What are the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy?

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Avatar of Rina Caprarella.

What are the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy?

Glen Head, NY, USA

What are the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy?

Numbness or lack of feeling is another characteristic of peripheral neuropathy. This might make it challenging to sense hot or cold temperatures, decreasing coordination and balance. Peripheral neuropathy may cause muscular weakness, making it harder to perform routine actions like gripping things or walking.

Peripheral neuropathy is a disorder that affects the nerves not connected to the brain or spinal cord. It may be caused by various reasons, including diabetes, chemotherapy, and infections. Peripheral neuropathy symptoms might vary depending on the underlying cause, but there are specific standard warning signals to watch for.

Pain is one of the most prevalent symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. This discomfort may be a burning, tingling, or stabbing feeling, varying from minor to severe. It is often felt in the hands and feet but may also affect other body parts.

Peripheral neuropathy may induce emotional and mental health problems and physical symptoms. Many persons with this illness report feeling nervous or sad and having trouble sleeping.

You must contact a healthcare expert for an accurate diagnosis if you have any of these symptoms. Treatment for peripheral neuropathy may vary depending on the underlying cause and may involve medication, physical therapy, or lifestyle modifications such as better blood sugar management in diabetics.

Overall, peripheral neuropathy is a complex disease to treat. Despite this, many individuals may find relief from their symptoms and improve their quality of life with the right therapy and assistance.

Numbness or lack of feeling is another characteristic of peripheral neuropathy. This might make it challenging to sense hot or cold temperatures, decreasing coordination and balance. Peripheral neuropathy may cause muscular weakness, making it harder to perform routine actions like gripping things or walking.
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Published: Mar 22nd 2023
