Why Good Employees Quit & Strategies for Retention

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Why Good Employees Quit & Strategies for Retention

Five Reasons Why Good Employees Quit and Strategies for Retention

It is no secret that employee turnover can have a significant impact on any business. Not only does it lead to higher recruitment and training costs, but it also affects the overall productivity and company culture of the workplace. To keep your business running efficiently, it is essential to keep good people from leaving your workplace.

According to the Center for American Progress, the cost of replacing an employee can range from 16% of their annual salary for low-skilled positions to 213% of their annual salary for highly skilled positions.

The key to successful retention is understanding why good employees quit in the first place. In this blog post, we will explore the various reasons why good employees may choose to leave their current workplace and how employers can take steps to keep them engaged and motivated.

Common Reasons Why Good Employees Quit

It’s no secret that good employees are hard to come by. Keeping your best and brightest is key to having a successful business, but sometimes it can be difficult to retain them. It’s important to understand why good employees choose to leave their job to ensure that your company can keep the stuff you need. Here are the five common reasons why good employees quit.

Lack of growth and development opportunities: 

Good employees often want to advance their careers and take on new challenges. If there are no development opportunities available or if career advancement is limited, employees may feel that their potential is not being maximized. They may become dissatisfied with their current role and opt to find a position elsewhere that offers more growth and learning opportunities.

Inadequate compensation and benefits: 

Money isn’t everything, but it still plays a big role in job satisfaction. Employees who feel they aren’t being paid enough or don’t receive adequate recognition or benefits may look for other positions where they can get compensated better.

Poor management and leadership:

 Poor management and leadership can have a significant impact on employee morale. An unsupportive or bad manager who fails to effectively communicate with their team or micromanages can be a major source of dissatisfaction for employees. Good employees may decide to move on if they are not getting the support or guidance they need from their managers.

Toxic work environments:

 Toxic work environments can be damaging to employee morale and well-being. Harassment, discrimination, and a lack of work-life balance can create an environment that is hostile and unhealthy for employees. This can cause good employees to seek out a more positive workplace where they can thrive.

Misalignment with company values:

 It’s important for employees to feel like their values align with the company’s mission and culture. If they don’t feel a sense of belonging or purpose in their work, they may become unmotivated and disengaged. This can lead to them eventually leaving the company in search of a better fit.

Good employees are essential to any organization’s success, so it’s important to understand why they might decide to leave. By being aware of the common reasons why good employees quit, employers can take steps to ensure that their teams are supported, engaged, and happy in their roles.

Strategies for Employee Retention

Providing clear and achievable career growth paths and opportunities for skill development: 

A sense of career progression is often one of the key motivators for employees. Developing learning opportunities for existing employees helps build confidence and can give them a feeling of loyalty to their company, as well as boost productivity. Offerings could include structured on-the-job training, formal courses, or mentoring programs to help guide and develop the employee.

Competitive compensation and benefits packages: 

This can range from salaries to bonuses, profit-sharing plans, retirement savings plans, and other incentives. Ensuring that compensation remains competitive with industry standards can demonstrate your commitment to your staff and help attract and retain top talent.

Having effective leadership and management practices: 

Employees should be given regular communication, recognition, and feedback. Managers should ensure that employees feel their input is valued and respected and recognize their hard work and contributions to the team. Promoting a healthy work culture where everyone feels respected and included is also important, as is offering flexible working arrangements or other accommodations that can help promote work-life balance.

Creating opportunities for them to connect with the company’s values, purpose, and mission: 

Employees who have a strong sense of connection to their employer are more likely to stay loyal and engaged in their role over time. This could involve communicating the company’s mission clearly through ongoing communications or organizing events that allow employees to get to know each other better and discuss the company’s goals. By connecting employees with the purpose of the organization, you are more likely to retain them for longer periods of time.


In conclusion, it is clear that there are several common reasons why good employees quit. These include a lack of growth opportunities, a lack of support from supervisors, unmet expectations, and poor workplace culture. It is therefore important to understand and address these reasons to improve employee retention.

Investing in employee retention strategies can go a long way toward creating a supportive and engaging work environment. This helps retain top talent and drives organizational success. Doing so can help you stop good people from leaving your workplace. To ensure that your best employees stay with you for the long term, make sure that you pay close attention to their needs and provide them with the right tools and resources they need to succeed.

Why Good Employees Quit & Strategies for Retention
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Published: May 2nd 2023

Center for American Progress
