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Sr. Staff Android Engineer 資深主任安卓工程師

Công việc được cập nhật hơn 2 năm

Mô tả công việc


我們正在尋找 資深Android主任工程師 來加入我們的手機核心團隊,手機核心團隊負責提供牢固且模組化的套件來幫助產品團隊能夠持續地、快速地、低風險地完成產出。
資深Android主任工程師 要幫助制定 Android 團隊技術方向並驅動所有團隊不斷地完善自我。



1. 使用原生的 Android 語言開發,提供吸引人的使用者體驗並兼顧高度的可測試性。
2. 確保我們的程式架構夠彈性以因應不同的變動,來符合新創團隊快速的步調。
3. 設定 Android 團隊的技術目標。
4. 幫助其他工程團隊提升生產力。
5. 提升 Android 團隊的技術與能力。
6. 與產品、設計團隊溝通合作,確保符合產品方向與良好的使用者體驗。

The Role

We are seeking a Sr. Staff level Android engineer to join our core mobile team.

The core mobile team builds and maintains a secure, modular mobile platform, allowing our product teams to ship quickly, safely, sustainably.

A Sr. Staff Engineer will help set the technical vision for the platform and drive the continuous improvement of both the platform and the team. You enjoy being full-time hands-on with code as well as collaborating with your engineering, product, and design colleagues. Your designs and solutions are clean and you can communicate them clearly to both your team and to product and engineering leaders. You are driven to ship value to our members frequently. You enjoy being part of a high-performing team.

What you’ll do:

  1. Build engaging, testable native Android mobile experience for our members
  2. Ensure that our codebase remains easy to change and is always shippable
  3. Participate in setting the technical vision for Android team
  4. Ensure our mobile platform allows for multiple vertical teams to easily delivery value
  5. Grow Android team skills and capabilities
  6. Communicate and collaborate with product and design

Yêu cầu


1. 展示近期開發的手機 app 軟體。
2. 7 年以上的軟體開發經驗。
3. 4 年以上的 Android 原生手機 app 開發經驗。
4. 精通 Android app 架構設計與設計模式。
5. 撰寫擴展性高、可靠性高、高內聚力與低耦合度的程式碼。
6. 樂於挑戰新領域。
7. 樂於與他人協作。
8. 樂於展現領導能力。


1. 具備開發 frameworks 的經驗。
2. 具備大型、複雜的重構經驗。
3. 科技足跡,例如專利。
4. 熟悉 CI/CD。
5. 熟悉 UI/Unit 測試。
6. 具備直播相關領域知識。

What you’ll need:

  1. Recent, demonstrable experience shipping mobile apps frequently, safely, sustainably, according to the principles of Continuous Delivery
  2. 7+ years of Software development experience
  3. 4+ years experience building native mobile apps for Android
  4. Conversant in mobile architecture and patterns
  5. Write robust, extensible, reliable, high cohesion and low coupling codes
  6. Willingness to learn new business domains
  7. Willingness to collaborate with others to get stuff done
  8. Willingness to grow your leadership skills

Nice to have:

  1. Experience with building frameworks
  2. Experience with complicated refactoring
  3. Technical footprint such as patents
  4. Familiar with CI/CD
  5. Familiar with UI/Unit testing
  6. Streaming domain knowledge
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1,500,000+ TWD / năm
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17LIVE是個打破傳統、創造歷史,顛覆過往的共享直播串流社群娛樂平台!2015年我們從台灣出發,在互聯網狂潮下,17LIVE以即時互動,直播串流,AI、Machine Learning等技術,融合娛樂、遊戲、社群等多種商業模式於一身,站在巨大的歷史變動中,提供最佳體驗、流暢不中斷的個人頻道,顛覆傳統媒介,開創屬於自己的娛樂世界,讓所有人自由擁有對外發聲,找到同好,取得娛樂!現在我們已將業務和團隊擴展到全球,進駐到香港,日本,美國,中東,中國,印度,東南亞。並在全世界超過5,000萬個用戶,每日有上萬個小時的直播內容從17LIVE平台向全球傳播。

17LIVE 集團目前全球已有800 位以上的員工,身為一家跨國經營公司,我們的人才來自於世界各地,擁有各種不同的經歷與背景,一同乘上造夢的船,朝著相同方向努力邁進!隨著時代發展,我們串連電商購物、娛樂經紀、音訊直播等服務,發展出集團內其他子公司Wave音浪、OrderPally 全方位社群直播電商系統、HandsUP舉手購物,串連上下左右,以全方位服務社會。



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