Android/Linux 軟體研發高級工程師(林口園區)

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Advantech 工業級平板電腦系列提供多款強固型裝置,包括用於現場服務的現場專用平板電腦、半強固型平板電腦及強固型平板電腦。 這些裝置係以耐用性與穩定性為製造重點,能承受最嚴苛的作業環境。 全系列產品皆可依據特殊商業需求進行客製化,作為擷取、處理與傳送資料的平台,例如製造、倉儲、軍事、飛航操作專用的電子飛行包、現場服務、運輸、警察、消防及其他緊急服務。


1. Qualcomm SDx Android BSP development and integration.

2. Android Kernel driver debugging and issue classification.

3. Android native Framework Customization develops.

4. Security patch merge and STS Testing.


1. Proficient in ARM system

2. Proficient in Java/C/C++/python languages

3. Proficient in the basic working principle and driver framework of the Android kernel, more than 2 year BSP driver development experience

4. Experience in the Android framework for more than 2 year

5. Experience in Qualcomm platform will be plus

6. Experience in BSP more than 3~5 years will be plus


Advantech 研華科技



研華為物聯網智能系統與嵌入式平台產業之全球領導廠商,並以「智能地球的推手」作為企業品牌願景。為迎接物聯網、大數據與人工智慧之大趨勢,研華提出以Edge Intelligence WISE PaaS為核心之物聯網軟、硬體解決方案,以協助夥伴客戶串接產業鏈;此外,亦積極偕同各產業夥伴「共創」產業生態圈,以加速實踐產業智能化之目標。

Advantech’s corporate vision is to enable an intelligent planet. The company is a global leader in the fields of IoT intelligent systems and embedded platforms. To embrace the trends of IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence, Advantech promotes IoT hardware and software solutions with the Edge Intelligence WISE-PaaS core to assist business partners and clients in connecting their industrial chains. Advantech is also working with business partners to co-create business ecosystems that accelerate the goal of industrial intelligence.


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Software Engineer - 內湖/林口園區

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