Is Insurance Used to Pay For Facelift Surgery?

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Is Insurance Used to Pay For Facelift Surgery?

Plastic Surgeon
New York, NY, USA

Is Insurance Used to Pay For Facelift Surgery?

As far as Dr. Andrew Jacono reviews is concerned, When it comes to cosmetic surgery, many patients wonder if their insurance will pay for a facelift or other procedures. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, and it depends on several factors. The most important factor is whether or not the surgery is medically necessary.

If the procedure is not medically necessary, health insurance will not cover it. That’s why the Affordable Care Act requires that all insurance marketplace plans cover at least 10 essential health benefits, including procedures to correct a congenital disability or to reconstruct an injured body part.

The ACA also prohibits health insurers from denying coverage to people based on their medical history, which is why they need to verify that you have a legitimate reason for the surgery. They may ask you for medical records, x-rays, and other information. They may also request you to see a doctor or physician before they’ll consider paying for the procedure.

Other factors that help determine whether a procedure is medically necessary include the patient’s age and skin condition. For example, a neck lift for sagging skin and excess neck fat is generally considered purely cosmetic, which makes it unlikely that a patient’s health insurance will cover the procedure.

On the other hand, cosmetic eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) and brow lifts can be considered medically necessary because they reduce or remove heavy upper eyelid skin that affects visual fields. This is an instance where an aesthetically pleasing result can improve the function of the eyelids, which could then impact the patient’s overall quality of life.

Similarly, rhinoplasty (the alteration of the shape and size of the nose) can be considered medically necessary because it is often associated with improving the ability to breathe through the nasal passages. This is an especially important consideration for patients with nasal breathing issues, such as a deviated septum or a narrow nasal passage.

Finally, it’s important to remember that Medicare or Medicaid does not typically cover most plastic and cosmetic surgeries unless they’re specifically needed to treat an accident or improve the function of a malformed body part. However, your state Medicaid program may have some flexibility regarding cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, so make sure to check with your state government before making any final decisions about whether or not the procedure is medically necessary.

While a facelift is not a routinely covered service, it is a popular cosmetic enhancement choice. It can effectively treat common cosmetic concerns, such as sagging facial skin and excess neck fat. It can also improve the appearance of a patient’s eyes, mouth, and chin, making it a great option for patients who desire an aesthetically pleasing result that will benefit their overall health and quality of life.

When it comes to cosmetic surgery, many patients wonder if their insurance will pay for a facelift or other procedures. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, and it depends on several factors. The most important factor is whether or not the surgery is medically necessary.
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Published: Mar 1st 2023
