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資料分析師 Data Analyst

Job updated alrededor de 4 años ago

Descripción del trabajo


【Job Description】

Using data modelling for behavioral data to discover the underlying relations between people, environment, and the corporations, gaining insights and understandings into the intricate interactions, and providing effective estimations.


- Applying machine learning and deep learning techniques to analyze behavioral data.

- Developing new methods to handle various types of available variables and behavior records. Fields include but are not limited to social media interactions and marketing records.

- Discuss with project managers and provide solutions to the corporations using above-mentioned data mining techniques.


- 國語良好,英語良好。
- 熟悉Python與R之資料分析套件,並具Python程式開發經驗。
- 具機器學習及深度學習之相關經驗。能使用套件進行機器學習,並有使用tensorflow、pytorch或keras建立深度學習模型之經驗與能力。
- 具有獨立學習、探索新事物的熱情、能力與毅力。
- 基礎Linux作業系統操作經驗。
- 統計、數學、財工、資管、資科相關科系畢業為佳。曾修習機器學習、大數據、數值分析、線性代數、非線性規畫、最佳化相關課程者為佳。
- 具機器學習、深度學習或大數據相關程式設計經驗者為佳。
- 具有行銷或金融之背景者佳。
- 具AWS或GCP等雲端運算平台操作經驗。
- 英語(聽、說、讀、寫)能力優良。

- Ability to work in Mandarin with your co-workers and to acquire necessary knowledge in English. Good communication skills are also necessary for the job involves intensive discussion with the project managers.
- Experience with analytics, machine learning, and deep learning in R and/or Python; experience with at least one of the deep learning packages, including but not limited to packages like tensorflow, keras, and pytorch, etc.
- Be able and willing to explore and learn new technologies and algorithms and work hands-on to realize the solutions.
- Basic knowledge of working on a Linux system.
- Tempered with pragmatic ability to prioritize.
- Awareness of business objectives and ability to apply this understanding to product development.

- Graduates or masters in statistics, mathematics, financial engineering, computer/information science, information management, or other related fields.
- Taken courses including machine learning, big data, numeric analysis, non-linear programming, optimization methods, or other related courses.
- Working experience in digital marketing, economic analysis, or applications of finance.
- Experience with cloud computing platform like AWS, GCP, etc.
- Excellent competence in English.
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Akousist AI 網資科技股份有限公司
Inteligencia Artificial / Aprendizaje Automático
11 - 50 people

Sobre nosotros

Akousist AI 網資科技設立於2018年5月31日,於2019年開始建立團隊,致力於研發人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence, AI)技術,從深度學習、自然語言、影像辨識、知識圖譜、生成式 AI 、大型語言模型等都是網資擅長的技術範疇,期待透過有效地整合專家知識數據,協助生技與醫學知識工作者,輔助專家做決策並縮短作業時間。

Akousist AI 網資科技的客戶與夥伴以教學醫院、生技公司居多,包含三軍總醫院、馬偕醫院、尖端醫、華聯生技、精誠資訊、佳世達、美國Stanford University Medical Center、日本Advalife Science等,未來也將與更多醫療領域的夥伴展開合作。

Akousist AI 網資科技由一群富有創意的跨領域人才所組成,我們秉持「勇於挑戰、突破界限」的信念,期望將人工智慧核心技術落地化,提升人類福祉。




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