fault or the amount of financial damage caused.


Remember that your car insurance policy's deductible and coverage options make your claim one of a kind. Thus, by adhering to these suggestions and keeping in mind the kind of coverage you have chosen with your insurer, you may avoid potential inconsistencies between claims made by various drivers depending on the terms and conditions of their respective policies!


Celebrations with loved ones, beautiful décor, and tasty treats are hallmarks of the holiday season. It's also one of the busiest times of year for drivers, which means more accidents. Even the most careful drivers are at risk of accidents during the holidays. That's why it's so important to learn how auto insurers handle claims like this and what you can do to avoid them in the first place. In this article, we'll discuss all the details of making a holiday-related auto insurance claim and provide helpful advice for doing so. Hold on to your seats, because here we go!
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Published: Sep 8th 2023

Auto Insurance
