
Avatar of Patricia Garcia.
Avatar of Patricia Garcia.



Game Design: A Touch of Zen2

This work is a 3D RPG game inspired by the film 'A Touch of Zen.' In the game, players take on the role of the female protagonist, Yang Zhiyun, as they embark on a quest to find a treasure called the 'Golden Thread Crown' within the city of Baoyou. Players progress through the storyline by following clues and achieving the ultimate ending through puzzles, mini-games, and various interactive elements.

Our Feature: 1. Chinese Traditional Culture

1.The city of Baoyou in this game is inspired by the ancient Song Dynasty's 'Great City,' combining the dignified and solemn beauty of ancient city-states with the flexibility and freedom found in street scenes and mansio.

2.The game advances its storyline by interweaving various traditional Chinese cultural customs, such as making lanterns during the Lantern Festival, lantern shooting competitions, lantern viewing, and chess playing.


2.Dual Narrative Threads.

The main storyline advances the plot, while the secondary storyline delves into the background story to enhance the player's flow experience.


Our Challenges: The challenges in program implementation

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Published: Oct 15th 2023
