The ethical aspects of cosmetic surgery?

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The ethical aspects of cosmetic surgery?

Plastic Surgeon

What are your feelings about the ethical aspects of cosmetic surgery?

Cosmetic surgery has become popular as people attempt to obtain their ideal appearance. While the advantages of cosmetic surgery are obvious, ethical concerns should not be neglected. Cosmetic surgery is considered optional, which means it is not medically essential. This raises concerns regarding the ethics of such techniques. Some say that cosmetic surgery is just a matter of personal preference and that people can change their bodies as they see appropriate. Others say that cosmetic surgery perpetuates damaging societal beauty standards and encourages people to adhere to unattainable goals.

Dr. Andrew A. Jacono believes that one of the most serious issues is that cosmetic surgery may generate or reinforce a restricted definition of beauty. Many people want cosmetic surgery to adhere to societal conventions or to blend in with specific groups. This temptation to conform is especially intense for women, who are frequently judged based on their physical appearance. Pursuing an unrealistic ideal can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, and cosmetic surgery may contribute to this cycle by implying that one's natural appearance is inadequate.

Another ethical concern with cosmetic surgery is the risk of injury. Cosmetic operations, like any surgery, offer some level of risk. Infection, scarring, and nerve injury are all possible risks during or after surgery. Patients may be disappointed with the results of their surgery in some situations, necessitating additional treatments to rectify the problem. There is also the potential for cosmetic surgery addiction, in which people get preoccupied with changing their appearance and undertake several surgeries that are not medically necessary.

There are psychological dangers involved with cosmetic surgery in addition to physical risks. Body dysmorphic disorder, a mental health illness characterized by a distorted sense of one's own appearance, may develop in some patients. These people may never be satisfied with the results of their surgery and may seek additional procedures in their never-ending quest for perfection.

Despite these reservations, there are compelling arguments in favour of cosmetic surgery. Many people who get cosmetic operations say they have more self-confidence and a better quality of life. Cosmetic surgery can help people feel more at ease in their skin and may even improve physical discomfort caused by big breasts or a deviated septum.

Finally, the decision to get cosmetic surgery should be taken individually. Before deciding on any operation, patients should carefully weigh the risks and advantages. Selecting a knowledgeable surgeon who has performed the desired treatment before and has realistic expectations about the outcome is critical. To summarize, while cosmetic surgery can provide several benefits to people wishing to improve their looks, evaluating the ethical implications of these treatments is critical.

Cosmetic surgery feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem by perpetuating detrimental cultural beauty standards. These procedures also carry physical and psychological hazards that should be addressed. Finally, the decision to get cosmetic surgery is personal and should be taken after carefully weighing the potential dangers and advantages.

There is also the potential for cosmetic surgery addiction, in which people get preoccupied with changing their appearance and undertake several surgeries that are not medically necessary.
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Published: Apr 18th 2023
