WaCare-Android App-A Health Management Tool

Avatar of Ho-Kuan, Shen 沈和寬.
Avatar of Ho-Kuan, Shen 沈和寬.

WaCare-Android App-A Health Management Tool

Front-end Engineer
New Taipei City, Taiwan

● Employer: La Vida Tec Co., Ltd

● User Scenarios:

WaCare is a global health management tool that integrates open government data, wearable devices, and personal health records (PHR) to the WaCare AI predictive engine. It provides users access effectively to a healthy behavior model and get to predict health risks in advance. Through active risk notification, online medical practitioner referral, and peer and family outreach actions, WaCare can effectively detect health risks early and enhance health awareness to the public.

● Team Structure:

1. Front-end:3

2. Back-end(API):3

3. Designer:1

4. QA:1

5. DevOps:1

● Programing Language:

1. Java

2. Kotlin

● Responsibility:

1. Product delivery

1.1. I developed the first version product with my colleagues based on the UI sketch. After passing the QA test, I released it on the Google Play Store successfully.

2. Product optimization

2.1. I implemented the MVVM architect based on "clean architecture" to reduce coupling from the codebase and improve the data flow.

2.2. I applied the App Bundle format to reduce the released bundle size by 70%.

● Framework:

1. Android Architecture Component(MVVM)

1.1. LiveData - v2.1.0

1.2. ViewModel - v2.1.0

1.3. Room - v2.1.0

1.4. Paging -v2.1.0

2. Retrofit2 - v2.3.0

2.1. okhttp3 - v4.3.1 3. RxJava2 - v2.2.8

3.1. rxandroid - v2.0.2 4. Dagger2 - v2.16

● Features:

1. Member system is supported, including SSO such as Facebook, Google, Line.

2. Privacy data encryption is supported by implementing algorithms such as ECC, RSA, AES.

3. Show notification messages from Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).

4. The chatroom system was supported, including text, image, audio messages. The data was stored in the firebase realtime database and firebase cloud storage.

5. Data visualization is supported by implement multi-types of charts from "android-DecoView-charting."

6. Online payment is supported, including CTBC, LINE, NEWEB.

● Reference Links:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lavidatec.wacare

1. Download from Google Play Store 

2. Brief video intro: https://youtu.be/WI4jTTZfgd4 

3. Related news: https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20190321003655-260405?chdtv

A health management app
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Published: Apr 2nd 2020



