My Kid's Mentor

Avatar of Claude Vernet Michel.
Avatar of Claude Vernet Michel.

My Kid's Mentor

Frontend Developer
Kaohsiung, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

My kid's Mentor

My kid's Mentor

My Kid's Mentor is a platform for kids which offers help and advices to parents via courses on topics such as kids being bullied in school or kids' behavior.

心伴My kid’s Mentor 是專為兒童打造的線上課程平台,透過專業網站平台提供各式各樣線上心理健康的課程及資源,主題多元且豐富,如:兒童人際關係、行為、情緒⋯⋯等。

Technology used: 

- Front-end (Angular, CSS3, HTML5) from scratch

- Back-end: Firebase (Hosting, Authentication, Realtime Database, Storage)

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