How College Students Can Utilize the Library

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How College Students Can Utilize the Library

Visiting Professor
New York, NY, USA

When it comes to college research, you’re going to need more than just Google to find information. Instead, you’ll need to rely on libraries and other sources to keep up with what’s happening in the world. In addition to books, libraries also offer subscription services for scholarly journals and other online resources.

A two-year ethnographic study conducted on college libraries revealed that students rarely ask for help, even when they need it. This means that many students don’t fully understand how their campus library can help them succeed in their studies. Before you start the semester, visit your campus library to find out what’s available. If you’re new to college or are returning to school, this list will provide you with a good overview of the various services that the library can provide.

Accessible Online Resources Accessible

College libraries are becoming more focused on providing convenient and accessible services to their students. They’re also developing online tools that allow them to access thousands of articles and publications, such as magazines and newspapers. As a student, you can log in to these services using the password that’s provided by your school. Most university libraries also provide 24-hour access to their online resources.

Reference Services

Nowadays, it’s no longer necessary to visit a library to ask for help. College libraries are also more focused on providing electronic support, which allows students to ask questions via text, e-mail, or live chat. These services are convenient but remember that you can additionally speak with a librarian in person if needed. One of the most important factors that college libraries consider when it comes to providing information is the expertise of their subject specialists.

Use the Study Rooms

Most students need a study room at some point, whether it’s during midterms or before finals. Group study rooms are also helpful in providing a space to discuss and prepare for various assignments. Ask about the group study room reservation policies of the library. Usually, these rooms are first-come, first-served. Thinking ahead can help make a big difference while planning your study schedule since the rooms often fill up fast during test season.

Take Advantage of Course Reserves

Many instructors require their students to read more than one textbook or a difficult-to-find article for their class. To save you money and provide convenient access, instructors will often place a book or journal article on “reserve” in the library. This usually means you will be able to read the book or article within the library for a particular period of time. When your time is up, you simply return the item, which then makes it available for other students. Sometimes reserve books and articles can be accessed virtually, which eliminates the borrowing time limit for even more convenience.

Get an interlibrary loan

College libraries may provide interlibrary loan services, which allow students to borrow books and articles that their campus library does not currently provide. This type of service can be beneficial when you’re in need of a book or article that your library doesn’t have. Usually, these items can be delivered to you within 10 business days and for free.

There are many reasons why you should use your library to help you earn a degree. The library is a vital part of a college’s academic environment. It can provide a variety of resources and services to help students succeed in their studies. Learning how to navigate through the various sections of the library and the resources they provide can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that utilizing the library can make or break a successful college experience.

Piroska Nagy-Mohacsi talks about how college students can utilize the library and its resources.
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Published: Aug 29th 2022

Piroska Nagy-Mohacsi
